2      4           A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H      I      J      K      L      M      N      O      P      Q      R      S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z  
No Kode Deskripsi 1 Deskripsi 2
1  C67.9  CA blader  Neoplasma ganas kandung kemih , tidak spesifik
2  C68.0  CA buli buli  Neoplasma ganas uretra
3  C18.0  CA caecum  Neoplasma ganas dari sekum
4  C53.9  CA cerviks  Neoplasma ganas serviks uteri , tidak spesifik
5  C22.1  CA chalangio  Saluran empedu intrahepatik karsinoma
6  C76.0  CA coll / ca Squo mous cell / inverte papiloma cav. nasi  Neoplasma ganas kepala , wajah dan leher
7  C54.9  CA corpus  Neoplasma ganas korpus uteri , tidak spesifik
8  C15.9  CA esopagus  Neoplasma ganas kerongkongan , tidak spesifik
9  C54.1  CA ewametrium  Neoplasma ganas endometrium
10  C40.2  CA femur / osteo sarcoma lutut  Neoplasma ganas tulang panjang ekstremitas bawah
11  C77.9  CA gland ( kalenjar )  Neoplasma ganas sekunder dan tidak spesifik dari kelenjar getah bening , tidak spesifik
12  C32.9  CA laring  Neoplasma ganas laring , tidak spesifik
13  C02.9  CA lidah  Neoplasma ganas lidah , tidak spesifik
14  C50.9  CA mama  Neoplasma ganas payudara , tidak spesifik
15  C41.1  CA mandibula  Neoplasma ganas mandibula
16  C11.9  CA nesofaring  Neoplasma ganas nasofaring , tidak spesifik
17  C05.9  CA palata  Neoplasma ganas dari langit-langit , tidak spesifik
18  C25.9  CA pancreas  Neoplasma ganas pankreas , tidak spesifik
19  C76.3  CA pantat  Neoplasma ganas dari panggul
20  D37.0  CA parotis ( pinggang )  Neoplasma perilaku tidak pasti atau tidak diketahui bibir , rongga mulut dan faring
21  C34.1  CA paru  Neoplasma ganas dari lobus atas , bronkus atau paru-paru
22  C60.9  CA penis  Neoplasma ganas penis , tidak spesifik
23  C55  CA RAHIM / UTERUS / CARSINOMA UTERY / NEOPLASMA GANAS UTERUS / YTT  Neoplasma ganas rahim , bagian yang tidak spesifik
24  C20  CA RECTI  Neoplasma ganas rektum
25  C18.7  CA sigmoid  Neoplasma ganas dari usus sigmoid
26  C51.9  CA tibia  Neoplasma ganas vulva , tidak spesifik
27  C52  CA VAGINA  Neoplasma ganas vagina
28  Q03.0  cacat bawaan / hydrocepalus bayi  Malformasi saluran air dari Sylvius
29  R64  CACHEXIA  cachexia
30  I25.1  CAD / CHD ( PJK )  Penyakit jantung aterosklerotik
31  T56.3  Cadmium and its compounds  Efek toksik kadmium dan senyawanya
32  L81.3  CafT au lait spots  Bintik-bintik cafe au lait
33  T70.3  Caisson disease [decompression sickness]  Efek dari penyakit caisson [ dekompresi sickness ]
34  M77.3  Calcaneal spur  calcaneal memacu
35  M75.3  Calcific tendinitis of shoulder  Kalsifikasi tendinitis bahu
36  M65.27  Calcific tendinitis, ankle and foot  
37  M65.23  Calcific tendinitis, forearm  
38  M65.24  Calcific tendinitis, hand  
39  M65.26  Calcific tendinitis, lower leg  
40  M65.20  Calcific tendinitis, multiple sites  
41  M65.28  Calcific tendinitis, other site  
42  M65.25  Calcific tendinitis, pelvic region and thigh  
43  M65.21  Calcific tendinitis, shoulder region  
44  M65.29  Calcific tendinitis, site unspecified  
45  M65.22  Calcific tendinitis, upper arm  
47  M61.37  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, ankle and foot  
48  M61.33  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, forearm  
49  M61.34  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, hand  
50  M61.36  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, lower leg  
51  M61.30  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, multiple sites  
52  M61.38  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, other site  
53  M61.35  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, pelvic region and thigh  
54  M61.31  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, shoulder region  
55  M61.39  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, site unspecified  
56  M61.32  Calcification and ossification of muscles associated with burns, upper arm  
57  L94.2  Calcinosis cutis  Calcinosis Cutis
58  M71.47  Calcium deposit in bursa, ankle and foot  
59  M71.43  Calcium deposit in bursa, forearm  
60  M71.44  Calcium deposit in bursa, hand  
61  M71.46  Calcium deposit in bursa, lower leg  
62  M71.40  Calcium deposit in bursa, multiple sites  
63  M71.48  Calcium deposit in bursa, other site  
64  M71.45  Calcium deposit in bursa, pelvic region and thigh  
65  M71.41  Calcium deposit in bursa, shoulder region  
66  M71.49  Calcium deposit in bursa, site unspecified  
67  M71.42  Calcium deposit in bursa, upper arm  
68  T46.1  Calcium-channel blockers  Keracunan oleh kalsium - channel blockers
69  Y52.1  Calcium-channel blockers causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi kalsium - channel blockers
70  N21.0  Calculus in bladder  Kalkulus dalam kandung kemih
71  K80.3  Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis  Kalkulus saluran empedu dengan cholangitis
72  K80.4  Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis  Kalkulus saluran empedu dengan kolesistitis
73  K80.0  Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis  Kalkulus kandung empedu dengan kolesistitis akut
74  K80.1  Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis  Kalkulus kandung empedu dengan kolesistitis lain
76  N20.2  Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter  Kalkulus ginjal dengan kalkulus ureter
78  N21.9  Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified  Kalkulus dari saluran kemih bagian bawah , tidak spesifik
79  N42.0  Calculus of prostate  Kalkulus prostat
80  N20.1  Calculus of ureter  Kalkulus ureter
81  N22.8  Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases classified elsewhere  Kalkulus dari saluran kemih pada penyakit lain yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
82  A83.5  California encephalitis  Ensefalitis California
83  B05  CAMPAK  
84  A04.5  Campylobacter enteritis  Campylobacter enteritis
85  B37.6  Candidal endocarditis (I39.8*)  Endokarditis candida
86  B37.7  Candidal septicaemia  Septicemia candida
87  B37.0  Candidal stomatitis  Candida stomatitis
89  B37.9  Candidiasis / monoliasis  Candidiasis , tidak spesifik
90  B37.8  Candidiasis of other sites  Kandidiasis situs lain
91  B37.4  Candidiasis of other urogenital sites  Kandidiasis situs urogenital lainnya
92  B37.2  Candidiasis of skin and nail  Kandidiasis kulit dan kuku
93  B37.3  Candidiasis of vulva and vagina (N77.1*)  Kandidiasis dari vulva dan vagina
94  A63.0  candiloma acuminatum  Anogenital ( kelamin ) kutil
95  J66.2  Cannabinosis  Cannabinosis
96  T40.7  Cannabis (derivatives)  Keracunan oleh ganja ( derivatif )
97  P12.8  capul succedonum  Cedera lahir lainnya ke kulit kepala
98  V43.09  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
99  V43.01  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
100  V43.08  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
101  V43.03  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
102  V43.00  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
103  V43.04  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
104  V43.02  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
105  V43.59  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
106  V43.51  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
107  V43.58  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
108  V43.53  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
109  V43.50  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
110  V43.54  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
111  V43.52  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
112  V43.19  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
113  V43.11  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
114  V43.18  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
115  V43.13  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
116  V43.10  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
117  V43.14  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
118  V43.12  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
119  V43.69  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
120  V43.61  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
121  V43.68  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
122  V43.63  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
123  V43.60  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
124  V43.64  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
125  V43.62  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
126  V43.79  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
127  V43.71  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
128  V43.78  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
129  V43.73  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
130  V43.70  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
131  V43.74  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
132  V43.72  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
133  V43.29  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
134  V43.21  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
135  V43.28  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
136  V43.23  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
137  V43.20  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
138  V43.24  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
139  V43.22  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
140  V43.39  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
141  V43.31  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
142  V43.38  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
143  V43.33  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
144  V43.30  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
145  V43.34  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
146  V43.32  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
147  V43.99  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
148  V43.91  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
149  V43.98  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
150  V43.93  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
151  V43.90  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
152  V43.94  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
153  V43.92  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while working for an income  
154  V43.49  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
155  V43.41  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
156  V43.48  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
157  V43.43  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
158  V43.40  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
159  V43.44  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
160  V43.42  Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
161  V47.09  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
162  V47.01  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
163  V47.08  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
164  V47.03  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
165  V47.00  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
166  V47.04  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
167  V47.02  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
168  V47.59  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
169  V47.51  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
170  V47.58  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
171  V47.53  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
172  V47.50  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
173  V47.54  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
174  V47.52  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
175  V47.19  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
176  V47.11  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
177  V47.18  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
178  V47.13  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
179  V47.10  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
180  V47.14  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
181  V47.12  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
182  V47.69  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
183  V47.61  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
184  V47.68  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
185  V47.63  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
186  V47.60  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
187  V47.64  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
188  V47.62  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
189  V47.79  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
190  V47.71  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
191  V47.78  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
192  V47.73  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
193  V47.70  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
194  V47.74  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
195  V47.72  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
196  V47.29  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
197  V47.21  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
198  V47.28  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
199  V47.23  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
200  V47.20  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
201  V47.24  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
202  V47.22  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
203  V47.39  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
204  V47.31  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
205  V47.38  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
206  V47.33  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
207  V47.30  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
208  V47.34  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
209  V47.32  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
210  V47.99  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
211  V47.91  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
212  V47.98  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
213  V47.93  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
214  V47.90  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
215  V47.94  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
216  V47.92  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while working for an income  
217  V47.49  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
218  V47.41  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
219  V47.48  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
220  V47.43  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
221  V47.40  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
222  V47.44  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
223  V47.42  Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
224  V44.09  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
225  V44.01  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
226  V44.08  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
227  V44.03  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
228  V44.00  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
229  V44.04  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
230  V44.02  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
231  V44.59  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
232  V44.51  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
233  V44.58  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
234  V44.53  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
235  V44.50  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
236  V44.54  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
237  V44.52  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
238  V44.19  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
239  V44.11  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
240  V44.18  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
241  V44.13  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
242  V44.10  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
243  V44.14  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
244  V44.12  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
245  V44.69  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
246  V44.61  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
247  V44.68  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
248  V44.63  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
249  V44.60  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
250  V44.64  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
251  V44.62  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
252  V44.79  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
253  V44.71  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
254  V44.78  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
255  V44.73  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
256  V44.70  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
257  V44.74  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
258  V44.72  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
259  V44.29  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
260  V44.21  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
261  V44.28  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
262  V44.23  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
263  V44.20  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
264  V44.24  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
265  V44.22  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
266  V44.39  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
267  V44.31  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
268  V44.38  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
269  V44.33  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
270  V44.30  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
271  V44.34  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
272  V44.32  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
273  V44.99  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
274  V44.91  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
275  V44.98  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
276  V44.93  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
277  V44.90  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
278  V44.94  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
279  V44.92  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while working for an income  
280  V44.49  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
281  V44.41  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
282  V44.48  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
283  V44.43  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
284  V44.40  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
285  V44.44  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
286  V44.42  Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
287  V46.09  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
288  V46.01  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
289  V46.08  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
290  V46.03  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
291  V46.00  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
292  V46.04  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
293  V46.02  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
294  V46.59  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
295  V46.51  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
296  V46.58  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
297  V46.53  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
298  V46.50  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
299  V46.54  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
300  V46.52  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
301  V46.19  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
302  V46.11  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
303  V46.18  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
304  V46.13  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
305  V46.10  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
306  V46.14  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
307  V46.12  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
308  V46.69  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
309  V46.61  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
310  V46.68  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
311  V46.63  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
312  V46.60  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
313  V46.64  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
314  V46.62  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
315  V46.79  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
316  V46.71  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
317  V46.78  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
318  V46.73  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
319  V46.70  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
320  V46.74  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
321  V46.72  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
322  V46.29  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
323  V46.21  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
324  V46.28  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
325  V46.23  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
326  V46.20  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
327  V46.24  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
328  V46.22  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
329  V46.39  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
330  V46.31  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
331  V46.38  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
332  V46.33  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
333  V46.30  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
334  V46.34  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
335  V46.32  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
336  V46.99  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
337  V46.91  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
338  V46.98  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
339  V46.93  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
340  V46.90  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
341  V46.94  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
342  V46.92  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while working for an income  
343  V46.49  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
344  V46.41  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
345  V46.48  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
346  V46.43  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
347  V46.40  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
348  V46.44  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
349  V46.42  Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
350  V41.09  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
351  V41.01  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
352  V41.08  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
353  V41.03  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
354  V41.00  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
355  V41.04  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
356  V41.02  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
357  V41.59  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
358  V41.51  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
359  V41.58  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
360  V41.53  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
361  V41.50  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
362  V41.54  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
363  V41.52  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
364  V41.19  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
365  V41.11  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
366  V41.18  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
367  V41.13  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
368  V41.10  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
369  V41.14  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
370  V41.12  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
371  V41.69  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
372  V41.61  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
373  V41.68  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
374  V41.63  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
375  V41.60  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
376  V41.64  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
377  V41.62  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
378  V41.39  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
379  V41.31  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
380  V41.38  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
381  V41.33  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
382  V41.30  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
383  V41.34  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
384  V41.32  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
385  V41.99  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
386  V41.91  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
387  V41.98  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
388  V41.93  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
389  V41.90  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
390  V41.94  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
391  V41.92  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while working for an income  
392  V41.49  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
393  V41.41  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
394  V41.48  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
395  V41.43  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
396  V41.40  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
397  V41.44  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
398  V41.42  Car occupant injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
399  V41.79  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
400  V41.71  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
401  V41.78  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
402  V41.73  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
403  V41.70  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
404  V41.74  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
405  V41.72  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
406  V41.29  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
407  V41.21  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
408  V41.28  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
409  V41.23  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
410  V41.20  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
411  V41.24  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
412  V41.22  Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
413  V40.09  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
414  V40.01  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
415  V40.08  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
416  V40.03  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
417  V40.00  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
418  V40.04  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
419  V40.02  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
420  V40.59  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
421  V40.51  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
422  V40.58  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
423  V40.53  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
424  V40.50  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
425  V40.54  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
426  V40.52  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
427  V40.19  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
428  V40.11  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
429  V40.18  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
430  V40.13  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
431  V40.10  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
432  V40.14  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
433  V40.12  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
434  V40.69  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
435  V40.61  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
436  V40.68  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
437  V40.63  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
438  V40.60  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
439  V40.64  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
440  V40.62  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
441  V40.79  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
442  V40.71  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
443  V40.78  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
444  V40.73  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
445  V40.70  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
446  V40.74  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
447  V40.72  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
448  V40.29  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
449  V40.21  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
450  V40.28  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
451  V40.23  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
452  V40.20  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
453  V40.24  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
454  V40.22  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
455  V40.99  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
456  V40.91  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
457  V40.98  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
458  V40.93  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
459  V40.90  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
460  V40.94  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
461  V40.92  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while working for an income  
462  V40.39  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified car occupant, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
463  V40.31  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified car occupant, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
464  V40.38  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified car occupant, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
465  V40.33  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified car occupant, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
466  V40.30  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified car occupant, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
467  V40.34  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified car occupant, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
468  V40.32  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified car occupant, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
469  V40.49  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
470  V40.41  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
471  V40.48  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
472  V40.43  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
473  V40.40  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
474  V40.44  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
475  V40.42  Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
476  V45.09  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
477  V45.01  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
478  V45.08  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
479  V45.03  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
480  V45.00  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
481  V45.04  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
482  V45.02  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
483  V45.59  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
484  V45.51  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
485  V45.58  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
486  V45.53  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
487  V45.50  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
488  V45.54  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
489  V45.52  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
490  V45.19  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
491  V45.11  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
492  V45.18  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
493  V45.13  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
494  V45.10  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
495  V45.14  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
496  V45.12  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
497  V45.69  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
498  V45.61  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
499  V45.68  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
500  V45.63  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
501  V45.60  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
502  V45.64  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
503  V45.62  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
504  V45.79  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
505  V45.71  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
506  V45.78  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
507  V45.73  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
508  V45.70  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
509  V45.74  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
510  V45.72  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
511  V45.29  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
512  V45.21  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
513  V45.28  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
514  V45.23  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
515  V45.20  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
516  V45.24  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
517  V45.22  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
518  V45.39  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
519  V45.31  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
520  V45.38  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
521  V45.33  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
522  V45.30  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
523  V45.34  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
524  V45.32  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
525  V45.99  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
526  V45.91  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
527  V45.98  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
528  V45.93  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
529  V45.90  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
530  V45.94  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
531  V45.92  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while working for an income  
532  V45.49  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
533  V45.41  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
534  V45.48  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
535  V45.43  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
536  V45.40  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
537  V45.44  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
538  V45.42  Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
539  V42.09  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
540  V42.01  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
541  V42.08  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
542  V42.03  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
543  V42.00  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
544  V42.04  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
545  V42.02  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
546  V42.59  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
547  V42.51  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
548  V42.58  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
549  V42.53  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
550  V42.50  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
551  V42.54  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
552  V42.52  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
553  V42.19  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
554  V42.11  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
555  V42.18  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
556  V42.13  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
557  V42.10  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
558  V42.14  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
559  V42.12  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
560  V42.69  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
561  V42.61  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
562  V42.68  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
563  V42.63  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
564  V42.60  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
565  V42.64  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
566  V42.62  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
567  V42.79  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
568  V42.71  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
569  V42.78  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
570  V42.73  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
571  V42.70  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
572  V42.74  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
573  V42.72  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
574  V42.29  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
575  V42.21  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
576  V42.28  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
577  V42.23  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
578  V42.20  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
579  V42.24  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
580  V42.22  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
581  V42.39  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
582  V42.31  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
583  V42.38  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
584  V42.33  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
585  V42.30  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
586  V42.34  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
587  V42.32  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
588  V42.99  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
589  V42.91  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
590  V42.98  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
591  V42.93  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
592  V42.90  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
593  V42.94  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
594  V42.92  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while working for an income  
595  V42.49  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
596  V42.41  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
597  V42.48  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
598  V42.43  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
599  V42.40  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
600  V42.44  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
601  V42.42  Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
602  V48.09  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
603  V48.01  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
604  V48.08  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
605  V48.03  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
606  V48.00  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
607  V48.04  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
608  V48.02  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
609  V48.59  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
610  V48.51  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
611  V48.58  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
612  V48.53  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
613  V48.50  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
614  V48.54  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
615  V48.52  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
616  V48.19  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
617  V48.11  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
618  V48.18  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
619  V48.13  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
620  V48.10  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
621  V48.14  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
622  V48.12  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
623  V48.69  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
624  V48.61  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
625  V48.68  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
626  V48.63  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
627  V48.64  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
628  V48.62  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
629  V48.79  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
630  V48.71  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
631  V48.78  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
632  V48.73  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
633  V48.70  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
634  V48.74  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
635  V48.72  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on oustide of vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
636  V48.29  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
637  V48.21  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
638  V48.28  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
639  V48.23  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
640  V48.20  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
641  V48.24  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
642  V48.22  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, person on outside of vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
643  V48.39  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
644  V48.31  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
645  V48.38  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
646  V48.33  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
647  V48.30  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
648  V48.34  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
649  V48.32  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
650  V48.99  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
651  V48.91  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
652  V48.98  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
653  V48.93  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
654  V48.90  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
655  V48.94  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
656  V48.92  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified Car occupant , traffic accident, while working for an income  
657  V48.49  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
658  V48.41  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
659  V48.48  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
660  V48.43  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
661  V48.40  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
662  V48.44  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
663  V48.42  Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
673  V49.09  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
674  V49.01  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
675  V49.08  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
676  V49.03  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
677  V49.00  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
678  V49.04  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
679  V49.02  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
680  V49.49  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
681  V49.41  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
682  V49.48  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
683  V49.43  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
684  V49.40  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
685  V49.44  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
686  V49.42  Car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while working for an income  
687  V49.19  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
688  V49.11  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
689  V49.18  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
690  V49.13  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
691  V49.10  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
692  V49.14  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
693  V49.12  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
694  V49.59  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
695  V49.51  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
696  V49.58  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
697  V49.53  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
698  V49.50  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
699  V49.54  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
700  V49.52  Car occupant passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while working for an income  
701  V49.89  Car occupant [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, during unspecified activity  
702  V49.81  Car occupant [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while engaged in leisure activity  
703  V49.88  Car occupant [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while engaged in other specified activities  
704  V49.83  Car occupant [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while engaged in other types of work  
705  V49.80  Car occupant [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while engaged in sports activity  
706  V49.84  Car occupant [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
707  V49.82  Car occupant [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while working for an income  
708  V49.39  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
709  V49.31  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
710  V49.38  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
711  V49.33  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
712  V49.30  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
713  V49.34  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
714  V49.32  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
715  V49.99  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
716  V49.91  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
717  V49.98  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
718  V49.93  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
719  V49.90  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
720  V49.94  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
721  V49.92  Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while working for an income  
722  T59.7  Carbon dioxide  Efek toksik dari karbon dioksida
723  T65.4  Carbon disulfide  Efek toksik dari karbon disulfida
724  T53.0  Carbon tetrachloride  Efek toksik dari karbon tetraklorida
725  Y54.2  Carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi inhibitor karbonat anhidrase -
726  T50.2  Carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics  Keracunan oleh inhibitor karbonat anhidrase - , benzothiadiazides dan diuretik lainnya
731  E34.0  Carcinoid syndrome  Sindrom karsinoid
733  D01.3  Carcinoma in situ of anus and anal canal  Karsinoma in situ dari anus dan lubang anus
734  D09.0  Carcinoma in situ of bladder  Karsinoma in situ pada kandung kemih
736  D05.9  Carcinoma in situ of breast, unspecified  Karsinoma in situ pada payudara , tidak spesifik
737  D02.2  Carcinoma in situ of bronchus and lung  Karsinoma in situ bronkus dan paru-paru
738  D01.0  Carcinoma in situ of colon  Karsinoma in situ usus
739  D01.9  Carcinoma in situ of digestive organ, unspecified  Karsinoma in situ dari organ pencernaan , tidak spesifik
740  D07.0  Carcinoma in situ of endometrium  Karsinoma in situ pada endometrium
741  D06.1  Carcinoma in situ of exocervix  Karsinoma in situ pada exocervix
742  D09.2  Carcinoma in situ of eye  Karsinoma in situ pada mata
743  D02.0  Carcinoma in situ of larynx  Karsinoma in situ laring
744  D01.5  Carcinoma in situ of liver, gallbladder and bile ducts  Karsinoma in situ dari hati, kandung empedu dan saluran empedu
745  D00.1  Carcinoma in situ of oesophagus  Karsinoma in situ esofagus
747  D07.3  Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified female genital organs  Karsinoma in situ pada organ genital perempuan lain dan tidak spesifik
748  D07.6  Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified male genital organs  Karsinoma in situ pada organ kelamin laki-laki lain dan tidak spesifik
749  D01.4  Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified parts of intestine  Karsinoma in situ dari bagian lain dan tidak spesifik usus
750  D09.1  Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified urinary organs  Karsinoma in situ pada organ kemih lain dan tidak spesifik
751  D06.7  Carcinoma in situ of other parts of cervix  Karsinoma in situ pada bagian lain dari leher rahim
752  D02.3  Carcinoma in situ of other parts of respiratory system  Karsinoma in situ dari bagian lain dari sistem pernapasan
753  D01.7  Carcinoma in situ of other specified digestive organs  Karsinoma in situ organ pencernaan lainnya spesifik
754  D09.7  Carcinoma in situ of other specified sites  Karsinoma in situ pada situs tertentu lainnya
755  D07.4  Carcinoma in situ of penis  Karsinoma in situ pada penis
756  D07.5  Carcinoma in situ of prostate  Karsinoma in situ pada prostat
757  D01.1  Carcinoma in situ of rectosigmoid junction  Karsinoma in situ dari persimpangan rectosigmoid
758  D01.2  Carcinoma in situ of rectum  Karsinoma in situ rektum
759  D02.4  Carcinoma in situ of respiratory system, unspecified  Karsinoma in situ dari sistem pernapasan , tidak spesifik
761  D04.2  Carcinoma in situ of skin of ear and external auricular canal  Karsinoma in situ pada kulit telinga dan kanal auricular eksternal
762  D04.1  Carcinoma in situ of skin of eyelid, including canthus  Karsinoma in situ pada kulit kelopak mata , termasuk canthus
763  D04.7  Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower limb, including hip  Karsinoma in situ pada kulit ekstremitas bawah , termasuk hip
764  D04.3  Carcinoma in situ of skin of other and unspecified parts of face  Karsinoma in situ pada kulit bagian lain dan tidak spesifik wajah
765  D04.8  Carcinoma in situ of skin of other sites  Karsinoma in situ pada kulit situs lain
766  D04.4  Carcinoma in situ of skin of scalp and neck  Karsinoma in situ pada kulit kepala dan leher
767  D04.5  Carcinoma in situ of skin of trunk  Karsinoma in situ pada kulit batang
768  D04.6  Carcinoma in situ of skin of upper limb, including shoulder  Karsinoma in situ pada kulit ekstremitas atas , termasuk bahu
769  D04.9  Carcinoma in situ of skin, unspecified  Karsinoma in situ pada kulit , tidak spesifik
770  D00.2  Carcinoma in situ of stomach  Karsinoma in situ perut
771  D09.3  Carcinoma in situ of thyroid and other endocrine glands  Karsinoma in situ pada tiroid dan kelenjar endokrin lainnya
772  D02.1  Carcinoma in situ of trachea  Karsinoma in situ trakea
773  D07.2  Carcinoma in situ of vagina  Karsinoma in situ pada vagina
774  D07.1  Carcinoma in situ of vulva  Karsinoma in situ pada vulva
775  D09.9  Carcinoma in situ, unspecified  Karsinoma in situ , tidak spesifik
777  I46.0  Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation  Henti jantung dengan sukses resusitasi
778  I46.9  Cardiac arrest, unspecified  Serangan jantung , tidak spesifik
779  Y84.0  Cardiac catheterisation as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure  Kateterisasi jantung sebagai penyebab reaksi abnormal pasien , atau komplikasi kemudian, tanpa menyebutkan kecelakaan pada saat prosedur
780  K76.1  cardiac cirosis  Kongesti pasif kronis hati
781  O74.2  Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery  Komplikasi jantung anestesi selama persalinan dan melahirkan
782  O29.1  Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy  Komplikasi jantung anestesi selama kehamilan
783  O89.1  Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium  Komplikasi jantung anestesi selama masa nifas
784  R01.1  Cardiac murmur, unspecified  Murmur jantung , tidak spesifik
785  Z50.0  Cardiac rehabilitation  rehabilitasi jantung
786  I51.0  Cardiac septal defect, acquired  Defek septum jantung , diperoleh
787  T46.0  Cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action  Keracunan oleh glikosida jantung - stimulan dan obat-obatan dari tindakan serupa
788  Y52.0  Cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi glikosida jantung - stimulan dan obat-obatan dari tindakan serupa
789  R57.0  Cardiogenic shock  syok kardiogenik
790  I42.9  Cardiomeapaty  Cardiomyopathy , tidak spesifik
791  I51.7  Cardiomegali / dilated cardio myopanti / DCM / LVH cardiomegali  Kardiomegali
793  I42.7  Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents  Cardiomyopathy karena obat dan agen eksternal lainnya
795  I43.0  Cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere  Cardiomyopathy dalam penyakit infeksi dan parasit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
796  I43.1  Cardiomyopathy in metabolic diseases  Cardiomyopathy dalam penyakit metabolik
797  I43.2  Cardiomyopathy in nutritional diseases  Cardiomyopathy dalam penyakit gizi
798  I43.8  Cardiomyopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere  Cardiomyopathy pada penyakit lain yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
799  O90.3  Cardiomyopathy in the puerperium  Cardiomyopathy dalam masa nifas
801  Y71.0  Cardiovascular devices associated with misadventures, diagnostic and monitoring devices  Perangkat kardiovaskular terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , perangkat diagnostik dan pemantauan
802  Y71.8  Cardiovascular devices associated with misadventures, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified  Perangkat kardiovaskular terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , perangkat lain-lain , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
803  Y71.2  Cardiovascular devices associated with misadventures, prosthetic and other implants, materials and accessory devices  Perangkat kardiovaskular terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , prostetik dan lainnya implan , bahan dan perangkat aksesori
804  Y71.3  Cardiovascular devices associated with misadventures, surgical instruments, materials and devices (including sutures)  Perangkat kardiovaskular terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , instrumen bedah , bahan dan perangkat ( termasuk jahitan )
805  Y71.1  Cardiovascular devices associated with misadventures, therapeutic (nonsurgical) and rehabilitative devices  Perangkat kardiovaskular terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , terapi ( tanpa pembedahan ) dan perangkat rehabilitatif
806  I51.6  Cardiovascular disease, unspecified  Penyakit jantung , tidak spesifik
807  P29.9  Cardiovascular disorder originating in the perinatal period, unspecified  Kardiovaskular gangguan yang berasal dari periode perinatal , tidak spesifik
808  I98.1  Cardiovascular disorders in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere  Gangguan kardiovaskular pada penyakit infeksi dan parasit lainnya yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
810  I98.0  Cardiovascular syphilis (A52.0+)  Sifilis kardiovaskular
811  A52.0  Cardiovascular syphilis (I98.0*)  Sifilis kardiovaskular
812  Z39.1  Care and examination of lactating mother  Perawatan dan pemeriksaan ibu menyusui
814  Z50.8  Care involving use of other rehabilitation procedures  Perawatan melibatkan penggunaan prosedur rehabilitasi lainnya
815  Z50.9  Care involving use of rehabilitation procedure, unspecified  Perawatan melibatkan penggunaan prosedur rehabilitasi , tidak spesifik
816  K02.2  Caries of cementum /  Karies sementum
817  K02.1  Caries of dentine  Karies dentin
818  G45.1  Carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric)  Sindrom arteri karotid ( hemisfer )
819  G56.0  Carpal tunnel sindrom  Carpal tunnel syndrome
820  Z22.2  Carrier of diphtheria  Pembawa difteri
821  Z22.6  Carrier of human T-lymphotropic virus type-1 [HTLV-1] infection  Pembawa manusia T - lymphotropic virus tipe - 1 [ HTLV - 1 ] infeksi
822  Z22.4  Carrier of infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission  Pembawa infeksi dengan modus dominan seksual penularan
823  Z22.9  Carrier of infectious disease, unspecified  Pembawa penyakit menular , tidak spesifik
824  Z22.8  Carrier of other infectious diseases  Pembawa penyakit menular lainnya
825  Z22.1  Carrier of other intestinal infectious diseases  Pembawa penyakit menular usus lainnya
826  Z22.3  Carrier of other specified bacterial diseases  Pembawa penyakit bakteri lainnya yang spesifik
827  Z22.0  Carrier of typhoid  Pembawa tifoid
828  Z22.5  Carrier of viral hepatitis  Pembawa virus hepatitis
829  A28.1  Cat-scratch disease  Penyakit Cat- scratch
830  H26.4  catarac secondary  Setelah - katarak
831  H25.2  catarac tua ( mature )  Katarak senilis , jenis morgagnian
833  H28.1  Cataract in endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases  Katarak pada endokrin lainnya , penyakit nutrisi dan metabolik
834  H28.2  Cataract in other diseases classified elsewhere  Katarak pada penyakit lain yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
835  H26.9  Cataract, unspecified  Katarak , tidak spesifik
836  F20.2  Catatonic schizophrenia  Skizofrenia katatonik
837  G83.4  Cauda equina syndrome  Sindrom cauda equina
838  W23.79  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, farm, during unspecified activity  
839  W23.71  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
840  W23.78  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
841  W23.73  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
842  W23.70  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
843  W23.74  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
844  W23.72  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, farm, while working for an income  
845  W23.09  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, home, during unspecified activity  
846  W23.01  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
847  W23.08  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
848  W23.03  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, home, while engaged in other types of work  
849  W23.00  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, home, while engaged in sports activity  
850  W23.04  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
851  W23.02  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, home, while working for an income  
852  W23.69  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
853  W23.61  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
854  W23.68  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
855  W23.63  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
856  W23.60  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
857  W23.64  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
858  W23.62  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
859  W23.89  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
860  W23.81  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
861  W23.88  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
862  W23.83  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
863  W23.80  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
864  W23.84  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
865  W23.82  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, other specified places, while working for an income  
866  W23.19  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
867  W23.11  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
868  W23.18  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
869  W23.13  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
870  W23.10  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
871  W23.14  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
872  W23.12  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, residential institution, while working for an income  
873  W23.29  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
874  W23.21  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
875  W23.28  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
876  W23.23  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
877  W23.20  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
878  W23.24  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
879  W23.22  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
880  W23.39  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
881  W23.31  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
882  W23.38  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
883  W23.33  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
884  W23.30  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
885  W23.34  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
886  W23.32  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
887  W23.49  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
888  W23.41  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
889  W23.48  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
890  W23.43  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
891  W23.40  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
892  W23.44  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
893  W23.42  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, street and highway, while working for an income  
894  W23.59  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
895  W23.51  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
896  W23.58  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
897  W23.53  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
898  W23.50  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
899  W23.54  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
900  W23.52  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, trade and service area, while working for an income  
901  W23.99  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
902  W23.91  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
903  W23.98  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
904  W23.93  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
905  W23.90  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
906  W23.94  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
907  W23.92  Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects, unspecified place, while working for an income  
908  W23  CAUGHT,CRUSHED,JAMMED OR PINC.  Tertangkap , hancur , macet atau terjepit di antara objek atau menyebabkan cedera disengaja
909  M95.1  Cauliflower ear  Kembang kol telinga
910  G56.4  Causalgia  Causalgia
912  P10  CEDERA LAHIR  
916  Y40.1  Cefalosporins and other -lactam antibiotics causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi cefalosporins dan antibiotik beta -laktam lainnya
917  T36.1  Cefalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics  Keracunan oleh cefalosporins dan antibiotik beta -laktam lainnya
918  L03  CELLULITIS  
919  H60.1  Cellulitis of external ear  Selulitis telinga eksternal
920  L03.2  Cellulitis of face  Selulitis wajah
921  L03.0  Cellulitis of finger and toe  Selulitis jari dan kaki
922  L03.1  Cellulitis of other parts of limb  Selulitis dari bagian lain dari ekstremitas
923  L03.8  Cellulitis of other sites  Selulitis situs lain
924  L03.3  Cellulitis of trunk  Selulitis batang
925  A20.1  Cellulocutaneous plague  Wabah Cellulocutaneous
926  L03.9  Celuitis  Selulitis , tidak spesifik
927  H05.0  celulitis orbital  Peradangan akut dari orbit
928  G37.1  Central demyelination of corpus callosum  Demielinasi sentral corpus callosum
929  A84.1  Central European tick-borne encephalitis  Tick-borne Eropa Tengah ensefalitis
930  K76.2  Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver  Hemoragik nekrosis sentral dari hati
931  O74.3  Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery  Central komplikasi sistem saraf anestesi selama persalinan dan melahirkan
932  O29.2  Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy  Central komplikasi sistem saraf anestesi selama kehamilan
934  Y50.9  Central nervous system stimulant, unspecified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi stimulan sistem saraf pusat , tidak spesifik
935  H72.0  Central perforation of tympanic membrane  Perforasi sentral membran timpani
936  G37.2  Central pontine myelinolysis  Central pontine mielinolisis
937  T44.8  Centrally acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, not elsewhere classified  Keracunan oleh pusat bertindak dan adrenergik - neuron - blocking agen , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
938  Y51.8  Centrally acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, not elsewhere classified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping pada penggunaan terapi yang bekerja sentral dan adrenergik - neuron - blocking agen , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
939  J43.2  Centrilobular emphysema  Emfisema centrilobular
940  R51  CEPALGIA  sakit kepala
941  P12.0  Cepalhematoma bayi  Cephalhaematoma karena cedera kelahiran
942  S08.8  cepalhematoma bayi traumatik  Amputasi traumatik bagian lain dari kepala
943  B65.3  Cercarial dermatitis  Dermatitis cercarial
944  P52.6  Cerebellar (nontraumatic) and posterior fossa haemorrhage of fetus and newborn  Serebelum ( nontraumatic ) dan posterior fossa perdarahan janin dan bayi baru lahir
945  G11.3  Cerebellar ataxia with defective DNA repair  Ataksia serebelar dengan perbaikan DNA yang rusak
946  G46.4  Cerebellar stroke syndrome (I60-I67+)  Sindrom stroke yang cerebellar
947  G93.9  cerebral / DISFUNGSI BATANG OTAK / inta bleding / multipel cerebri  Gangguan otak , tidak spesifik
948  I68.0  Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (E85.-+)  Angiopati amiloid serebral
949  I67.1  Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured  Aneurisma serebral , nonruptured
950  I68.1  Cerebral arteritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere  Arteritis Cerebral dalam penyakit infeksi dan parasit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
951  I68.2  Cerebral arteritis in other diseases classified elsewhere  Arteritis Cerebral pada penyakit lain yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
952  I67.7  Cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified  Arteritis serebral , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
953  I67.2  Cerebral atherosclerosis  aterosklerosis serebral
954  B45.1  Cerebral cryptococcosis  Kriptokokosis cerebral
955  G93.0  Cerebral cysta  Kista cerebral
956  G93.6  Cerebral edema  Edema serebral
957  P10.1  Cerebral haemorrhage due to birth injury  Pendarahan otak akibat cedera kelahiran
959  I63.6  Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic  Infark serebral karena trombosis vena serebral , nonpyogenic
960  I63.4  Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries  Infark serebral akibat emboli arteri serebral
961  I63.1  Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries  Infark serebral akibat emboli arteri precerebral
962  I63.3  Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries  Infark serebral akibat trombosis arteri serebral
963  I63.0  Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries  Infark serebral akibat trombosis arteri precerebral
964  I63.5  Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of cerebral arteries  Infark serebral karena oklusi yang tidak spesifik atau stenosis arteri serebral
965  I63.2  Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of precerebral arteries  Infark serebral karena oklusi yang tidak spesifik atau stenosis arteri precerebral
966  C70.0  Cerebral meninges  Neoplasma ganas dari meninges serebral
967  P11.0  Cerebral oedema due to birth injury  Edema serebral akibat cedera kelahiran
968  G80.9  Cerebral palsy ( CP )  Cerebral palsy infantil , tidak spesifik
969  O22.5  Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy  Trombosis vena Cerebral pada kehamilan
970  O87.3  Cerebral venous thrombosis in the puerperium  Trombosis vena Cerebral dalam masa nifas
971  I67.9  Cerebro vascular disease / CVD  Penyakit serebrovaskular , tidak spesifik
972  G96.0  Cerebrospinal fluid leak  Kebocoran cairan serebrospinal
973  G97.0  Cerebrospinal fluid leak from spinal puncture  Kebocoran cairan cerebrospinal dari tusukan tulang belakang
978  M50.0  Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy (G99.2*)  Gangguan disc serviks dengan myelopathy
979  M50.1  Cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy  Gangguan disc serviks dengan radiculopathy
980  M50.9  Cervical disc disorder, unspecified  Gangguan disc serviks , tidak spesifik
982  Q76.5  Cervical rib  cervical rib
983  G54.2  Cervical root disorders, not elsewhere classified  Gangguan akar serviks , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
984  Q05.0  Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus  Serviks spina bifida dengan hidrosefalus
985  Q05.5  Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalus  Serviks spina bifida tanpa hidrosefalus
986  M54.2  Cervicalgia  Cervicalgia
987  M53.0  Cervicocranial syndrome  sindrom Cervicocranial
988  A42.2  Cervicofacial actinomycosis  Actinomycosis cervicofacial
989  B71.9  Cestode infection, unspecified  Infeksi Cestode , tidak spesifik
990  B57.3  Chagas disease (chronic) with digestive system involvement  Penyakit Chagas ( kronis ) dengan keterlibatan sistem pencernaan
991  B57.2  Chagas disease (chronic) with heart involvement (I41.2*, I98.1*)  Penyakit Chagas ( kronis ) dengan keterlibatan jantung
992  B57.4  Chagas disease (chronic) with nervous system involvement  Penyakit Chagas ( kronis ) dengan keterlibatan sistem saraf
993  B57.5  Chagas disease (chronic) with other organ involvement  Penyakit Chagas ( kronis ) dengan keterlibatan organ lain
994  H00.1  Chalazion  Chalazion
995  A57  CHANCROID  Chancroid
996  R19.4  Change in bowel habit  Perubahan kebiasaan buang air besar
997  Z56.1  Change of job  Perubahan pekerjaan
998  H18.3  Changes in corneal membranes  Perubahan membran kornea
999  R23.4  Changes in skin texture  Perubahan tekstur kulit
1000  K13.1  Cheek and lip biting  Pipi dan bibir menggigit
1001  Z51.1  Chemotherapy session for neoplasm  Sesi kemoterapi untuk neoplasma
1002  R07.4  Chest pain / nyeri dada  Nyeri dada , tidak spesifik
1003  R07.1  Chest pain on breathing  Nyeri dada pada pernapasan
1004  I50.0  CHF ( gagal jantung kongestif )  Gagal jantung kongestif
1005  P12.1  Chignon due to birth injury  Chignon karena cedera kelahiran
1006  A92.0  Chikungunya  Penyakit virus Chikungunya
1007  T69.1  Chilblains  Pengaruh kaligata
1008  F84.0  Childhood autism  Childhood autisme
1009  F94.9  Childhood disorder of social functioning, unspecified  Gangguan masa kanak-kanak dari fungsi sosial , tidak spesifik
1010  F93.9  Childhood emotional disorder, unspecified  Gangguan emosional Childhood , tidak spesifik
1011  Q99.0  Chimera 46,XX/46,XY  Chimera 46 , XX/46 , XY
1012  A74.0  Chlamydial conjunctivitis (H13.1*)  Konjungtivitis klamidia
1013  A56.3  Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum  Infeksi klamidia dari anus dan rektum
1014  A56.2  Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified  Infeksi klamidia saluran genitourinaria , tidak spesifik
1015  A56.0  Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract  Infeksi klamidia saluran genitourinari rendah
1016  A56.1  Chlamydial infection of pelviperitoneum and other genitourinary organs  Infeksi klamidia dari pelviperitoneum dan organ genitourinari lainnya
1017  A56.4  Chlamydial infection of pharynx  Infeksi klamidia faring
1018  A74.9  Chlamydial infection, unspecified  Infeksi klamidia , tidak spesifik
1019  A55  CHLAMYDIAL LYMPHOGRANULOMA  Klamidia limfogranuloma ( venereum )
1020  K67.0  Chlamydial peritonitis (A74.8+)  Peritonitis klamidia
1021  J16.0  Chlamydial pneumonia  Pneumonia klamidia
1022  L81.1  Chloasma  Chloasma
1023  T36.2  Chloramphenicol group  Keracunan oleh kelompok kloramfenikol
1024  Y40.2  Chloramphenicol group drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi kelompok kloramfenikol
1025  T59.4  Chlorine gas  Efek toksik gas klorin
1026  T53.5  Chlorofluorocarbons  Efek toksik dari chlorofluorocarbons
1027  T53.1  Chloroform  Efek toksik kloroform
1028  Q30.0  Choanal atresia  atresia choanal
1029  K83.0  Cholangitis / kedangnitis  cholangitis
1030  Q44.4  Choledochal cyst  kista koledokus
1031  K80.2  cholelitiasis  Kalkulus kandung empedu tanpa kolesistitis
1032  A00  Cholera  Kolera
1033  A00.0  Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 01, biovar cholerae  Kolera disebabkan Vibrio cholerae 01, biovar cholerae
1034  A00.1  Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 01, biovar eltor  Kolera disebabkan Vibrio cholerae 01, biovar eltor
1035  Y58.2  Cholera vaccine causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi vaksin kolera
1036  A00.9  Cholera, unspecified  Kolera, tidak spesifik
1037  K83.1  cholestasis  Obstruksi saluran empedu
1038  H60.4  Cholesteatoma of external ear  Kolesteatoma telinga eksternal
1039  K82.4  Cholesterolosis of gallbladder  Cholesterolosis kantong empedu
1040  K81.9  cholicystitis  Kolesistitis , tidak spesifik
1041  L50.5  Cholinergic urticaria  Urtikaria kolinergik
1042  M94.0  Chondrocostal junction syndrome [Tietze]  Sindrom persimpangan Chondrocostal [ Tietze ]
1043  Q77.3  Chondrodysplasia punctata  Chondrodysplasia punctata
1044  Q77.6  Chondroectodermal dysplasia  displasia Chondroectodermal
1045  M94.37  Chondrolysis, ankle and foot  
1046  M94.33  Chondrolysis, forearm  
1047  M94.34  Chondrolysis, hand  
1048  M94.36  Chondrolysis, lower leg  
1049  M94.30  Chondrolysis, multiple sites  
1050  M94.38  Chondrolysis, other  
1051  M94.35  Chondrolysis, pelvic region and thigh  
1052  M94.31  Chondrolysis, shoulder region  
1053  M94.39  Chondrolysis, site unspecified  
1054  M94.32  Chondrolysis, upper arm  
1055  M94.26  Chondromalacia lower leg  
1056  M22.4  Chondromalacia patellae  Chondromalacia patellae
1057  M94.25  Chondromalacia pelvic region and thigh  
1058  M94.27  Chondromalacia, ankle and foot  
1059  M94.23  Chondromalacia, forearm  
1060  M94.24  Chondromalacia, hand  
1061  M94.20  Chondromalacia, multiple sites  
1062  M94.28  Chondromalacia, other  
1063  M94.21  Chondromalacia, shoulder region  
1064  M94.29  Chondromalacia, site unspecified  
1065  M94.22  Chondromalacia, upper arm  
1066  N48.9  chordea  Gangguan penis , tidak spesifik
1067  G25.5  chorea  Chorea lainnya
1069  H32.0  Chorioretinal inflammation in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere  Peradangan chorioretinal dalam penyakit infeksi dan parasit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1070  H31.0  Chorioretinal scars  Bekas luka chorioretinal
1071  H31.1  Choroidal degeneration  Degenerasi koroid
1072  H31.4  Choroidal detachment  Detasemen choroidal
1073  H31.3  Choroidal haemorrhage and rupture  Perdarahan koroid dan pecah
1074  L75.1  Chromhidrosis  Chromhidrosis
1075  T56.2  Chromium and its compounds  Efek toksik kromium dan senyawanya
1076  E61.4  Chromium deficiency  Kekurangan kromium
1078  B43.9  Chromomycosis, unspecified  Chromomycosis , tidak spesifik
1079  Q99.9  Chromosomal abnormality, unspecified  Kelainan kromosom , tidak spesifik
1080  Q95.1  Chromosome inversion in normal individual  Kromosom inversi dalam individu yang normal
1081  Q93.2  Chromosome replaced with ring or dicentric  Kromosom diganti dengan cincin atau disentrik
1083  D60.0  Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia  Kronis yang diperoleh murni aplasia sel darah merah
1084  K73.2  Chronic active hepatitis, not elsewhere classified  Hepatitis kronis aktif , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1085  I31.0  Chronic adhesive pericarditis  Perikarditis kronis perekat
1086  K60.1  Chronic anal fissure  Fisura anus kronis
1087  J70.1  Chronic and other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation  Manifestasi paru kronis dan lainnya karena radiasi
1088  K04.5  Chronic apical periodontitis  Periodontitis apikal kronis
1089  H66.2  Chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media  Kronis otitis media supuratif atticoantral
1090  L12.2  Chronic bullous disease of childhood  Penyakit bulosa kronis masa kanak-kanak
1091  K81.1  Chronic cholecystitis  Kolesistitis kronis
1092  D73.2  Chronic congestive splenomegaly  Splenomegali kongestif kronis
1093  H10.4  Chronic conjunctivitis  Konjungtivitis kronis
1094  I31.1  Chronic constrictive pericarditis  Perikarditis konstriktif kronis
1095  M70.0  Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist  Sinovitis crepitant kronis tangan dan pergelangan tangan
1096  J35.9  Chronic disease of tonsils and adenoids, unspecified  Penyakit kronis amandel dan kelenjar gondok , tidak spesifik
1097  J70.3  Chronic drug-induced interstitial lung disorders  Gangguan paru-paru interstitial akibat obat kronis
1098  C94.1  Chronic erythraemia  Erythraemia kronis
1099  J32.2  Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis  Sinusitis kronis ethmoidal
1100  J32.1  Chronic frontal sinusitis  Sinusitis frontal kronis
1101  K29.5  Chronic gastritis, unspecified  Gastritis kronis, tidak spesifik
1102  K72.1  Chronic hepatic failure  Gagal hati kronis
1103  K73.9  Chronic hepatitis  Hepatitis kronis , tidak spesifik
1105  H04.4  Chronic inflammation of lacrimal passages  Peradangan kronis ayat-ayat lakrimal
1106  N71.1  Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus  Penyakit radang kronis rahim
1107  H05.1  Chronic inflammatory disorders of orbit  Gangguan inflamasi kronis dari orbit
1108  M23.50  Chronic instability of knee, multiple sites  
1109  M23.51  Chronic instability, anterior cruciate ligament or anterior horn of medial meniscus  
1110  M23.57  Chronic instability, capsular ligament  
1111  M23.54  Chronic instability, lateral collateral ligament or anterior horn of lateral meniscus  
1112  M23.53  Chronic instability, medial collateral ligament or other and unspecified medial meniscus  
1113  M23.56  Chronic instability, other and unspecified lateral meniscus  
1114  M23.52  Chronic instability, posterior cruciate ligament or posterior horn of medial meniscus  
1115  M23.55  Chronic instability, posterior horn of lateral meniscus  
1116  M23.59  Chronic instability, unspecified ligament or unspecified meniscus  
1117  R52.1  Chronic intractable pain  Sakit keras kronis
1118  H20.1  Chronic iridocyclitis  Iridocyclitis kronis
1119  J37.0  Chronic laringitis  Laringitis kronis
1121  J37.1  Chronic laryngotracheitis  Laringotrakheitis kronis
1122  C95.1  Chronic leukaemia of unspecified cell type  Leukemia kronis dari jenis sel yang tidak spesifik
1123  K73.1  Chronic lobular hepatitis, not elsewhere classified  Hepatitis lobular kronis , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1124  I88.1  Chronic lymphadenitis, except mesenteric  Limfadenitis kronis, kecuali mesenterika
1125  C91.1  Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia ( CLL )  Leukemia limfositik kronis
1126  H70.1  Chronic mastoiditis  Mastoiditis kronis
1127  J32.0  Chronic maxillary sinusitis  Sinusitis maksila kronis
1128  G03.1  Chronic meningitis  Meningitis kronis
1129  A39.3  Chronic meningococcaemia  Meningokoksemia kronis
1130  C93.1  Chronic monocytic leukaemia  Leukemia kronis monocytic
1131  F95.1  Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder  Motorik kronis atau gangguan tic vokal
1132  H65.3  Chronic mucoid otitis media  Kronis otitis media mukoid
1133  M86.37  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, ankle and foot  
1134  M86.33  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, forearm  
1135  M86.34  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, hand  
1136  M86.36  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, lower leg  
1137  M86.30  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, multiple sites  
1138  M86.38  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, other site  
1139  M86.35  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh  
1140  M86.31  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, shoulder region  
1141  M86.39  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, site unspecified  
1142  M86.32  Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, upper arm  
1143  C92.1  Chronic myeloid leukaemia ( CMI )  Leukemia myeloid kronis
1144  H73.1  Chronic myringitis  Myringitis kronis
1145  J31.1  Chronic nasopharyngitis  Nasopharyngitis kronis
1147  N03.6  Chronic nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease  Sindrom nefritik kronis , penyakit padat deposito
1148  N03.7  Chronic nephritic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis  Sindrom nefritik kronis , difus glomerulonefritis bulan sabit
1149  N03.4  Chronic nephritic syndrome, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis  Sindrom nefritik kronis , difus glomerulonefritis proliferatif endocapillary
1150  N03.2  Chronic nephritic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis  Sindrom nefritik kronis , difus glomerulonefritis bermembran
1151  N03.3  Chronic nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis  Sindrom nefritik kronis , difus glomerulonefritis proliferatif mesangial
1152  N03.5  Chronic nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis  Sindrom nefritik kronis , difus glomerulonefritis mesangiokapiler
1153  N03.1  Chronic nephritic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions  Sindrom nefritik kronis , fokus dan segmental glomerular lesi
1154  N03.0  Chronic nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality  Sindrom nefritik kronis , kelainan minor glomerular
1155  N03.8  Chronic nephritic syndrome, other  Sindrom nefritik kronis, lainnya
1156  J44.9  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / COPD / PPOM  Penyakit paru obstruktif kronik , tidak spesifik
1157  J44.1  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified  Penyakit paru obstruktif kronik dengan eksaserbasi akut , tidak spesifik
1158  J44.0  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection  Penyakit paru obstruktif kronik dengan infeksi pernapasan bawah akut
1159  N11.1  Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis  Pielonefritis obstruktif kronis
1160  M86.47  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, ankle and foot  
1161  M86.43  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, forearm  
1162  M86.44  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, hand  
1163  M86.46  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, lower leg  
1164  M86.40  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, multiple sites  
1165  M86.48  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, other site  
1166  M86.45  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, pelvic region and thigh  
1167  M86.41  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, shoulder region  
1168  M86.49  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, site unspecified  
1169  M86.42  Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, upper arm  
1170  J32.4  Chronic pansinusitis  Pansinusitis kronis
1171  N73.1  Chronic parametritis and pelvic cellulitis  Parametritis kronis dan selulitis panggul
1172  K73.0  Chronic persistent hepatitis, not elsewhere classified  Hepatitis kronis persisten , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1173  J31.2  Chronic pharyngitis  Faringitis kronis
1174  G44.3  Chronic post-traumatic headache  Kronis sakit kepala pasca-trauma
1175  M12.07  Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], ankle and foot  
1176  M12.03  Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], forearm  
1177  M12.04  Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], hand  
1178  M12.06  Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], lower leg  
1179  M12.08  Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], other site  
1180  M12.05  Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], pelvic region and thigh  
1181  M12.01  Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], shoulder region  
1182  M12.09  Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], site unspecified  
1183  M12.02  Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], upper arm  
1184  N41.1  Chronic prostatitis  prostatitis kronis
1185  B40.1  Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis  Blastomycosis paru kronis
1186  B38.1  Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis  Coccidioidomycosis paru kronis
1187  B39.1  Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati  Kronis paru histoplasmosis capsulati
1188  J95.3  Chronic pulmonary insufficiency following surgery  Insufisiensi paru kronis setelah operasi
1189  L58.1  Chronic radiodermatitis  Radiodermatitis kronis
1190  J68.4  Chronic respiratory conditions due to chemicals, gases, fumes and vapours  Kondisi pernafasan kronis akibat bahan kimia , gas , asap dan uap
1192  J96.1  Chronic respiratory failure  Kegagalan pernafasan kronis
1193  I09.2  Chronic rheumatic pericarditis  Perikarditis rematik kronis
1194  J31.0  Chronic rhinitis  Rinitis kronis
1196  N70.1  Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis  Salpingitis kronis dan oophoritis
1197  H65.2  Chronic serous otitis media  Kronis otitis media serosa
1199  J32.3  Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis  Sinusitis kronis sphenoidal
1200  K29.3  Chronic superficial gastritis  Gastritis superfisial kronis
1201  E06.2  Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis  Tiroiditis kronis dengan tirotoksikosis transien
1202  J35.0  Chronic tonsillitis  Tonsilitis kronis
1203  H66.1  Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media  Kronis otitis media supuratif tubotympanic
1205  K55.1  Chronic vascular disorders of intestine  Gangguan pembuluh darah kronis usus
1207  B18.0  Chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent  Kronis virus hepatitis B dengan delta - agen
1208  B18.1  Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent  Kronis virus hepatitis B tanpa delta - agen
1209  B18.2  Chronic viral hepatitis C  Hepatitis C virus kronis
1210  B18.9  Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified  Hepatitis virus kronis , tidak spesifik
1216  S47  CHURSING INJURY OF SHOULDER AN  Crushing cedera bahu dan lengan atas
1218  J94.0  Chylous effusion  Efusi chylous
1219  R82.0  Chyluria  Chyluria
1221  L66.9  Cicatricial alopecia, unspecified  Cicatricial alopecia , tidak spesifik
1222  L12.1  Cicatricial pemphigoid  Pemfigoid sikatrisial
1223  L90.5  cicatrix  Kondisi parut dan fibrosis kulit
1224  T61.0  Ciguatera fish poisoning  Keracunan ikan ciguatera
1225  D06.9  CIN ( carsinoma insitu cerviks )  Karsinoma in situ pada serviks , tidak spesifik
1226  G31.0  Circumscribed brain atrophy  Dibatasi atrofi otak
1227  N03.9  CKD ( cronic kidny disease ) / glomerulo nepritis kronis  Sindrom nefritik kronis, tidak spesifik
1228  O01.0  Classical hydatidiform mole  Klasik mola hidatidosa
1229  E70.0  Classical phenylketonuria  Klasik fenilketonuria
1230  K76.0  CLD / PERLEMAKAN HATI  Fatty ( perubahan ) hati , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1231  Q37.4  Cleft hard and soft palate with cleft lip, bilateral  Celah langit-langit keras dan lembut dengan bibir sumbing bilateral
1232  Q37.5  Cleft hard and soft palate with cleft lip, unilateral  Celah langit-langit keras dan lembut dengan bibir sumbing unilateral
1233  Q37.0  Cleft hard palate with cleft lip, bilateral  Cleft palate keras dengan bibir sumbing bilateral
1234  Q37.1  Cleft hard palate with cleft lip, unilateral  Cleft palate keras dengan bibir sumbing unilateral
1235  Q35.4  Cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate, bilateral  
1236  Q35.5  Cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate, unilateral  Cleft palate keras dengan sumbing langit-langit lunak
1237  Q35.1  Cleft hard palate, unilateral  Sumbing langit-langit keras
1238  Q36  CLEFT LIP  
1239  Q36.0  Cleft lip, bilateral  Bibir sumbing, bilateral
1240  Q36.1  Cleft lip, medial  Bibir sumbing, medial
1242  Q35.6  Cleft palate, medial  Sumbing , medial
1243  Q35.8  Cleft palate, unspecified, bilateral  
1244  Q35.3  Cleft soft palate  Sumbing langit-langit lunak
1245  Q37.2  Cleft soft palate with cleft lip, bilateral  Sumbing langit-langit lunak dengan bibir sumbing bilateral
1246  Q37.3  Cleft soft palate with cleft lip, unilateral  Sumbing langit-langit lunak dengan bibir sumbing unilateral
1247  Q35.2  Cleft soft palate, bilateral  
1248  Q35.7  Cleft uvula  uvula sumbing
1249  R29.4  Clicking hip  mengklik hip
1250  G51.3  Clonic hemifacial spasm  Klonik kejang hemifacial
1251  B66.1  Clonorchiasis  Clonorchiasis
1252  Y47.2  Cloral derivatives causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi derivatif cloral
1253  B96.7  Clostridium perfringens [C. perfringens] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters  Clostridium perfringens [ C. perfringens ] sebagai penyebab penyakit diklasifikasikan ke bab lain
1254  L62.0  Clubbed nail pachydermoperiostosis (M89.4+)  Dipukuli pachydermoperiostosis kuku
1255  R68.3  Clubbing of fingers  Clubbing jari
1256  G44.0  Cluster headache syndrome / status convcilisive  Sindrom sakit kepala cluster
1257  F98.6  Cluttering  Mengacaukan
1258  D68.9  Coagulation defect, unspecified  Defek koagulasi , tidak spesifik
1259  J60  Coalworkers pneumoconiosis  Coalworkers pneumoconiosis
1260  Q25.1  Coarctation of aorta  Koarktasio aorta
1261  T40.5  Cocaine  Keracunan oleh kokain
1263  B38.4  Coccidioidomycosis meningitis (G02.1*)  Coccidioidomycosis meningitis
1264  B38.9  Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified  Coccidioidomycosis , tidak spesifik
1265  H80.2  Cochlear otosclerosis  Otosclerosis koklea
1266  I77.4  Coeliac artery compression syndrome  Sindrom kompresi arteri seliaka
1267  K90.0  Coeliac disease  Penyakit seliaka
1268  P80.0  Cold injury syndrome  Sindrom cedera dingin
1269  N23  COLIC URETER / COLIT RENAL GINJAL / RENAL COLIX  Kolik ginjal tidak spesifik
1270  A09  COLITIS ACUT / DIARE GASTROENTERITIS OLEH INFEKSI TERTENTU / KOLITIS  Diare dan gastroenteritis oleh penyebab penyakit menular
1271  A16.2  coll abses / KP lama  TBC paru-paru , tanpa adanya konfirmasi secara bakteriologis atau histologis
1272  M49.52  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, cervical region  
1273  M49.53  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, cervicothoracic region  
1274  M49.56  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, lumbar region  
1275  M49.57  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, lumbosacral region  
1276  M49.50  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites in spine  
1277  M49.51  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, occipito-atlanto-axial region  
1278  M49.58  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, sacral and sacrococcygeal region  
1279  M49.59  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, site unspecified  
1280  M49.54  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, thoracic region  
1281  M49.55  Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere, thoracolumbar region  
1282  M48.52  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, cervical region  
1283  M48.53  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, cervicothoracic region  
1284  M48.56  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, lumbar region  
1285  M48.57  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, lumbosacral region  
1286  M48.50  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, multiple sites in spine  
1287  M48.51  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, occipito-atlanto-axial region  
1288  M48.58  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, sacral and sacrococcygeal region  
1289  M48.59  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, site unspecified  
1290  M48.54  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, thoracic region  
1291  M48.55  Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, thoracolumbar region  
1292  Q13.0  Coloboma of iris  Koloboma iris
1293  Q12.2  Coloboma of lens  Koloboma lensa
1294  Q80.2  colodian baby  lamellar ichthyosis
1295  A93.2  Colorado tick fever  Demam kutu Colorado
1296  K91.4  Colostomi prolaps / colostomy  Kolostomi dan enterostomi kerusakan
1297  Z93.3  Colostomy status / post sigmoidectomy  Status kolostomi
1298  H53.5  Colour vision deficiencies  Kekurangan visi Warna
1299  R40.2  Coma / koma  Coma , tidak spesifik
1300  N19  COMA UREMIKUM / URINE / RENAL FAIL / NSIPIENSI  Gagal ginjal yang tidak spesifik
1301  I08.3  Combined disorders of mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves  Gangguan Gabungan mitral , katup aorta dan trikuspid
1303  D81.9  Combined immunodeficiency, unspecified  Gabungan immunodeficiency , tidak spesifik
1304  S68.3  Combined traumatic amputation of (part of) finger(s) with other parts of wrist and hand  Gabungan amputasi traumatik ( bagian dari ) jari ( s ) dengan bagian lain dari pergelangan tangan dan tangan
1305  F95.2  Combined vocal and multiple motor tic disorder [de la Tourette]  Gangguan motorik tic vocal dan beberapa Gabungan [ de la Tourette ]
1306  T31.1  combustio grade 10-19%  Luka bakar yang melibatkan 10-19 % dari permukaan tubuh
1307  T31.3  combustio grade 30-39%  Luka bakar yang melibatkan 30-39 % dari permukaan tubuh
1308  T31.6  combustio grade 60-69%  Luka bakar yang melibatkan 60-69 % dari permukaan tubuh
1309  T31.7  combustio grade 70-79%  Luka bakar yang melibatkan 70-79 % dari permukaan tubuh
1310  T22.1  combustio lengan  Membakar derajat pertama bahu dan ekstremitas atas , kecuali pergelangan tangan dan tangan
1311  L70.0  comedo  Acne vulgaris
1312  R41.0  comfusi  Disorientasi , tidak spesifik
1313  Q20.0  Common arterial trunk  Trunk arteri umum
1315  D83.2  Common variable immunodeficiency with autoantibodies to B- or T-cells  Umum immunodeficiency variabel dengan autoantibodi ke B atau T - sel
1316  D83.0  Common variable immunodeficiency with predominant abnormalities of B-cell numbers and function  Umum immunodeficiency variabel dengan kelainan dominan jumlah sel - B dan fungsi
1317  D83.1  Common variable immunodeficiency with predominant immunoregulatory T-cell disorders  Umum immunodeficiency variabel dengan gangguan sel - T immunoregulatory dominan
1318  D83.9  Common variable immunodeficiency, unspecified  Umum variabel immunodeficiency , tidak spesifik
1319  G91.0  Communicating hydrocephalus  Berkomunikasi hidrosefalus
1320  D13.5  comon bill duct ( CBD )  Neoplasma jinak saluran empedu ekstrahepatik
1321  J00  COMON COLID / RHINO PARINGITIS  Nasopharyngitis akut [ flu biasa ]
1322  J98.3  Compensatory emphysema  Emfisema kompensasi
1323  H26.2  Compilated catarac  katarak rumit
1324  N81.3  Complete uterovaginal prolapse  Prolaps uterovaginal Lengkap
1325  G41.2  Complex partial status epilepticus  Kompleks Status epileptikus parsial
1329  G43.3  Complicated migraine  Migrain rumit
1331  N98.9  Complication associated with artificial fertilisation, unspecified  Komplikasi yang terkait dengan pembuahan buatan , tidak spesifik
1332  O08.9  Complication following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy, unspecified  Komplikasi aborsi berikut dan ektopik dan kehamilan molar , tidak spesifik
1334  O74.9  Complication of anaesthesia during labour and delivery, unspecified  Komplikasi anestesi selama persalinan dan melahirkan , tidak spesifik
1335  O29.9  Complication of anaesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified  Komplikasi anestesi selama kehamilan , tidak spesifik
1336  O89.9  Complication of anaesthesia during the puerperium, unspecified  Komplikasi anestesi selama masa nifas , tidak spesifik
1337  O75.9  Complication of labour and delivery, unspecified  Komplikasi persalinan dan melahirkan , tidak spesifik
1338  T88.9  Complication of surgical and medical care, unspecified  Komplikasi bedah dan perawatan medis , tidak spesifik
1339  O90.9  Complication of the puerperium, unspecified  Komplikasi masa nifas , tidak spesifik
1343  N98.3  Complications of attempted introduction of embryo in embryo transfer  Komplikasi percobaan pengenalan embrio di transfer embrio
1344  N98.2  Complications of attempted introduction of fertilised ovum following in vitro fertilisation  Komplikasi percobaan pengenalan ovum dibuahi berikut fertilisasi in vitro
1347  P96.5  Complications of intrauterine procedures, not elsewhere classified  Komplikasi prosedur intrauterine , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1348  T87.2  Complications of other reattached body part  Komplikasi dari bagian tubuh yang disambungkan lainnya
1350  T87.1  Complications of reattached (part of) lower extremity  Komplikasi disambungkan ( bagian dari ) tungkai bawah
1351  T87.0  Complications of reattached (part of) upper extremity  Komplikasi disambungkan ( bagian dari ) ekstremitas atas
1354  Q67.1  Compression facies  facies kompresi
1355  G37.5  Concentric sclerosis [Bal=]  Konsentris sclerosis [ Balo ]
1356  S06.0  Concussion / contusio cerebril / CKS / CKR  gegar
1357  S14.0  Concussion and oedema of cervical spinal cord  Gegar otak dan edema sumsum tulang belakang serviks
1358  S34.0  Concussion and oedema of lumbar spinal cord [conus medullaris]  Gegar otak dan edema sumsum tulang belakang lumbar
1359  S24.0  Concussion and oedema of thoracic spinal cord  Gegar otak dan edema sumsum tulang belakang toraks
1360  P83.9  Condition of integument specific to fetus and newborn, unspecified  Kondisi integumen khusus untuk janin dan bayi baru lahir , tidak spesifik
1361  P96.9  Condition originating in the perinatal period, unspecified  Kondisi yang berasal dari periode perinatal , tidak spesifik
1362  F91.0  Conduct disorder confined to the family context  Gangguan perilaku terbatas pada konteks keluarga
1363  F91.9  Conduct disorder, unspecified  Melakukan gangguan , tidak spesifik
1365  I45.9  Conduction disorder, unspecified  Gangguan konduksi, tidak spesifik
1367  H90.0  Conductive hearing loss, bilateral  Gangguan pendengaran konduktif , bilateral
1368  H90.1  Conductive hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side  Gangguan pendengaran konduktif , unilateral dengan pendengaran terbatas pada sisi kontralateral
1369  H90.2  Conductive hearing loss, unspecified  Gangguan pendengaran konduktif , tidak spesifik
1370  W81  CONFIN.TO OR TRAP.IN LOW OXYG.  Terbatas pada atau terjebak dalam lingkungan yang rendah oksigen sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
1371  W81.79  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, farm, during unspecified activity  
1372  W81.71  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1373  W81.78  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1374  W81.73  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1375  W81.70  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1376  W81.74  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1377  W81.72  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, farm, while working for an income  
1378  W81.09  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, home, during unspecified activity  
1379  W81.01  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1380  W81.08  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1381  W81.03  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1382  W81.00  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1383  W81.04  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1384  W81.02  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, home, while working for an income  
1385  W81.69  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1386  W81.61  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1387  W81.68  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1388  W81.63  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1389  W81.60  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1390  W81.64  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1391  W81.62  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1392  W81.89  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1393  W81.81  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1394  W81.88  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1395  W81.83  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1396  W81.80  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1397  W81.84  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1398  W81.82  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, other specified places, while working for an income  
1399  W81.19  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1400  W81.11  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1401  W81.18  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1402  W81.13  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1403  W81.10  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1404  W81.14  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1405  W81.12  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, residential institution, while working for an income  
1406  W81.29  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1407  W81.21  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1408  W81.28  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1409  W81.23  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1410  W81.20  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1411  W81.24  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1412  W81.22  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1413  W81.39  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1414  W81.31  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1415  W81.38  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1416  W81.33  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1417  W81.30  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1418  W81.34  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1419  W81.32  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1420  W81.49  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1421  W81.41  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1422  W81.48  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1423  W81.43  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1424  W81.40  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1425  W81.44  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1426  W81.42  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, street and highway, while working for an income  
1427  W81.59  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1428  W81.51  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1429  W81.58  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1430  W81.53  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1431  W81.50  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1432  W81.54  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1433  W81.52  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1434  W81.99  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1435  W81.91  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1436  W81.98  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1437  W81.93  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1438  W81.90  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1439  W81.94  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1440  W81.92  Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1452  Q55.5  Congenital absence and aplasia of penis  Tidak adanya bawaan dan aplasia penis
1453  Q27.0  Congenital absence and hypoplasia of umbilical artery  Tidak adanya bawaan dan hipoplasia arteri umbilikalis
1454  Q16.0  Congenital absence of (ear) auricle  Tidak adanya kongenital ( telinga ) daun telinga
1455  Q64.5  Congenital absence of bladder and urethra  Tidak adanya bawaan dari kandung kemih dan uretra
1456  Q71.2  Congenital absence of both forearm and hand  Tidak adanya bawaan dari kedua lengan bawah dan tangan
1457  Q72.2  Congenital absence of both lower leg and foot  Tidak adanya bawaan dari kedua tungkai bawah dan kaki
1458  Q83.0  Congenital absence of breast with absent nipple  Tidak adanya bawaan dari payudara dengan puting absen
1459  Q72.3  Congenital absence of foot and toe(s)  Tidak adanya bawaan dari kaki dan kaki ( s )
1460  Q71.3  Congenital absence of hand and finger(s)  Tidak adanya bawaan dari tangan dan jari ( s )
1461  Q50.0  Congenital absence of ovary  Tidak adanya bawaan dari ovarium
1462  Q72.1  Congenital absence of thigh and lower leg with foot present  Tidak adanya bawaan dari paha dan kaki bagian bawah dengan kaki ini
1463  Q73.0  Congenital absence of unspecified limb(s)  Tidak adanya kongenital anggota badan yang tidak spesifik ( s )
1464  Q71.1  Congenital absence of upper arm and forearm with hand present  Tidak adanya bawaan dari lengan atas dan lengan bawah dengan tangan ini
1465  Q52.0  Congenital absence of vagina  Tidak adanya bawaan vagina
1468  Q41.2  Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of ileum  Tidak adanya bawaan , atresia dan stenosis dari ileum
1469  Q41.1  Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of jejunum  Tidak adanya bawaan , atresia dan stenosis dari jejunum
1470  Q42.9  Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of large intestine, part unspecified  Tidak adanya bawaan , atresia dan stenosis dari usus besar , bagian yang tidak spesifik
1471  Q42.8  Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of other parts of large intestine  Tidak adanya bawaan , atresia dan stenosis dari bagian lain dari usus besar
1472  Q41.8  Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of other specified parts of small intestine  Tidak adanya bawaan , atresia dan stenosis bagian tertentu lainnya dari usus kecil
1473  Q42.0  Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of rectum with fistula  Tidak adanya bawaan , atresia dan stenosis rektum dengan fistula
1474  Q41.9  Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of small intestine, part unspecified  Tidak adanya bawaan , atresia dan stenosis usus kecil , bagian yang tidak spesifik
1475  Q16.1  Congenital absence, atresia and stricture of auditory canal (external)  Tidak adanya bawaan , atresia dan penyempitan saluran pendengaran ( eksternal )
1476  Q84.0  Congenital alopecia  alopecia kongenital
1477  P61.3  Congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss  Anemia bawaan dari kehilangan darah janin
1478  G70.2  Congenital and developmental myasthenia  Bawaan dan perkembangan myasthenia
1479  Q12.3  Congenital aphakia  aphakia kongenital
1480  Q68.3  Congenital bowing of femur  Membungkuk bawaan dari femur
1481  Q68.5  Congenital bowing of long bones of leg, unspecified  Membungkuk kongenital tulang panjang kaki , tidak spesifik
1482  Q68.4  Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula  Membungkuk bawaan tibia dan fibula
1483  Q33.4  Congenital bronchiectasis  bronkiektasis kongenital
1484  Q32.2  Congenital bronchomalacia  bronchomalacia kongenital
1485  Q80.3  Congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma  Bawaan bulosa ichthyosiform eritroderma
1486  Q12.0  Congenital catarac / katarak  katarak kongenital
1487  Q04.6  Congenital cerebral cysts  Kista bawaan otak
1488  Q72.0  Congenital complete absence of lower limb(s)  Adanya kongenital lengkap ekstremitas bawah ( s )
1489  Q71.0  Congenital complete absence of upper limb(s)  Adanya kongenital lengkap ekstremitas atas ( s )
1490  Q13.3  Congenital corneal opacity  Bawaan opacity kornea
1491  Q34.1  Congenital cyst of mediastinum  Kista kongenital mediastinum
1492  Q33.0  Congenital cystic lung  Kongenital paru-paru cystic
1493  P35.1  Congenital cytomegalovirus infection  Infeksi sitomegalovirus kongenital
1496  Q66.9  Congenital deformity of feet, unspecified  Deformitas kongenital kaki , tidak spesifik
1497  Q68.1  Congenital deformity of hand  Deformitas kongenital tangan
1498  Q65.9  Congenital deformity of hip, unspecified  Deformitas kongenital pinggul , tidak spesifik
1499  Q68.2  Congenital deformity of knee  Deformitas kongenital lutut
1500  Q67.5  Congenital deformity of spine  Cacat bawaan tulang belakang
1501  Q68.0  Congenital deformity of sternocleidomastoid muscle  Deformitas kongenital otot sternokleidomastoid
1502  Q79.0  Congenital diaphragmatic hernia  Bawaan hernia diafragma
1503  Q65.1  Congenital dislocation of hip, bilateral  Dislokasi kongenital pinggul , bilateral
1504  Q65.2  Congenital dislocation of hip, unspecified  Dislokasi kongenital pinggul , tidak spesifik
1505  Q12.1  Congenital displaced lens  Lensa bawaan pengungsi
1506  Q64.6  Congenital diverticulum of bladder  Divertikulum kongenital kandung kemih
1507  D64.4  Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia  Anemia dyserythropoietic kongenital
1508  Q10.1  Congenital ectropion  ectropion kongenital
1509  Q10.2  Congenital entropion  entropion kongenital
1510  P37.3  Congenital falciparum malaria  Malaria falciparum kongenital
1511  Q51.7  Congenital fistulae between uterus and digestive and urinary tracts  Fistula kongenital antara rahim dan pencernaan dan saluran kemih
1512  Q15.0  Congenital glaucoma  glaukoma kongenital
1513  Q24.6  Congenital heart block  Blok jantung kongenital
1514  P35.2  Congenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection  Bawaan herpesviral [ herpes simplex ] infeksi
1515  Q40.1  Congenital hiatus hernia  Bawaan hernia hiatus
1516  P83.5  Congenital hydrocele  hidrokel kongenital
1518  Q03.9  Congenital hydrocephalus, unspecified  Hidrosefalus kongenital , tidak spesifik
1519  Q62.0  Congenital hydronephrosis  hidronefrosis kongenital
1520  P94.1  Congenital hypertonia  hypertonia kongenital
1521  E03.0  Congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goitre  Hipotiroidisme kongenital dengan struma difus
1522  E03.1  Congenital hypothyroidism without goitre  Hipotiroidisme kongenital tanpa gondok
1523  P94.2  Congenital hypotonia  hypotonia bawaan
1525  Q80.9  Congenital ichthyosis, unspecified  Ichthyosis bawaan , tidak spesifik
1526  P37.9  Congenital infectious and parasitic disease, unspecified  Penyakit menular dan parasit kongenital , tidak spesifik
1527  Q23.1  Congenital insufficiency of aortic valve  Insufisiensi kongenital katup aorta
1529  E00.2  Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, mixed type  Bawaan sindrom defisiensi yodium - , tipe campuran
1530  E00.1  Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, myxoedematous type  Bawaan sindrom defisiensi yodium - , jenis myxoedematous
1531  E00.0  Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, neurological type  Bawaan sindrom defisiensi yodium - , jenis neurologis
1532  E00.9  Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, unspecified  Bawaan sindrom defisiensi yodium - , tidak spesifik
1533  E73.0  Congenital lactase deficiency  Defisiensi laktase bawaan
1534  Q31.4  Congenital laryngeal stridor  Bawaan laring stridor
1535  Q12.9  Congenital lens malformation, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital lensa , tidak spesifik
1537  Q84.4  Congenital leukonychia  leukonikia kongenital
1538  Q13.9  Congenital malformation of anterior segment of eye, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital segmen anterior mata , tidak spesifik
1539  Q23.9  Congenital malformation of aortic and mitral valves, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital katup aorta dan mitral , tidak spesifik
1540  Q76.9  Congenital malformation of bony thorax, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital thorax tulang , tidak spesifik
1541  Q04.9  Congenital malformation of brain, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital otak , tidak spesifik
1542  Q83.9  Congenital malformation of breast, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital payudara , tidak spesifik
1543  Q20.9  Congenital malformation of cardiac chambers and connections, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital ruang jantung dan koneksi , tidak spesifik
1544  Q21.9  Congenital malformation of cardiac septum, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital septum jantung , tidak spesifik
1545  Q14.3  Congenital malformation of choroid  Malformasi kongenital koroid
1546  Q28.9  Congenital malformation of circulatory system, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital sistem peredaran darah , tidak spesifik
1547  Q52.6  Congenital malformation of clitoris  Malformasi kongenital klitoris
1548  Q45.9  Congenital malformation of digestive system, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital sistem pencernaan , tidak spesifik
1549  Q16.9  Congenital malformation of ear causing impairment of hearing, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital telinga yang menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran , tidak spesifik
1550  Q16.3  Congenital malformation of ear ossicles  Malformasi kongenital ossicles telinga
1551  Q17.9  Congenital malformation of ear, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital telinga , tidak spesifik
1552  Q15.9  Congenital malformation of eye, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital mata , tidak spesifik
1553  Q18.9  Congenital malformation of face and neck, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital wajah dan leher , tidak spesifik
1554  Q52.9  Congenital malformation of female genitalia, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital alat kelamin perempuan , tidak spesifik
1555  Q25.9  Congenital malformation of great arteries, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital arteri besar , tidak spesifik
1556  Q26.9  Congenital malformation of great vein, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital vena besar , tidak spesifik
1557  Q16.5  Congenital malformation of inner ear  Malformasi kongenital telinga bagian dalam
1558  Q84.9  Congenital malformation of integument, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital integumen , tidak spesifik
1559  Q43.9  Congenital malformation of intestine, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital usus , tidak spesifik
1560  Q63.9  Congenital malformation of kidney, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital ginjal , tidak spesifik
1561  Q74.1  Congenital malformation of knee  Malformasi kongenital lutut
1562  Q31.9  Congenital malformation of larynx, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital laring , tidak spesifik
1563  Q55.9  Congenital malformation of male genital organ, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital organ kelamin laki-laki , tidak spesifik
1564  Q79.9  Congenital malformation of musculoskeletal system, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital sistem muskuloskeletal , tidak spesifik
1565  Q07.9  Congenital malformation of nervous system, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital sistem saraf , tidak spesifik
1566  Q30.9  Congenital malformation of nose, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital hidung , tidak spesifik
1567  Q39.9  Congenital malformation of oesophagus, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital kerongkongan , tidak spesifik
1568  Q14.2  Congenital malformation of optic disc  Malformasi kongenital disk optik
1569  Q10.7  Congenital malformation of orbit  Malformasi kongenital orbit
1570  Q27.9  Congenital malformation of peripheral vascular system, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital sistem pembuluh darah perifer , tidak spesifik
1571  Q14.9  Congenital malformation of posterior segment of eye, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital segmen posterior mata , tidak spesifik
1572  Q34.9  Congenital malformation of respiratory system, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital sistem pernapasan , tidak spesifik
1573  Q14.1  Congenital malformation of retina  Malformasi kongenital retina
1574  Q82.9  Congenital malformation of skin, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital kulit , tidak spesifik
1575  Q75.9  Congenital malformation of skull and face bones, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital tengkorak dan tulang wajah , tidak spesifik
1576  Q06.9  Congenital malformation of spinal cord, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital sumsum tulang belakang , tidak spesifik
1577  Q76.7  Congenital malformation of sternum  Malformasi kongenital sternum
1578  Q40.3  Congenital malformation of stomach, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital perut , tidak spesifik
1579  Q22.9  Congenital malformation of tricuspid valve, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital katup trikuspid , tidak spesifik
1580  Q40.9  Congenital malformation of upper alimentary tract, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital saluran pencernaan bagian atas , tidak spesifik
1581  Q64.9  Congenital malformation of urinary system, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital sistem kemih , tidak spesifik
1582  Q51.9  Congenital malformation of uterus and cervix, unspecified  Malformasi kongenital rahim dan leher rahim , tidak spesifik
1583  Q14.0  Congenital malformation of vitreous humour  Malformasi kongenital humor vitreous
1584  Q87.3  Congenital malformation syndromes involving early overgrowth  Sindrom malformasi kongenital yang melibatkan pertumbuhan berlebih awal
1585  Q87.0  Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly affecting facial appearance  Sindrom malformasi kongenital terutama mempengaruhi penampilan wajah
1586  Q87.1  Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly associated with short stature  Sindrom malformasi kongenital terutama terkait dengan perawakan pendek
1587  Q87.2  Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly involving limbs  Sindrom malformasi kongenital terutama yang melibatkan anggota badan
1588  Q89.1  Congenital malformations of adrenal gland  Malformasi kongenital kelenjar adrenal
1591  Q04.0  Congenital malformations of corpus callosum  Malformasi kongenital dari corpus callosum
1595  Q38.0  Congenital malformations of lips, not elsewhere classified  Malformasi kongenital bibir , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1597  Q38.5  Congenital malformations of palate, not elsewhere classified  Malformasi kongenital dari langit-langit , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1599  Q38.4  Congenital malformations of salivary glands and ducts  Malformasi kongenital kelenjar ludah dan saluran
1601  Q89.0  Congenital malformations of spleen  Malformasi kongenital limpa
1604  Q62.2  Congenital megaloureter  megaloureter kongenital
1605  D74.0  Congenital methaemoglobinaemia  Methaemoglobinaemia kongenital
1606  Q23.3  Congenital mitral insufficiency  Insufisiensi mitral kongenital
1607  Q23.2  Congenital mitral stenosis  Bawaan mitral stenosis
1608  Q84.1  Congenital morphological disturbances of hair, not elsewhere classified  Gangguan morfologi kongenital rambut , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1610  G71.2  Congenital myopathies  Miopati kongenital
1611  G11.0  Congenital nonprogressive ataxia  Bawaan ataxia nonprogressive
1613  Q45.2  Congenital pancreatic cyst  Kista kongenital pankreas
1614  Q30.3  Congenital perforated nasal septum  Bawaan berlubang septum hidung
1615  Q66.5  Congenital pes planus  Pes planus kongenital
1616  Q27.4  Congenital phlebectasia  phlebectasia kongenital
1618  P23.1  Congenital pneumonia due to Chlamydia  Pneumonia kongenital karena Chlamydia
1619  P23.4  Congenital pneumonia due to Escherichia coli  Pneumonia kongenital karena Escherichia coli
1620  P23.6  Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents  Pneumonia kongenital karena agen bakteri lainnya
1621  P23.8  Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms  Pneumonia kongenital karena organisme lain
1622  P23.5  Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas  Pneumonia kongenital karena Pseudomonas
1623  P23.2  Congenital pneumonia due to staphylococcus  Pneumonia kongenital akibat staphylococcus
1624  P23.3  Congenital pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B  Pneumonia kongenital karena streptococcus , kelompok B
1625  P23.0  Congenital pneumonia due to viral agent  Pneumonia kongenital karena agen viral
1626  P23.9  Congenital pneumonia, unspecified  Pneumonia kongenital , tidak spesifik
1627  Q64.2  Congenital posterior urethral valves  Katup uretra posterior kongenital
1628  Q10.0  Congenital ptosis  ptosis kongenital
1629  Q22.2  Congenital pulmonary valve insufficiency  Bawaan insufisiensi katup pulmonal
1630  Q22.1  Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis  Kongenital stenosis katup pulmonal
1631  Q52.2  Congenital rectovaginal fistula  Bawaan fistula rektovaginal
1632  Q27.1  Congenital renal artery stenosis  Kongenital stenosis arteri renalis
1633  P96.0  Congenital renal failure  Gagal ginjal bawaan
1634  P35.0  Congenital rubella syndrome  Sindrom rubella bawaan
1635  Q76.3  Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation  Scoliosis bawaan karena bawaan tulang malformasi
1636  Q61.0  Congenital single renal cyst  Bawaan kista ginjal tunggal
1637  Q76.2  Congenital spondylolisthesis  spondylolisthesis bawaan
1638  Q44.3  Congenital stenosis and stricture of bile ducts  Stenosis kongenital dan penyempitan saluran empedu
1639  Q10.5  Congenital stenosis and stricture of lacrimal duct  Stenosis kongenital dan striktur duktus lakrimal
1640  Q39.3  Congenital stenosis and stricture of oesophagus  Stenosis kongenital dan striktur esofagus
1641  Q23.0  Congenital stenosis of aortic valve  Stenosis kongenital katup aorta
1642  Q32.3  Congenital stenosis of bronchus  Stenosis kongenital bronkus
1643  Q26.0  Congenital stenosis of vena cava  Stenosis kongenital vena cava
1644  Q24.4  Congenital subaortic stenosis  Bawaan subaorta stenosis
1645  Q31.1  Congenital subglottic stenosis  Kongenital stenosis subglotis
1646  Q65.4  Congenital subluxation of hip, bilateral  Subluksasi bawaan dari pinggul , bilateral
1647  Q65.3  Congenital subluxation of hip, unilateral  Subluksasi bawaan dari pinggul , unilateral
1648  Q65.5  Congenital subluxation of hip, unspecified  Subluksasi bawaan dari pinggul , tidak spesifik
1649  A50.9  Congenital syphilis, unspecified  Sifilis kongenital , tidak spesifik
1650  Q50.2  Congenital torsion of ovary  Torsi bawaan dari ovarium
1651  P37.1  Congenital toxoplasmosis  toksoplasmosis kongenital
1652  Q39.2  Congenital tracheo-oesophageal fistula without atresia  Bawaan fistula trakeo -esofagus tanpa atresia
1653  Q32.0  Congenital tracheomalacia  tracheomalacia kongenital
1654  Q22.4  Congenital tricuspid stenosis  Kongenital stenosis trikuspid
1655  P37.0  Congenital tuberculosis  TB kongenital
1656  Q62.7  Congenital vesico-uretero-renal reflux  Bawaan vesiko - uretero - renal refluks
1657  P35.9  Congenital viral disease, unspecified  Penyakit virus bawaan , tidak spesifik
1659  P35.3  Congenital viral hepatitis  Hepatitis virus kongenital
1660  N42.1  Congestion and haemorrhage of prostate  Kemacetan dan perdarahan dari prostat
1661  Q89.4  Conjoined twins  kembar siam
1662  H11.1  Conjunctival degenerations and deposits  Degenerasi konjungtiva dan deposito
1663  H11.3  Conjunctival hemorhage  Perdarahan konjungtiva
1664  H11.2  Conjunctival scars / sumbilofiron  Bekas luka konjungtiva
1666  B30.1  Conjunctivitis due to adenovirus (H13.1*)  Konjungtivitis karena adenovirus
1667  H13.2  Conjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere  Konjungtivitis pada penyakit lain yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1668  H13.1  Conjungtivitas neunatal gonocokal  Konjungtivitis pada penyakit infeksi dan parasit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1669  H10.9  Conjungtivitis  Konjungtivitis , tidak spesifik
1670  M99.7  Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina  Jaringan dan disc ikat stenosis dari foramina intervertebralis
1671  M99.4  Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal  Stenosis jaringan ikat kanal saraf
1672  M62.90  conraktur otot / leher  
1673  K59.0  Constipation / contifation / obstipasi  Sembelit
1674  E34.4  Constitutional tall stature  Perawakannya tinggi Konstitusi
1675  L50.6  Contact urticaria  Urtikaria kontak
1676  X20  CONTACT VENOMOUS SNAKES LIZARD  Kontak dengan ular berbisa dan kadal sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
1678  W30  CONTACT WITH AGRICUL.MACHINERY  Kontak dengan mesin pertanian menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
1679  W30.79  Contact with agricultural machinery, farm, during unspecified activity  
1680  W30.71  Contact with agricultural machinery, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1681  W30.78  Contact with agricultural machinery, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1682  W30.73  Contact with agricultural machinery, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1683  W30.70  Contact with agricultural machinery, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1684  W30.74  Contact with agricultural machinery, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1685  W30.72  Contact with agricultural machinery, farm, while working for an income  
1686  W30.09  Contact with agricultural machinery, home, during unspecified activity  
1687  W30.01  Contact with agricultural machinery, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1688  W30.08  Contact with agricultural machinery, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1689  W30.03  Contact with agricultural machinery, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1690  W30.00  Contact with agricultural machinery, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1691  W30.04  Contact with agricultural machinery, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1692  W30.02  Contact with agricultural machinery, home, while working for an income  
1693  W30.69  Contact with agricultural machinery, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1694  W30.61  Contact with agricultural machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1695  W30.68  Contact with agricultural machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1696  W30.63  Contact with agricultural machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1697  W30.60  Contact with agricultural machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1698  W30.64  Contact with agricultural machinery, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1699  W30.62  Contact with agricultural machinery, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1700  W30.89  Contact with agricultural machinery, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1701  W30.81  Contact with agricultural machinery, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1702  W30.88  Contact with agricultural machinery, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1703  W30.83  Contact with agricultural machinery, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1704  W30.80  Contact with agricultural machinery, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1705  W30.84  Contact with agricultural machinery, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1706  W30.82  Contact with agricultural machinery, other specified places, while working for an income  
1707  W30.19  Contact with agricultural machinery, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1708  W30.11  Contact with agricultural machinery, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1709  W30.18  Contact with agricultural machinery, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1710  W30.13  Contact with agricultural machinery, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1711  W30.10  Contact with agricultural machinery, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1712  W30.14  Contact with agricultural machinery, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1713  W30.12  Contact with agricultural machinery, residential institution, while working for an income  
1714  W30.29  Contact with agricultural machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1715  W30.21  Contact with agricultural machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1716  W30.28  Contact with agricultural machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1717  W30.23  Contact with agricultural machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1718  W30.20  Contact with agricultural machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1719  W30.24  Contact with agricultural machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1720  W30.22  Contact with agricultural machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1721  W30.39  Contact with agricultural machinery, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1722  W30.31  Contact with agricultural machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1723  W30.38  Contact with agricultural machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1724  W30.33  Contact with agricultural machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1725  W30.30  Contact with agricultural machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1726  W30.34  Contact with agricultural machinery, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1727  W30.32  Contact with agricultural machinery, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1728  W30.49  Contact with agricultural machinery, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1729  W30.41  Contact with agricultural machinery, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1730  W30.48  Contact with agricultural machinery, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1731  W30.43  Contact with agricultural machinery, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1732  W30.40  Contact with agricultural machinery, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1733  W30.44  Contact with agricultural machinery, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1734  W30.42  Contact with agricultural machinery, street and highway, while working for an income  
1735  W30.59  Contact with agricultural machinery, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1736  W30.51  Contact with agricultural machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1737  W30.58  Contact with agricultural machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1738  W30.53  Contact with agricultural machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1739  W30.50  Contact with agricultural machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1740  W30.54  Contact with agricultural machinery, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1741  W30.52  Contact with agricultural machinery, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1742  W30.99  Contact with agricultural machinery, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1743  W30.91  Contact with agricultural machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1744  W30.98  Contact with agricultural machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1745  W30.93  Contact with agricultural machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1746  W30.90  Contact with agricultural machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1747  W30.94  Contact with agricultural machinery, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1748  W30.92  Contact with agricultural machinery, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1749  Z20.6  Contact with and exposure to human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]  Kontak dengan dan paparan human immunodeficiency virus [ HIV ]
1750  Z20.2  Contact with and exposure to infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission  Kontak dengan dan paparan terhadap infeksi dengan modus dominan seksual penularan
1751  Z20.0  Contact with and exposure to intestinal infectious diseases  Kontak dengan dan paparan usus penyakit menular
1752  Z20.8  Contact with and exposure to other communicable diseases  Kontak dengan dan paparan penyakit menular lainnya
1753  Z20.7  Contact with and exposure to pediculosis, acariasis and other infestations  Kontak dengan dan paparan pediculosis , acariasis dan infestasi lainnya
1754  Z20.3  Contact with and exposure to rabies  Kontak dengan dan paparan rabies
1755  Z20.4  Contact with and exposure to rubella  Kontak dengan dan paparan rubella
1756  Z20.1  Contact with and exposure to tuberculosis  Kontak dengan dan paparan tuberkulosis
1757  Z20.9  Contact with and exposure to unspecified communicable disease  Kontak dengan dan terkena penyakit menular yang tidak spesifik
1758  Z20.5  Contact with and exposure to viral hepatitis  Kontak dengan dan paparan virus hepatitis
1759  Y29.79  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
1760  Y29.71  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1761  Y29.78  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1762  Y29.73  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1763  Y29.70  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1764  Y29.74  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1765  Y29.72  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
1766  Y29.09  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
1767  Y29.01  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1768  Y29.08  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1769  Y29.03  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1770  Y29.00  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1771  Y29.04  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1772  Y29.02  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
1773  Y29.69  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1774  Y29.61  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1775  Y29.68  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1776  Y29.63  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1777  Y29.60  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1778  Y29.64  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1779  Y29.62  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1780  Y29.89  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1781  Y29.81  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1782  Y29.88  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1783  Y29.83  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1784  Y29.80  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1785  Y29.84  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1786  Y29.82  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
1787  Y29.19  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1788  Y29.11  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1789  Y29.18  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1790  Y29.13  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1791  Y29.10  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1792  Y29.14  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1793  Y29.12  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
1794  Y29.29  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1795  Y29.21  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1796  Y29.28  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1797  Y29.23  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1798  Y29.20  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1799  Y29.24  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1800  Y29.22  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1801  Y29.39  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1802  Y29.31  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1803  Y29.38  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1804  Y29.33  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1805  Y29.30  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1806  Y29.34  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1807  Y29.32  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1808  Y29.49  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1809  Y29.41  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1810  Y29.48  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1811  Y29.43  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1812  Y29.40  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1813  Y29.44  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1814  Y29.42  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
1815  Y29.59  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1816  Y29.51  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1817  Y29.58  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1818  Y29.53  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1819  Y29.50  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1820  Y29.54  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1821  Y29.52  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1822  Y29.99  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1823  Y29.91  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1824  Y29.98  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1825  Y29.93  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1826  Y29.90  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1827  Y29.94  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1828  Y29.92  Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1829  Y29  CONTACT WITH BLUNT OBJET,UNDE.  Kontak dengan benda tumpul , niat belum spesifik menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
1830  X24  CONTACT WITH CENTIPEDES & VENE  Kontak dengan kelabang dan kaki seribu berbisa ( tropis ) sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
1831  X24.79  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, farm, during unspecified activity  
1832  X24.71  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1833  X24.78  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1834  X24.73  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1835  X24.70  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1836  X24.74  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1837  X24.72  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, farm, while working for an income  
1838  X24.09  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, home, during unspecified activity  
1839  X24.01  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1840  X24.08  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1841  X24.03  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1842  X24.00  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1843  X24.04  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1844  X24.02  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, home, while working for an income  
1845  X24.69  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1846  X24.61  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1847  X24.68  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1848  X24.63  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1849  X24.60  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1850  X24.64  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1851  X24.62  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1852  X24.89  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1853  X24.81  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1854  X24.88  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1855  X24.83  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1856  X24.80  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1857  X24.84  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1858  X24.82  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, other specified places, while working for an income  
1859  X24.19  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1860  X24.11  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1861  X24.18  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1862  X24.13  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1863  X24.10  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1864  X24.14  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1865  X24.12  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, residential institution, while working for an income  
1866  X24.29  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1867  X24.21  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1868  X24.28  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1869  X24.23  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1870  X24.20  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1871  X24.24  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1872  X24.22  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1873  X24.39  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1874  X24.31  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1875  X24.38  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1876  X24.33  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1877  X24.30  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1878  X24.34  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1879  X24.32  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1880  X24.49  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1881  X24.41  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1882  X24.48  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1883  X24.43  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1884  X24.40  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1885  X24.44  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1886  X24.42  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, street and highway, while working for an income  
1887  X24.59  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1888  X24.51  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1889  X24.58  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1890  X24.53  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1891  X24.50  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1892  X24.54  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1893  X24.52  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1894  X24.99  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1895  X24.91  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1896  X24.98  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1897  X24.93  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1898  X24.90  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1899  X24.94  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1900  X24.92  Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1901  Y25  CONTACT WITH EXPLOSIVE MATERIA  Kontak dengan bahan peledak , niat belum spesifik menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
1902  Y25.79  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
1903  Y25.71  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1904  Y25.78  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1905  Y25.73  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1906  Y25.70  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1907  Y25.74  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1908  Y25.72  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
1909  Y25.09  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
1910  Y25.01  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1911  Y25.08  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1912  Y25.03  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1913  Y25.00  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1914  Y25.04  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1915  Y25.02  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
1916  Y25.69  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1917  Y25.61  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1918  Y25.68  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1919  Y25.63  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1920  Y25.60  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1921  Y25.64  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1922  Y25.62  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1923  Y25.89  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1924  Y25.81  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1925  Y25.88  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1926  Y25.83  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1927  Y25.80  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1928  Y25.84  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1929  Y25.82  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
1930  Y25.19  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1931  Y25.11  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1932  Y25.18  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1933  Y25.13  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1934  Y25.10  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1935  Y25.14  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1936  Y25.12  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
1937  Y25.29  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1938  Y25.21  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1939  Y25.28  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1940  Y25.23  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1941  Y25.20  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1942  Y25.24  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1943  Y25.22  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1944  Y25.39  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1945  Y25.31  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1946  Y25.38  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1947  Y25.33  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1948  Y25.30  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1949  Y25.34  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1950  Y25.32  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1951  Y25.49  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1952  Y25.41  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1953  Y25.48  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1954  Y25.43  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1955  Y25.40  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1956  Y25.44  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1957  Y25.42  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
1958  Y25.59  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1959  Y25.51  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1960  Y25.58  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1961  Y25.53  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1962  Y25.50  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1963  Y25.54  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1964  Y25.52  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1965  Y25.99  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1966  Y25.91  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1967  Y25.98  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1968  Y25.93  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1969  Y25.90  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1970  Y25.94  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1971  Y25.92  Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1972  X23.79  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, farm, during unspecified activity  
1973  X23.71  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1974  X23.78  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1975  X23.73  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1976  X23.70  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1977  X23.74  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1978  X23.72  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, farm, while working for an income  
1979  X23.09  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, home, during unspecified activity  
1980  X23.01  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1981  X23.08  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1982  X23.03  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1983  X23.00  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1984  X23.04  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1985  X23.02  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, home, while working for an income  
1986  X23.69  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1987  X23.61  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1988  X23.68  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1989  X23.63  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1990  X23.60  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1991  X23.64  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1992  X23.62  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1993  X23.89  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1994  X23.81  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1995  X23.88  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1996  X23.83  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1997  X23.80  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1998  X23.84  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1999  X23.82  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, other specified places, while working for an income  
2000  X23.19  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2001  X23.11  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2002  X23.18  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2003  X23.13  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2004  X23.10  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2005  X23.14  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2006  X23.12  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, residential institution, while working for an income  
2007  X23.29  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2008  X23.21  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2009  X23.28  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2010  X23.23  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2011  X23.20  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2012  X23.24  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2013  X23.22  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2014  X23.39  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2015  X23.31  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2016  X23.38  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2017  X23.33  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2018  X23.30  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2019  X23.34  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2020  X23.32  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2021  X23.49  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2022  X23.41  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2023  X23.48  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2024  X23.43  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2025  X23.40  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2026  X23.44  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2027  X23.42  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, street and highway, while working for an income  
2028  X23.59  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2029  X23.51  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2030  X23.58  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2031  X23.53  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2032  X23.50  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2033  X23.54  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2034  X23.52  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2035  X23.99  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2036  X23.91  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2037  X23.98  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2038  X23.93  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2039  X23.90  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2040  X23.94  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2041  X23.92  Contact with hornets, wasps and bees, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2042  X23  CONTACT WITH HORNETS,WASPS & B  Kontak dengan lebah , tawon dan lebah sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
2043  X14  CONTACT WITH HOT AIR AND GASES  Kontak dengan udara panas dan gas sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
2044  X14.79  Contact with hot air and gases, farm, during unspecified activity  
2045  X14.71  Contact with hot air and gases, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2046  X14.78  Contact with hot air and gases, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2047  X14.73  Contact with hot air and gases, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2048  X14.70  Contact with hot air and gases, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2049  X14.74  Contact with hot air and gases, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2050  X14.72  Contact with hot air and gases, farm, while working for an income  
2051  X14.09  Contact with hot air and gases, home, during unspecified activity  
2052  X14.01  Contact with hot air and gases, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2053  X14.08  Contact with hot air and gases, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2054  X14.03  Contact with hot air and gases, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2055  X14.00  Contact with hot air and gases, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2056  X14.04  Contact with hot air and gases, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2057  X14.02  Contact with hot air and gases, home, while working for an income  
2058  X14.69  Contact with hot air and gases, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2059  X14.61  Contact with hot air and gases, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2060  X14.68  Contact with hot air and gases, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2061  X14.63  Contact with hot air and gases, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2062  X14.60  Contact with hot air and gases, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2063  X14.64  Contact with hot air and gases, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2064  X14.62  Contact with hot air and gases, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2065  X14.89  Contact with hot air and gases, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2066  X14.81  Contact with hot air and gases, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2067  X14.88  Contact with hot air and gases, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2068  X14.83  Contact with hot air and gases, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2069  X14.80  Contact with hot air and gases, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2070  X14.84  Contact with hot air and gases, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2071  X14.82  Contact with hot air and gases, other specified places, while working for an income  
2072  X14.19  Contact with hot air and gases, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2073  X14.11  Contact with hot air and gases, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2074  X14.18  Contact with hot air and gases, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2075  X14.13  Contact with hot air and gases, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2076  X14.10  Contact with hot air and gases, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2077  X14.14  Contact with hot air and gases, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2078  X14.12  Contact with hot air and gases, residential institution, while working for an income  
2079  X14.29  Contact with hot air and gases, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2080  X14.21  Contact with hot air and gases, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2081  X14.28  Contact with hot air and gases, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2082  X14.23  Contact with hot air and gases, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2083  X14.20  Contact with hot air and gases, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2084  X14.24  Contact with hot air and gases, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2085  X14.22  Contact with hot air and gases, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2086  X14.39  Contact with hot air and gases, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2087  X14.31  Contact with hot air and gases, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2088  X14.38  Contact with hot air and gases, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2089  X14.33  Contact with hot air and gases, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2090  X14.30  Contact with hot air and gases, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2091  X14.34  Contact with hot air and gases, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2092  X14.32  Contact with hot air and gases, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2093  X14.49  Contact with hot air and gases, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2094  X14.41  Contact with hot air and gases, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2095  X14.48  Contact with hot air and gases, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2096  X14.43  Contact with hot air and gases, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2097  X14.40  Contact with hot air and gases, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2098  X14.44  Contact with hot air and gases, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2099  X14.42  Contact with hot air and gases, street and highway, while working for an income  
2100  X14.59  Contact with hot air and gases, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2101  X14.51  Contact with hot air and gases, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2102  X14.58  Contact with hot air and gases, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2103  X14.53  Contact with hot air and gases, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2104  X14.50  Contact with hot air and gases, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2105  X14.54  Contact with hot air and gases, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2106  X14.52  Contact with hot air and gases, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2107  X14.99  Contact with hot air and gases, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2108  X14.91  Contact with hot air and gases, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2109  X14.98  Contact with hot air and gases, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2110  X14.93  Contact with hot air and gases, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2111  X14.90  Contact with hot air and gases, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2112  X14.94  Contact with hot air and gases, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2113  X14.92  Contact with hot air and gases, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2114  X10.79  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, farm, during unspecified activity  
2115  X10.71  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2116  X10.78  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2117  X10.73  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2118  X10.70  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2119  X10.74  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2120  X10.72  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, farm, while working for an income  
2121  X10.09  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, home, during unspecified activity  
2122  X10.01  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2123  X10.08  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2124  X10.03  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2125  X10.00  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2126  X10.04  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2127  X10.02  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, home, while working for an income  
2128  X10.69  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2129  X10.61  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2130  X10.68  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2131  X10.63  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2132  X10.60  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2133  X10.64  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2134  X10.62  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2135  X10.89  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2136  X10.81  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2137  X10.88  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2138  X10.83  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2139  X10.80  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2140  X10.84  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2141  X10.82  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, other specified places, while working for an income  
2142  X10.19  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2143  X10.11  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2144  X10.18  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2145  X10.13  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2146  X10.10  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2147  X10.14  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2148  X10.12  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, residential institution, while working for an income  
2149  X10.29  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2150  X10.21  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2151  X10.28  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2152  X10.23  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2153  X10.20  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2154  X10.24  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2155  X10.22  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2156  X10.39  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2157  X10.31  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2158  X10.38  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2159  X10.33  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2160  X10.30  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2161  X10.34  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2162  X10.32  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2163  X10.49  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2164  X10.41  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2165  X10.48  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2166  X10.43  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2167  X10.40  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2168  X10.44  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2169  X10.42  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, street and highway, while working for an income  
2170  X10.59  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2171  X10.51  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2172  X10.58  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2173  X10.53  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2174  X10.50  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2175  X10.54  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2176  X10.52  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2177  X10.99  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2178  X10.91  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2179  X10.98  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2180  X10.93  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2181  X10.90  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2182  X10.94  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2183  X10.92  Contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2184  X17.79  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, farm, during unspecified activity  
2185  X17.71  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2186  X17.78  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2187  X17.73  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2188  X17.70  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2189  X17.74  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2190  X17.72  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, farm, while working for an income  
2191  X17.09  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, home, during unspecified activity  
2192  X17.01  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2193  X17.08  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2194  X17.03  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2195  X17.00  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2196  X17.04  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2197  X17.02  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, home, while working for an income  
2198  X17.69  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2199  X17.61  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2200  X17.68  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2201  X17.63  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2202  X17.60  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2203  X17.64  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2204  X17.62  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2205  X17.89  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2206  X17.81  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2207  X17.88  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2208  X17.83  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2209  X17.80  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2210  X17.84  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2211  X17.82  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, other specified places, while working for an income  
2212  X17.19  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2213  X17.11  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2214  X17.18  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2215  X17.13  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2216  X17.10  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2217  X17.14  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2218  X17.12  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, residential institution, while working for an income  
2219  X17.29  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2220  X17.21  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2221  X17.28  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2222  X17.23  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2223  X17.20  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2224  X17.24  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2225  X17.22  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2226  X17.39  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2227  X17.31  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2228  X17.38  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2229  X17.33  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2230  X17.30  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2231  X17.34  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2232  X17.32  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2233  X17.49  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2234  X17.41  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2235  X17.48  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2236  X17.43  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2237  X17.40  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2238  X17.44  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2239  X17.42  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, street and highway, while working for an income  
2240  X17.59  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2241  X17.51  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2242  X17.58  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2243  X17.53  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2244  X17.50  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2245  X17.54  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2246  X17.52  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2247  X17.99  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2248  X17.91  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2249  X17.98  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2250  X17.93  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2251  X17.90  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2252  X17.94  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2253  X17.92  Contact with hot engines, machinery and tools, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2254  X17  CONTACT WITH HOT ENGINES,MACH.  Kontak dengan mesin panas, mesin dan alat-alat sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
2255  X16  CONTACT WITH HOT HEAT.APPLIAN.  Kontak dengan peralatan pemanas panas , radiator dan pipa sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
2256  X16.79  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, farm, during unspecified activity  
2257  X16.71  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2258  X16.78  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2259  X16.73  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2260  X16.70  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2261  X16.74  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2262  X16.72  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, farm, while working for an income  
2263  X16.09  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, home, during unspecified activity  
2264  X16.01  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2265  X16.08  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2266  X16.03  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2267  X16.00  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2268  X16.04  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2269  X16.02  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, home, while working for an income  
2270  X16.69  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2271  X16.61  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2272  X16.68  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2273  X16.63  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2274  X16.60  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2275  X16.64  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2276  X16.62  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2277  X16.89  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2278  X16.81  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2279  X16.88  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2280  X16.83  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2281  X16.80  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2282  X16.84  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2283  X16.82  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, other specified places, while working for an income  
2284  X16.19  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2285  X16.11  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2286  X16.18  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2287  X16.13  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2288  X16.10  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2289  X16.14  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2290  X16.12  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, residential institution, while working for an income  
2291  X16.29  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2292  X16.21  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2293  X16.28  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2294  X16.23  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2295  X16.20  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2296  X16.24  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2297  X16.22  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2298  X16.39  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2299  X16.31  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2300  X16.38  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2301  X16.33  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2302  X16.30  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2303  X16.34  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2304  X16.32  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2305  X16.49  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2306  X16.41  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2307  X16.48  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2308  X16.43  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2309  X16.40  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2310  X16.44  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2311  X16.42  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, street and highway, while working for an income  
2312  X16.59  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2313  X16.51  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2314  X16.58  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2315  X16.53  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2316  X16.50  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2317  X16.54  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2318  X16.52  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2319  X16.99  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2320  X16.91  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2321  X16.98  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2322  X16.93  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2323  X16.90  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2324  X16.94  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2325  X16.92  Contact with hot heating appliances, radiators and pipes, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2326  X15  CONTACT WITH HOT HOUSEHOLD APP  Kontak dengan peralatan rumah tangga panas sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
2327  X15.79  Contact with hot household appliances, farm, during unspecified activity  
2328  X15.71  Contact with hot household appliances, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2329  X15.78  Contact with hot household appliances, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2330  X15.73  Contact with hot household appliances, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2331  X15.70  Contact with hot household appliances, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2332  X15.74  Contact with hot household appliances, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2333  X15.72  Contact with hot household appliances, farm, while working for an income  
2334  X15.09  Contact with hot household appliances, home, during unspecified activity  
2335  X15.01  Contact with hot household appliances, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2336  X15.08  Contact with hot household appliances, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2337  X15.03  Contact with hot household appliances, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2338  X15.00  Contact with hot household appliances, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2339  X15.04  Contact with hot household appliances, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2340  X15.02  Contact with hot household appliances, home, while working for an income  
2341  X15.69  Contact with hot household appliances, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2342  X15.61  Contact with hot household appliances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2343  X15.68  Contact with hot household appliances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2344  X15.63  Contact with hot household appliances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2345  X15.60  Contact with hot household appliances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2346  X15.64  Contact with hot household appliances, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2347  X15.62  Contact with hot household appliances, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2348  X15.89  Contact with hot household appliances, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2349  X15.81  Contact with hot household appliances, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2350  X15.88  Contact with hot household appliances, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2351  X15.83  Contact with hot household appliances, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2352  X15.80  Contact with hot household appliances, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2353  X15.84  Contact with hot household appliances, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2354  X15.82  Contact with hot household appliances, other specified places, while working for an income  
2355  X15.19  Contact with hot household appliances, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2356  X15.11  Contact with hot household appliances, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2357  X15.18  Contact with hot household appliances, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2358  X15.13  Contact with hot household appliances, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2359  X15.10  Contact with hot household appliances, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2360  X15.14  Contact with hot household appliances, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2361  X15.12  Contact with hot household appliances, residential institution, while working for an income  
2362  X15.29  Contact with hot household appliances, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2363  X15.21  Contact with hot household appliances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2364  X15.28  Contact with hot household appliances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2365  X15.23  Contact with hot household appliances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2366  X15.20  Contact with hot household appliances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2367  X15.24  Contact with hot household appliances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2368  X15.22  Contact with hot household appliances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2369  X15.39  Contact with hot household appliances, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2370  X15.31  Contact with hot household appliances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2371  X15.38  Contact with hot household appliances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2372  X15.33  Contact with hot household appliances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2373  X15.30  Contact with hot household appliances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2374  X15.34  Contact with hot household appliances, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2375  X15.32  Contact with hot household appliances, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2376  X15.49  Contact with hot household appliances, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2377  X15.41  Contact with hot household appliances, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2378  X15.48  Contact with hot household appliances, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2379  X15.43  Contact with hot household appliances, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2380  X15.40  Contact with hot household appliances, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2381  X15.44  Contact with hot household appliances, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2382  X15.42  Contact with hot household appliances, street and highway, while working for an income  
2383  X15.59  Contact with hot household appliances, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2384  X15.51  Contact with hot household appliances, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2385  X15.58  Contact with hot household appliances, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2386  X15.53  Contact with hot household appliances, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2387  X15.50  Contact with hot household appliances, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2388  X15.54  Contact with hot household appliances, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2389  X15.52  Contact with hot household appliances, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2390  X15.99  Contact with hot household appliances, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2391  X15.91  Contact with hot household appliances, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2392  X15.98  Contact with hot household appliances, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2393  X15.93  Contact with hot household appliances, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2394  X15.90  Contact with hot household appliances, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2395  X15.94  Contact with hot household appliances, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2396  X15.92  Contact with hot household appliances, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2397  X11  CONTACT WITH HOT TAP-WATER  Kontak dengan air panas keran air sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
2398  X11.79  Contact with hot tap-water, farm, during unspecified activity  
2399  X11.71  Contact with hot tap-water, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2400  X11.78  Contact with hot tap-water, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2401  X11.73  Contact with hot tap-water, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2402  X11.70  Contact with hot tap-water, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2403  X11.74  Contact with hot tap-water, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2404  X11.72  Contact with hot tap-water, farm, while working for an income  
2405  X11.09  Contact with hot tap-water, home, during unspecified activity  
2406  X11.01  Contact with hot tap-water, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2407  X11.08  Contact with hot tap-water, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2408  X11.03  Contact with hot tap-water, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2409  X11.04  Contact with hot tap-water, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2410  X11.02  Contact with hot tap-water, home, while working for an income  
2411  X11.69  Contact with hot tap-water, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2412  X11.61  Contact with hot tap-water, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2413  X11.68  Contact with hot tap-water, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2414  X11.63  Contact with hot tap-water, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2415  X11.60  Contact with hot tap-water, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2416  X11.64  Contact with hot tap-water, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2417  X11.62  Contact with hot tap-water, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2418  X11.89  Contact with hot tap-water, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2419  X11.81  Contact with hot tap-water, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2420  X11.88  Contact with hot tap-water, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2421  X11.83  Contact with hot tap-water, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2422  X11.80  Contact with hot tap-water, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2423  X11.84  Contact with hot tap-water, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2424  X11.82  Contact with hot tap-water, other specified places, while working for an income  
2425  X11.19  Contact with hot tap-water, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2426  X11.11  Contact with hot tap-water, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2427  X11.18  Contact with hot tap-water, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2428  X11.13  Contact with hot tap-water, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2429  X11.10  Contact with hot tap-water, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2430  X11.14  Contact with hot tap-water, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2431  X11.12  Contact with hot tap-water, residential institution, while working for an income  
2432  X11.29  Contact with hot tap-water, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2433  X11.21  Contact with hot tap-water, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2434  X11.28  Contact with hot tap-water, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2435  X11.23  Contact with hot tap-water, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2436  X11.20  Contact with hot tap-water, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2437  X11.24  Contact with hot tap-water, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2438  X11.22  Contact with hot tap-water, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2439  X11.39  Contact with hot tap-water, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2440  X11.31  Contact with hot tap-water, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2441  X11.38  Contact with hot tap-water, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2442  X11.33  Contact with hot tap-water, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2443  X11.30  Contact with hot tap-water, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2444  X11.34  Contact with hot tap-water, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2445  X11.32  Contact with hot tap-water, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2446  X11.49  Contact with hot tap-water, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2447  X11.41  Contact with hot tap-water, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2448  X11.48  Contact with hot tap-water, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2449  X11.43  Contact with hot tap-water, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2450  X11.40  Contact with hot tap-water, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2451  X11.44  Contact with hot tap-water, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2452  X11.42  Contact with hot tap-water, street and highway, while working for an income  
2453  X11.59  Contact with hot tap-water, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2454  X11.51  Contact with hot tap-water, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2455  X11.58  Contact with hot tap-water, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2456  X11.53  Contact with hot tap-water, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2457  X11.50  Contact with hot tap-water, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2458  X11.54  Contact with hot tap-water, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2459  X11.52  Contact with hot tap-water, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2460  X11.99  Contact with hot tap-water, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2461  X11.91  Contact with hot tap-water, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2462  X11.98  Contact with hot tap-water, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2463  X11.93  Contact with hot tap-water, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2464  X11.90  Contact with hot tap-water, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2465  X11.94  Contact with hot tap-water, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2466  X11.92  Contact with hot tap-water, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2467  W26.79  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, farm, during unspecified activity  
2468  W26.71  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2469  W26.78  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2470  W26.73  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2471  W26.70  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2472  W26.74  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2473  W26.72  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, farm, while working for an income  
2474  W26.09  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, home, during unspecified activity  
2475  W26.01  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2476  W26.08  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2477  W26.03  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2478  W26.04  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2479  W26.02  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, home, while working for an income  
2480  W26.69  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2481  W26.61  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2482  W26.68  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2483  W26.63  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2484  W26.60  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2485  W26.64  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2486  W26.62  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2487  W26.89  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2488  W26.81  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2489  W26.88  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2490  W26.83  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2491  W26.80  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2492  W26.84  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2493  W26.82  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, other specified places, while working for an income  
2494  W26.19  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2495  W26.11  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2496  W26.18  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2497  W26.13  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2498  W26.10  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2499  W26.14  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2500  W26.12  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, residential institution, while working for an income  
2501  W26.29  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2502  W26.21  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2503  W26.28  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2504  W26.23  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2505  W26.20  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2506  W26.24  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2507  W26.22  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2508  W26.39  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2509  W26.31  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2510  W26.38  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2511  W26.33  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2512  W26.30  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2513  W26.34  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2514  W26.32  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2515  W26.49  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2516  W26.41  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2517  W26.48  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2518  W26.43  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2519  W26.40  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2520  W26.44  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2521  W26.42  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, street and highway, while working for an income  
2522  W26.59  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2523  W26.51  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2524  W26.58  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2525  W26.53  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2526  W26.50  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2527  W26.54  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2528  W26.52  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2529  W26.99  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2530  W26.91  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2531  W26.98  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2532  W26.93  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2533  W26.90  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2534  W26.94  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2535  W26.92  Contact with knife, sword or dagger, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2536  W26  CONTACT WITH KNIFE,SWORD OR D.  Kontak dengan pisau , pedang atau belati menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
2537  W24  CONTACT WITH LIFTING & TRANS.  Kontak dengan mengangkat dan transmisi perangkat , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
2538  W24.79  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, farm, during unspecified activity  
2539  W24.71  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2540  W24.78  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2541  W24.73  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2542  W24.70  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2543  W24.74  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2544  W24.72  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, farm, while working for an income  
2545  W24.09  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, home, during unspecified activity  
2546  W24.01  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2547  W24.08  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2548  W24.03  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2549  W24.00  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2550  W24.04  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2551  W24.02  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, home, while working for an income  
2552  W24.69  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2553  W24.61  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2554  W24.68  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2555  W24.63  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2556  W24.60  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2557  W24.64  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2558  W24.62  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2559  W24.89  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2560  W24.81  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2561  W24.88  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2562  W24.83  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2563  W24.80  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2564  W24.84  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2565  W24.82  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while working for an income  
2566  W24.19  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2567  W24.11  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2568  W24.18  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2569  W24.13  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2570  W24.10  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2571  W24.14  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2572  W24.12  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while working for an income  
2573  W24.29  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2574  W24.21  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2575  W24.28  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2576  W24.23  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2577  W24.20  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2578  W24.24  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2579  W24.22  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2580  W24.39  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2581  W24.31  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2582  W24.38  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2583  W24.33  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2584  W24.30  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2585  W24.34  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2586  W24.32  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2587  W24.49  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2588  W24.41  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2589  W24.48  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2590  W24.43  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2591  W24.40  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2592  W24.44  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2593  W24.42  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while working for an income  
2594  W24.59  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2595  W24.51  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2596  W24.58  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2597  W24.53  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2598  W24.50  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2599  W24.54  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2600  W24.52  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2601  W24.99  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2602  W24.91  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2603  W24.98  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2604  W24.93  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2605  W24.90  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2606  W24.94  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2607  W24.92  Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2608  W56  CONTACT WITH MARINE ANIMAL  Kontak dengan hewan laut
2609  W56.79  Contact with marine animal, farm, during unspecified activity  
2610  W56.71  Contact with marine animal, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2611  W56.78  Contact with marine animal, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2612  W56.73  Contact with marine animal, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2613  W56.70  Contact with marine animal, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2614  W56.74  Contact with marine animal, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2615  W56.72  Contact with marine animal, farm, while working for an income  
2616  W56.09  Contact with marine animal, home, during unspecified activity  
2617  W56.01  Contact with marine animal, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2618  W56.08  Contact with marine animal, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2619  W56.03  Contact with marine animal, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2620  W56.00  Contact with marine animal, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2621  W56.04  Contact with marine animal, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2622  W56.02  Contact with marine animal, home, while working for an income  
2623  W56.69  Contact with marine animal, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2624  W56.61  Contact with marine animal, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2625  W56.68  Contact with marine animal, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2626  W56.63  Contact with marine animal, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2627  W56.60  Contact with marine animal, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2628  W56.64  Contact with marine animal, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2629  W56.62  Contact with marine animal, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2630  W56.89  Contact with marine animal, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2631  W56.81  Contact with marine animal, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2632  W56.88  Contact with marine animal, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2633  W56.83  Contact with marine animal, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2634  W56.80  Contact with marine animal, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2635  W56.84  Contact with marine animal, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2636  W56.82  Contact with marine animal, other specified places, while working for an income  
2637  W56.19  Contact with marine animal, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2638  W56.11  Contact with marine animal, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2639  W56.18  Contact with marine animal, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2640  W56.13  Contact with marine animal, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2641  W56.10  Contact with marine animal, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2642  W56.14  Contact with marine animal, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2643  W56.12  Contact with marine animal, residential institution, while working for an income  
2644  W56.29  Contact with marine animal, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2645  W56.21  Contact with marine animal, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2646  W56.28  Contact with marine animal, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2647  W56.23  Contact with marine animal, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2648  W56.20  Contact with marine animal, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2649  W56.24  Contact with marine animal, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2650  W56.22  Contact with marine animal, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2651  W56.39  Contact with marine animal, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2652  W56.31  Contact with marine animal, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2653  W56.38  Contact with marine animal, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2654  W56.33  Contact with marine animal, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2655  W56.30  Contact with marine animal, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2656  W56.34  Contact with marine animal, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2657  W56.32  Contact with marine animal, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2658  W56.49  Contact with marine animal, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2659  W56.41  Contact with marine animal, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2660  W56.48  Contact with marine animal, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2661  W56.43  Contact with marine animal, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2662  W56.40  Contact with marine animal, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2663  W56.44  Contact with marine animal, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2664  W56.42  Contact with marine animal, street and highway, while working for an income  
2665  W56.59  Contact with marine animal, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2666  W56.51  Contact with marine animal, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2667  W56.58  Contact with marine animal, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2668  W56.53  Contact with marine animal, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2669  W56.50  Contact with marine animal, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2670  W56.54  Contact with marine animal, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2671  W56.52  Contact with marine animal, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2672  W56.99  Contact with marine animal, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2673  W56.91  Contact with marine animal, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2674  W56.98  Contact with marine animal, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2675  W56.93  Contact with marine animal, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2676  W56.90  Contact with marine animal, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2677  W56.94  Contact with marine animal, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2678  W56.92  Contact with marine animal, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2679  W27.79  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, farm, during unspecified activity  
2680  W27.71  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2681  W27.78  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2682  W27.73  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2683  W27.70  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2684  W27.74  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2685  W27.72  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, farm, while working for an income  
2686  W27.09  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, home, during unspecified activity  
2687  W27.01  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2688  W27.08  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2689  W27.03  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2690  W27.00  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2691  W27.04  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2692  W27.02  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, home, while working for an income  
2693  W27.69  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2694  W27.61  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2695  W27.68  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2696  W27.63  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2697  W27.60  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2698  W27.64  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2699  W27.62  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2700  W27.89  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2701  W27.81  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2702  W27.88  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2703  W27.83  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2704  W27.80  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2705  W27.84  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2706  W27.82  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, other specified places, while working for an income  
2707  W27.19  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2708  W27.11  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2709  W27.18  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2710  W27.13  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2711  W27.10  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2712  W27.14  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2713  W27.12  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, residential institution, while working for an income  
2714  W27.29  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2715  W27.21  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2716  W27.28  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2717  W27.23  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2718  W27.20  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2719  W27.24  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2720  W27.22  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2721  W27.39  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2722  W27.31  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2723  W27.38  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2724  W27.33  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2725  W27.30  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2726  W27.34  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2727  W27.32  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2728  W27.49  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2729  W27.41  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2730  W27.48  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2731  W27.43  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2732  W27.40  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2733  W27.44  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2734  W27.42  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, street and highway, while working for an income  
2735  W27.59  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2736  W27.51  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2737  W27.58  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2738  W27.53  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2739  W27.50  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2740  W27.54  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2741  W27.52  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2742  W27.99  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2743  W27.91  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2744  W27.98  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2745  W27.93  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2746  W27.90  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2747  W27.94  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2748  W27.92  Contact with nonpowered hand tool, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2749  X19.79  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, farm, during unspecified activity  
2750  X19.71  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2751  X19.78  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2752  X19.73  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2753  X19.70  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2754  X19.74  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2755  X19.72  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, farm, while working for an income  
2756  X19.09  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, home, during unspecified activity  
2757  X19.01  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2758  X19.08  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2759  X19.03  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2760  X19.00  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2761  X19.04  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2762  X19.02  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, home, while working for an income  
2763  X19.69  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2764  X19.61  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2765  X19.68  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2766  X19.63  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2767  X19.60  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2768  X19.64  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2769  X19.62  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2770  X19.89  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2771  X19.81  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2772  X19.88  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2773  X19.83  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2774  X19.80  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2775  X19.84  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2776  X19.82  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, other specified places, while working for an income  
2777  X19.19  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2778  X19.11  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2779  X19.18  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2780  X19.13  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2781  X19.10  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2782  X19.14  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2783  X19.12  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, residential institution, while working for an income  
2784  X19.29  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2785  X19.21  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2786  X19.28  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2787  X19.23  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2788  X19.20  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2789  X19.24  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2790  X19.22  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2791  X19.39  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2792  X19.31  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2793  X19.38  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2794  X19.33  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2795  X19.30  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2796  X19.34  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2797  X19.32  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2798  X19.49  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2799  X19.41  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2800  X19.48  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2801  X19.43  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2802  X19.40  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2803  X19.44  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2804  X19.42  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, street and highway, while working for an income  
2805  X19.59  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2806  X19.51  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2807  X19.58  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2808  X19.53  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2809  X19.50  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2810  X19.54  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2811  X19.52  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2812  X19.99  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2813  X19.91  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2814  X19.98  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2815  X19.93  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2816  X19.90  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2817  X19.94  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2818  X19.92  Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2819  W31.79  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, farm, during unspecified activity  
2820  W31.71  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2821  W31.78  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2822  W31.73  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2823  W31.70  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2824  W31.74  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2825  W31.72  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, farm, while working for an income  
2826  W31.09  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, home, during unspecified activity  
2827  W31.01  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2828  W31.08  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2829  W31.03  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2830  W31.00  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2831  W31.04  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2832  W31.02  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, home, while working for an income  
2833  W31.69  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2834  W31.61  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2835  W31.68  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2836  W31.63  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2837  W31.60  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2838  W31.64  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2839  W31.62  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2840  W31.89  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2841  W31.81  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2842  W31.88  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2843  W31.83  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2844  W31.80  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2845  W31.84  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2846  W31.82  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, other specified places, while working for an income  
2847  W31.19  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2848  W31.11  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2849  W31.18  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2850  W31.13  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2851  W31.10  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2852  W31.14  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2853  W31.12  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, residential institution, while working for an income  
2854  W31.29  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2855  W31.21  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2856  W31.28  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2857  W31.23  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2858  W31.20  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2859  W31.24  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2860  W31.22  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2861  W31.39  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2862  W31.31  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2863  W31.38  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2864  W31.33  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2865  W31.30  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2866  W31.34  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2867  W31.32  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2868  W31.49  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2869  W31.41  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2870  W31.48  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2871  W31.43  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2872  W31.40  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2873  W31.44  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2874  W31.42  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, street and highway, while working for an income  
2875  W31.59  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2876  W31.51  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2877  W31.58  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2878  W31.53  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2879  W31.50  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2880  W31.54  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2881  W31.52  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2882  W31.99  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2883  W31.91  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2884  W31.98  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2885  W31.93  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2886  W31.90  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2887  W31.94  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2888  W31.92  Contact with other and unspecified machinery, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2889  X12  CONTACT WITH OTHER HOT FLUIDS  Kontak dengan cairan panas lainnya sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
2890  X12.79  Contact with other hot fluids, farm, during unspecified activity  
2891  X12.71  Contact with other hot fluids, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2892  X12.78  Contact with other hot fluids, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2893  X12.73  Contact with other hot fluids, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2894  X12.70  Contact with other hot fluids, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2895  X12.74  Contact with other hot fluids, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2896  X12.72  Contact with other hot fluids, farm, while working for an income  
2897  X12.09  Contact with other hot fluids, home, during unspecified activity  
2898  X12.01  Contact with other hot fluids, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2899  X12.08  Contact with other hot fluids, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2900  X12.03  Contact with other hot fluids, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2901  X12.00  Contact with other hot fluids, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2902  X12.04  Contact with other hot fluids, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2903  X12.02  Contact with other hot fluids, home, while working for an income  
2904  X12.69  Contact with other hot fluids, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2905  X12.61  Contact with other hot fluids, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2906  X12.68  Contact with other hot fluids, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2907  X12.63  Contact with other hot fluids, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2908  X12.60  Contact with other hot fluids, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2909  X12.64  Contact with other hot fluids, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2910  X12.62  Contact with other hot fluids, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2911  X12.89  Contact with other hot fluids, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2912  X12.81  Contact with other hot fluids, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2913  X12.88  Contact with other hot fluids, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2914  X12.83  Contact with other hot fluids, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2915  X12.80  Contact with other hot fluids, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2916  X12.84  Contact with other hot fluids, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2917  X12.82  Contact with other hot fluids, other specified places, while working for an income  
2918  X12.19  Contact with other hot fluids, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2919  X12.11  Contact with other hot fluids, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2920  X12.18  Contact with other hot fluids, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2921  X12.13  Contact with other hot fluids, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2922  X12.10  Contact with other hot fluids, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2923  X12.14  Contact with other hot fluids, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2924  X12.12  Contact with other hot fluids, residential institution, while working for an income  
2925  X12.29  Contact with other hot fluids, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2926  X12.21  Contact with other hot fluids, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2927  X12.28  Contact with other hot fluids, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2928  X12.23  Contact with other hot fluids, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2929  X12.20  Contact with other hot fluids, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2930  X12.24  Contact with other hot fluids, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2931  X12.22  Contact with other hot fluids, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2932  X12.39  Contact with other hot fluids, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2933  X12.31  Contact with other hot fluids, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2934  X12.38  Contact with other hot fluids, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2935  X12.33  Contact with other hot fluids, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2936  X12.30  Contact with other hot fluids, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2937  X12.34  Contact with other hot fluids, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2938  X12.32  Contact with other hot fluids, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2939  X12.49  Contact with other hot fluids, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2940  X12.41  Contact with other hot fluids, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2941  X12.48  Contact with other hot fluids, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2942  X12.43  Contact with other hot fluids, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2943  X12.40  Contact with other hot fluids, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2944  X12.44  Contact with other hot fluids, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2945  X12.42  Contact with other hot fluids, street and highway, while working for an income  
2946  X12.59  Contact with other hot fluids, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2947  X12.51  Contact with other hot fluids, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2948  X12.58  Contact with other hot fluids, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2949  X12.53  Contact with other hot fluids, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2950  X12.50  Contact with other hot fluids, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2951  X12.54  Contact with other hot fluids, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2952  X12.52  Contact with other hot fluids, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2953  X12.99  Contact with other hot fluids, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2954  X12.91  Contact with other hot fluids, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2955  X12.98  Contact with other hot fluids, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2956  X12.93  Contact with other hot fluids, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2957  X12.90  Contact with other hot fluids, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2958  X12.94  Contact with other hot fluids, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2959  X12.92  Contact with other hot fluids, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2960  X18  CONTACT WITH OTHER HOT METALS  Kontak dengan logam panas lainnya sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
2961  X18.79  Contact with other hot metals, farm, during unspecified activity  
2962  X18.71  Contact with other hot metals, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2963  X18.78  Contact with other hot metals, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2964  X18.73  Contact with other hot metals, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2965  X18.70  Contact with other hot metals, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2966  X18.74  Contact with other hot metals, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2967  X18.72  Contact with other hot metals, farm, while working for an income  
2968  X18.09  Contact with other hot metals, home, during unspecified activity  
2969  X18.01  Contact with other hot metals, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2970  X18.08  Contact with other hot metals, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2971  X18.03  Contact with other hot metals, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2972  X18.00  Contact with other hot metals, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2973  X18.04  Contact with other hot metals, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2974  X18.02  Contact with other hot metals, home, while working for an income  
2975  X18.69  Contact with other hot metals, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2976  X18.61  Contact with other hot metals, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2977  X18.68  Contact with other hot metals, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2978  X18.63  Contact with other hot metals, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2979  X18.60  Contact with other hot metals, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2980  X18.64  Contact with other hot metals, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2981  X18.62  Contact with other hot metals, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2982  X18.89  Contact with other hot metals, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2983  X18.81  Contact with other hot metals, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2984  X18.88  Contact with other hot metals, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2985  X18.83  Contact with other hot metals, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2986  X18.80  Contact with other hot metals, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2987  X18.84  Contact with other hot metals, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2988  X18.82  Contact with other hot metals, other specified places, while working for an income  
2989  X18.19  Contact with other hot metals, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2990  X18.11  Contact with other hot metals, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2991  X18.18  Contact with other hot metals, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2992  X18.13  Contact with other hot metals, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2993  X18.10  Contact with other hot metals, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2994  X18.14  Contact with other hot metals, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2995  X18.12  Contact with other hot metals, residential institution, while working for an income  
2996  X18.29  Contact with other hot metals, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2997  X18.21  Contact with other hot metals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2998  X18.28  Contact with other hot metals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2999  X18.23  Contact with other hot metals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3000  X18.20  Contact with other hot metals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3001  X18.24  Contact with other hot metals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3002  X18.22  Contact with other hot metals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3003  X18.39  Contact with other hot metals, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3004  X18.31  Contact with other hot metals, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3005  X18.38  Contact with other hot metals, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3006  X18.33  Contact with other hot metals, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3007  X18.30  Contact with other hot metals, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3008  X18.34  Contact with other hot metals, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3009  X18.32  Contact with other hot metals, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3010  X18.49  Contact with other hot metals, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3011  X18.41  Contact with other hot metals, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3012  X18.48  Contact with other hot metals, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3013  X18.43  Contact with other hot metals, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3014  X18.40  Contact with other hot metals, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3015  X18.44  Contact with other hot metals, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3016  X18.42  Contact with other hot metals, street and highway, while working for an income  
3017  X18.59  Contact with other hot metals, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3018  X18.51  Contact with other hot metals, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3019  X18.58  Contact with other hot metals, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3020  X18.53  Contact with other hot metals, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3021  X18.50  Contact with other hot metals, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3022  X18.54  Contact with other hot metals, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3023  X18.52  Contact with other hot metals, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3024  X18.99  Contact with other hot metals, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3025  X18.91  Contact with other hot metals, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3026  X18.98  Contact with other hot metals, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3027  X18.93  Contact with other hot metals, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3028  X18.90  Contact with other hot metals, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3029  X18.94  Contact with other hot metals, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3030  X18.92  Contact with other hot metals, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3031  W29  CONTACT WITH OTHER POWERED H.  Kontak dengan alat-alat tangan bertenaga lain dan mesin rumah tangga yang menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
3032  W29.79  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, farm, during unspecified activity  
3033  W29.71  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3034  W29.78  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3035  W29.73  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3036  W29.70  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3037  W29.74  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3038  W29.72  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, farm, while working for an income  
3039  W29.09  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, home, during unspecified activity  
3040  W29.01  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3041  W29.08  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3042  W29.03  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3043  W29.04  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3044  W29.02  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, home, while working for an income  
3045  W29.69  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3046  W29.61  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3047  W29.68  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3048  W29.63  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3049  W29.60  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3050  W29.64  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3051  W29.62  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3052  W29.89  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3053  W29.81  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3054  W29.88  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3055  W29.83  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3056  W29.80  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3057  W29.84  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3058  W29.82  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, other specified places, while working for an income  
3059  W29.19  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3060  W29.11  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3061  W29.18  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3062  W29.13  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3063  W29.10  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3064  W29.14  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3065  W29.12  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, residential institution, while working for an income  
3066  W29.29  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3067  W29.21  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3068  W29.28  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3069  W29.23  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3070  W29.20  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3071  W29.24  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3072  W29.22  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3073  W29.39  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3074  W29.31  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3075  W29.38  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3076  W29.33  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3077  W29.30  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3078  W29.34  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3079  W29.32  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3080  W29.49  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3081  W29.41  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3082  W29.48  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3083  W29.43  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3084  W29.40  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3085  W29.44  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3086  W29.42  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, street and highway, while working for an income  
3087  W29.59  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3088  W29.51  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3089  W29.58  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3090  W29.53  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3091  W29.50  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3092  W29.54  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3093  W29.52  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3094  W29.99  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3095  W29.91  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3096  W29.98  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3097  W29.93  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3098  W29.90  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3099  W29.94  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3100  W29.92  Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3101  X25  CONTACT WITH OTHER SPEC.VENOM.  Kontak dengan arthropoda berbisa lainnya ditetapkan sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
3102  X27.79  Contact with other specified venomous animals, farm, during unspecified activity  
3103  X27.71  Contact with other specified venomous animals, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3104  X27.78  Contact with other specified venomous animals, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3105  X27.73  Contact with other specified venomous animals, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3106  X27.70  Contact with other specified venomous animals, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3107  X27.74  Contact with other specified venomous animals, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3108  X27.72  Contact with other specified venomous animals, farm, while working for an income  
3109  X27.09  Contact with other specified venomous animals, home, during unspecified activity  
3110  X27.01  Contact with other specified venomous animals, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3111  X27.08  Contact with other specified venomous animals, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3112  X27.03  Contact with other specified venomous animals, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3113  X27.00  Contact with other specified venomous animals, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3114  X27.04  Contact with other specified venomous animals, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3115  X27.02  Contact with other specified venomous animals, home, while working for an income  
3116  X27.69  Contact with other specified venomous animals, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3117  X27.61  Contact with other specified venomous animals, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3118  X27.68  Contact with other specified venomous animals, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3119  X27.63  Contact with other specified venomous animals, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3120  X27.60  Contact with other specified venomous animals, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3121  X27.64  Contact with other specified venomous animals, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3122  X27.62  Contact with other specified venomous animals, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3123  X27.89  Contact with other specified venomous animals, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3124  X27.81  Contact with other specified venomous animals, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3125  X27.88  Contact with other specified venomous animals, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3126  X27.83  Contact with other specified venomous animals, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3127  X27.80  Contact with other specified venomous animals, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3128  X27.84  Contact with other specified venomous animals, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3129  X27.82  Contact with other specified venomous animals, other specified places, while working for an income  
3130  X27.19  Contact with other specified venomous animals, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3131  X27.11  Contact with other specified venomous animals, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3132  X27.18  Contact with other specified venomous animals, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3133  X27.13  Contact with other specified venomous animals, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3134  X27.10  Contact with other specified venomous animals, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3135  X27.14  Contact with other specified venomous animals, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3136  X27.12  Contact with other specified venomous animals, residential institution, while working for an income  
3137  X27.29  Contact with other specified venomous animals, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3138  X27.21  Contact with other specified venomous animals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3139  X27.28  Contact with other specified venomous animals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3140  X27.23  Contact with other specified venomous animals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3141  X27.20  Contact with other specified venomous animals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3142  X27.24  Contact with other specified venomous animals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3143  X27.22  Contact with other specified venomous animals, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3144  X27.39  Contact with other specified venomous animals, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3145  X27.31  Contact with other specified venomous animals, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3146  X27.38  Contact with other specified venomous animals, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3147  X27.33  Contact with other specified venomous animals, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3148  X27.30  Contact with other specified venomous animals, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3149  X27.34  Contact with other specified venomous animals, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3150  X27.32  Contact with other specified venomous animals, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3151  X27.49  Contact with other specified venomous animals, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3152  X27.41  Contact with other specified venomous animals, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3153  X27.48  Contact with other specified venomous animals, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3154  X27.43  Contact with other specified venomous animals, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3155  X27.40  Contact with other specified venomous animals, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3156  X27.44  Contact with other specified venomous animals, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3157  X27.42  Contact with other specified venomous animals, street and highway, while working for an income  
3158  X27.59  Contact with other specified venomous animals, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3159  X27.51  Contact with other specified venomous animals, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3160  X27.58  Contact with other specified venomous animals, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3161  X27.53  Contact with other specified venomous animals, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3162  X27.50  Contact with other specified venomous animals, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3163  X27.54  Contact with other specified venomous animals, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3164  X27.52  Contact with other specified venomous animals, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3165  X27.99  Contact with other specified venomous animals, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3166  X27.91  Contact with other specified venomous animals, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3167  X27.98  Contact with other specified venomous animals, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3168  X27.93  Contact with other specified venomous animals, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3169  X27.90  Contact with other specified venomous animals, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3170  X27.94  Contact with other specified venomous animals, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3171  X27.92  Contact with other specified venomous animals, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3172  X25.79  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, farm, during unspecified activity  
3173  X25.71  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3174  X25.78  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3175  X25.73  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3176  X25.70  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3177  X25.74  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3178  X25.72  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, farm, while working for an income  
3179  X25.09  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, home, during unspecified activity  
3180  X25.01  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3181  X25.08  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3182  X25.03  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3183  X25.04  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3184  X25.02  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, home, while working for an income  
3185  X25.69  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3186  X25.61  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3187  X25.68  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3188  X25.63  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3189  X25.60  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3190  X25.64  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3191  X25.62  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3192  X25.89  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3193  X25.81  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3194  X25.88  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3195  X25.83  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3196  X25.80  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3197  X25.84  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3198  X25.82  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, other specified places, while working for an income  
3199  X25.19  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3200  X25.11  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3201  X25.18  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3202  X25.13  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3203  X25.10  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3204  X25.14  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3205  X25.12  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, residential institution, while working for an income  
3206  X25.29  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3207  X25.21  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3208  X25.28  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3209  X25.23  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3210  X25.20  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3211  X25.24  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3212  X25.22  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3213  X25.39  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3214  X25.31  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3215  X25.38  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3216  X25.33  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3217  X25.30  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3218  X25.34  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3219  X25.32  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3220  X25.49  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3221  X25.41  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3222  X25.48  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3223  X25.43  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3224  X25.40  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3225  X25.44  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3226  X25.42  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, street and highway, while working for an income  
3227  X25.59  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3228  X25.51  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3229  X25.58  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3230  X25.53  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3231  X25.50  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3232  X25.54  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3233  X25.52  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3234  X25.99  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3235  X25.91  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3236  X25.98  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3237  X25.93  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3238  X25.90  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3239  X25.94  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3240  X25.92  Contact with other specified venomous arthropods, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3241  X28.79  Contact with other specified venomous plants, farm, during unspecified activity  
3242  X28.71  Contact with other specified venomous plants, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3243  X28.78  Contact with other specified venomous plants, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3244  X28.73  Contact with other specified venomous plants, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3245  X28.70  Contact with other specified venomous plants, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3246  X28.74  Contact with other specified venomous plants, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3247  X28.72  Contact with other specified venomous plants, farm, while working for an income  
3248  X28.09  Contact with other specified venomous plants, home, during unspecified activity  
3249  X28.01  Contact with other specified venomous plants, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3250  X28.08  Contact with other specified venomous plants, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3251  X28.03  Contact with other specified venomous plants, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3252  X28.00  Contact with other specified venomous plants, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3253  X28.04  Contact with other specified venomous plants, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3254  X28.02  Contact with other specified venomous plants, home, while working for an income  
3255  X28.69  Contact with other specified venomous plants, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3256  X28.61  Contact with other specified venomous plants, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3257  X28.68  Contact with other specified venomous plants, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3258  X28.63  Contact with other specified venomous plants, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3259  X28.60  Contact with other specified venomous plants, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3260  X28.64  Contact with other specified venomous plants, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3261  X28.62  Contact with other specified venomous plants, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3262  X28.89  Contact with other specified venomous plants, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3263  X28.81  Contact with other specified venomous plants, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3264  X28.88  Contact with other specified venomous plants, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3265  X28.83  Contact with other specified venomous plants, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3266  X28.80  Contact with other specified venomous plants, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3267  X28.84  Contact with other specified venomous plants, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3268  X28.82  Contact with other specified venomous plants, other specified places, while working for an income  
3269  X28.19  Contact with other specified venomous plants, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3270  X28.11  Contact with other specified venomous plants, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3271  X28.18  Contact with other specified venomous plants, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3272  X28.13  Contact with other specified venomous plants, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3273  X28.10  Contact with other specified venomous plants, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3274  X28.14  Contact with other specified venomous plants, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3275  X28.12  Contact with other specified venomous plants, residential institution, while working for an income  
3276  X28.29  Contact with other specified venomous plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3277  X28.21  Contact with other specified venomous plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3278  X28.28  Contact with other specified venomous plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3279  X28.23  Contact with other specified venomous plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3280  X28.20  Contact with other specified venomous plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3281  X28.24  Contact with other specified venomous plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3282  X28.22  Contact with other specified venomous plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3283  X28.39  Contact with other specified venomous plants, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3284  X28.31  Contact with other specified venomous plants, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3285  X28.38  Contact with other specified venomous plants, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3286  X28.33  Contact with other specified venomous plants, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3287  X28.30  Contact with other specified venomous plants, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3288  X28.34  Contact with other specified venomous plants, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3289  X28.32  Contact with other specified venomous plants, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3290  X28.49  Contact with other specified venomous plants, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3291  X28.41  Contact with other specified venomous plants, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3292  X28.48  Contact with other specified venomous plants, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3293  X28.43  Contact with other specified venomous plants, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3294  X28.40  Contact with other specified venomous plants, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3295  X28.44  Contact with other specified venomous plants, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3296  X28.42  Contact with other specified venomous plants, street and highway, while working for an income  
3297  X28.59  Contact with other specified venomous plants, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3298  X28.51  Contact with other specified venomous plants, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3299  X28.58  Contact with other specified venomous plants, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3300  X28.53  Contact with other specified venomous plants, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3301  X28.50  Contact with other specified venomous plants, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3302  X28.54  Contact with other specified venomous plants, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3303  X28.52  Contact with other specified venomous plants, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3304  X28.99  Contact with other specified venomous plants, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3305  X28.91  Contact with other specified venomous plants, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3306  X28.98  Contact with other specified venomous plants, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3307  X28.93  Contact with other specified venomous plants, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3308  X28.90  Contact with other specified venomous plants, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3309  X28.94  Contact with other specified venomous plants, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3310  X28.92  Contact with other specified venomous plants, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3311  W60  CONTACT WITH PLANT THORNS & S.  Kontak dengan duri tanaman dan duri dan daun yang tajam
3312  W60.79  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, farm, during unspecified activity  
3313  W60.71  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3314  W60.78  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3315  W60.73  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3316  W60.70  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3317  W60.74  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3318  W60.72  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, farm, while working for an income  
3319  W60.09  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, home, during unspecified activity  
3320  W60.01  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3321  W60.08  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3322  W60.03  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3323  W60.00  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3324  W60.04  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3325  W60.02  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, home, while working for an income  
3326  W60.69  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3327  W60.61  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3328  W60.68  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3329  W60.63  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3330  W60.60  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3331  W60.64  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3332  W60.62  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3333  W60.89  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3334  W60.81  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3335  W60.88  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3336  W60.83  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3337  W60.80  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3338  W60.84  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3339  W60.82  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, other specified places, while working for an income  
3340  W60.19  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3341  W60.11  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3342  W60.18  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3343  W60.13  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3344  W60.10  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3345  W60.14  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3346  W60.12  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, residential institution, while working for an income  
3347  W60.29  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3348  W60.21  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3349  W60.28  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3350  W60.23  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3351  W60.20  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3352  W60.24  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3353  W60.22  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3354  W60.39  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3355  W60.31  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3356  W60.38  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3357  W60.33  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3358  W60.30  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3359  W60.34  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3360  W60.32  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3361  W60.49  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3362  W60.41  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3363  W60.48  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3364  W60.43  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3365  W60.40  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3366  W60.44  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3367  W60.42  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, street and highway, while working for an income  
3368  W60.59  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3369  W60.51  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3370  W60.58  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3371  W60.53  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3372  W60.50  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3373  W60.54  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3374  W60.52  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3375  W60.99  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3376  W60.91  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3377  W60.98  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3378  W60.93  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3379  W60.90  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3380  W60.94  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3381  W60.92  Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3382  W28  CONTACT WITH POWERED LAWNMOWER  Kontak dengan mesin pemotong rumput bertenaga menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
3383  W28.79  Contact with powered lawnmower, farm, during unspecified activity  
3384  W28.71  Contact with powered lawnmower, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3385  W28.78  Contact with powered lawnmower, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3386  W28.73  Contact with powered lawnmower, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3387  W28.70  Contact with powered lawnmower, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3388  W28.74  Contact with powered lawnmower, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3389  W28.72  Contact with powered lawnmower, farm, while working for an income  
3390  W28.09  Contact with powered lawnmower, home, during unspecified activity  
3391  W28.01  Contact with powered lawnmower, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3392  W28.08  Contact with powered lawnmower, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3393  W28.03  Contact with powered lawnmower, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3394  W28.00  Contact with powered lawnmower, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3395  W28.04  Contact with powered lawnmower, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3396  W28.02  Contact with powered lawnmower, home, while working for an income  
3397  W28.69  Contact with powered lawnmower, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3398  W28.61  Contact with powered lawnmower, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3399  W28.68  Contact with powered lawnmower, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3400  W28.63  Contact with powered lawnmower, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3401  W28.60  Contact with powered lawnmower, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3402  W28.64  Contact with powered lawnmower, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3403  W28.62  Contact with powered lawnmower, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3404  W28.89  Contact with powered lawnmower, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3405  W28.81  Contact with powered lawnmower, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3406  W28.88  Contact with powered lawnmower, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3407  W28.83  Contact with powered lawnmower, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3408  W28.80  Contact with powered lawnmower, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3409  W28.84  Contact with powered lawnmower, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3410  W28.82  Contact with powered lawnmower, other specified places, while working for an income  
3411  W28.19  Contact with powered lawnmower, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3412  W28.11  Contact with powered lawnmower, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3413  W28.18  Contact with powered lawnmower, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3414  W28.13  Contact with powered lawnmower, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3415  W28.10  Contact with powered lawnmower, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3416  W28.14  Contact with powered lawnmower, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3417  W28.12  Contact with powered lawnmower, residential institution, while working for an income  
3418  W28.29  Contact with powered lawnmower, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3419  W28.21  Contact with powered lawnmower, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3420  W28.28  Contact with powered lawnmower, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3421  W28.23  Contact with powered lawnmower, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3422  W28.20  Contact with powered lawnmower, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3423  W28.24  Contact with powered lawnmower, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3424  W28.22  Contact with powered lawnmower, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3425  W28.39  Contact with powered lawnmower, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3426  W28.31  Contact with powered lawnmower, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3427  W28.38  Contact with powered lawnmower, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3428  W28.33  Contact with powered lawnmower, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3429  W28.30  Contact with powered lawnmower, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3430  W28.34  Contact with powered lawnmower, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3431  W28.32  Contact with powered lawnmower, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3432  W28.49  Contact with powered lawnmower, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3433  W28.41  Contact with powered lawnmower, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3434  W28.48  Contact with powered lawnmower, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3435  W28.43  Contact with powered lawnmower, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3436  W28.40  Contact with powered lawnmower, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3437  W28.44  Contact with powered lawnmower, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3438  W28.42  Contact with powered lawnmower, street and highway, while working for an income  
3439  W28.59  Contact with powered lawnmower, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3440  W28.51  Contact with powered lawnmower, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3441  W28.58  Contact with powered lawnmower, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3442  W28.53  Contact with powered lawnmower, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3443  W28.50  Contact with powered lawnmower, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3444  W28.54  Contact with powered lawnmower, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3445  W28.52  Contact with powered lawnmower, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3446  W28.99  Contact with powered lawnmower, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3447  W28.91  Contact with powered lawnmower, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3448  W28.98  Contact with powered lawnmower, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3449  W28.93  Contact with powered lawnmower, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3450  W28.90  Contact with powered lawnmower, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3451  W28.94  Contact with powered lawnmower, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3452  W28.92  Contact with powered lawnmower, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3453  X22  CONTACT WITH SCORPIONS  Kontak dengan kalajengking sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
3454  X22.79  Contact with scorpions, farm, during unspecified activity  
3455  X22.71  Contact with scorpions, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3456  X22.78  Contact with scorpions, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3457  X22.73  Contact with scorpions, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3458  X22.70  Contact with scorpions, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3459  X22.74  Contact with scorpions, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3460  X22.72  Contact with scorpions, farm, while working for an income  
3461  X22.09  Contact with scorpions, home, during unspecified activity  
3462  X22.01  Contact with scorpions, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3463  X22.08  Contact with scorpions, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3464  X22.03  Contact with scorpions, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3465  X22.00  Contact with scorpions, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3466  X22.04  Contact with scorpions, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3467  X22.02  Contact with scorpions, home, while working for an income  
3468  X22.69  Contact with scorpions, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3469  X22.61  Contact with scorpions, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3470  X22.68  Contact with scorpions, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3471  X22.63  Contact with scorpions, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3472  X22.60  Contact with scorpions, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3473  X22.64  Contact with scorpions, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3474  X22.62  Contact with scorpions, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3475  X22.89  Contact with scorpions, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3476  X22.81  Contact with scorpions, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3477  X22.88  Contact with scorpions, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3478  X22.83  Contact with scorpions, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3479  X22.80  Contact with scorpions, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3480  X22.84  Contact with scorpions, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3481  X22.82  Contact with scorpions, other specified places, while working for an income  
3482  X22.19  Contact with scorpions, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3483  X22.11  Contact with scorpions, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3484  X22.18  Contact with scorpions, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3485  X22.13  Contact with scorpions, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3486  X22.10  Contact with scorpions, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3487  X22.14  Contact with scorpions, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3488  X22.12  Contact with scorpions, residential institution, while working for an income  
3489  X22.29  Contact with scorpions, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3490  X22.21  Contact with scorpions, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3491  X22.28  Contact with scorpions, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3492  X22.23  Contact with scorpions, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3493  X22.20  Contact with scorpions, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3494  X22.24  Contact with scorpions, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3495  X22.22  Contact with scorpions, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3496  X22.39  Contact with scorpions, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3497  X22.31  Contact with scorpions, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3498  X22.38  Contact with scorpions, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3499  X22.33  Contact with scorpions, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3500  X22.30  Contact with scorpions, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3501  X22.34  Contact with scorpions, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3502  X22.32  Contact with scorpions, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3503  X22.49  Contact with scorpions, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3504  X22.41  Contact with scorpions, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3505  X22.48  Contact with scorpions, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3506  X22.43  Contact with scorpions, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3507  X22.40  Contact with scorpions, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3508  X22.44  Contact with scorpions, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3509  X22.42  Contact with scorpions, street and highway, while working for an income  
3510  X22.59  Contact with scorpions, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3511  X22.51  Contact with scorpions, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3512  X22.58  Contact with scorpions, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3513  X22.53  Contact with scorpions, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3514  X22.50  Contact with scorpions, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3515  X22.54  Contact with scorpions, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3516  X22.52  Contact with scorpions, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3517  X22.99  Contact with scorpions, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3518  X22.91  Contact with scorpions, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3519  X22.98  Contact with scorpions, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3520  X22.93  Contact with scorpions, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3521  X22.90  Contact with scorpions, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3522  X22.94  Contact with scorpions, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3523  X22.92  Contact with scorpions, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3524  W25  CONTACT WITH SHARP GLASS  Kontak dengan kaca tajam yang menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
3525  W25.79  Contact with sharp glass, farm, during unspecified activity  
3526  W25.71  Contact with sharp glass, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3527  W25.78  Contact with sharp glass, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3528  W25.73  Contact with sharp glass, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3529  W25.70  Contact with sharp glass, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3530  W25.74  Contact with sharp glass, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3531  W25.72  Contact with sharp glass, farm, while working for an income  
3532  W25.09  Contact with sharp glass, home, during unspecified activity  
3533  W25.01  Contact with sharp glass, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3534  W25.08  Contact with sharp glass, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3535  W25.03  Contact with sharp glass, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3536  W25.00  Contact with sharp glass, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3537  W25.04  Contact with sharp glass, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3538  W25.02  Contact with sharp glass, home, while working for an income  
3539  W25.69  Contact with sharp glass, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3540  W25.61  Contact with sharp glass, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3541  W25.68  Contact with sharp glass, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3542  W25.63  Contact with sharp glass, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3543  W25.60  Contact with sharp glass, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3544  W25.64  Contact with sharp glass, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3545  W25.62  Contact with sharp glass, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3546  W25.89  Contact with sharp glass, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3547  W25.81  Contact with sharp glass, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3548  W25.88  Contact with sharp glass, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3549  W25.83  Contact with sharp glass, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3550  W25.80  Contact with sharp glass, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3551  W25.84  Contact with sharp glass, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3552  W25.82  Contact with sharp glass, other specified places, while working for an income  
3553  W25.19  Contact with sharp glass, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3554  W25.11  Contact with sharp glass, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3555  W25.18  Contact with sharp glass, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3556  W25.13  Contact with sharp glass, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3557  W25.10  Contact with sharp glass, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3558  W25.14  Contact with sharp glass, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3559  W25.12  Contact with sharp glass, residential institution, while working for an income  
3560  W25.29  Contact with sharp glass, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3561  W25.21  Contact with sharp glass, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3562  W25.28  Contact with sharp glass, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3563  W25.23  Contact with sharp glass, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3564  W25.20  Contact with sharp glass, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3565  W25.24  Contact with sharp glass, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3566  W25.22  Contact with sharp glass, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3567  W25.39  Contact with sharp glass, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3568  W25.31  Contact with sharp glass, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3569  W25.38  Contact with sharp glass, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3570  W25.33  Contact with sharp glass, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3571  W25.30  Contact with sharp glass, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3572  W25.34  Contact with sharp glass, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3573  W25.32  Contact with sharp glass, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3574  W25.49  Contact with sharp glass, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3575  W25.41  Contact with sharp glass, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3576  W25.48  Contact with sharp glass, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3577  W25.43  Contact with sharp glass, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3578  W25.40  Contact with sharp glass, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3579  W25.44  Contact with sharp glass, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3580  W25.42  Contact with sharp glass, street and highway, while working for an income  
3581  W25.59  Contact with sharp glass, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3582  W25.51  Contact with sharp glass, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3583  W25.58  Contact with sharp glass, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3584  W25.53  Contact with sharp glass, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3585  W25.50  Contact with sharp glass, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3586  W25.54  Contact with sharp glass, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3587  W25.52  Contact with sharp glass, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3588  W25.99  Contact with sharp glass, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3589  W25.91  Contact with sharp glass, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3590  W25.98  Contact with sharp glass, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3591  W25.93  Contact with sharp glass, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3592  W25.90  Contact with sharp glass, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3593  W25.94  Contact with sharp glass, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3594  W25.92  Contact with sharp glass, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3595  Y28.79  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
3596  Y28.71  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3597  Y28.78  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3598  Y28.73  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3599  Y28.70  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3600  Y28.74  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3601  Y28.72  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
3602  Y28.09  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
3603  Y28.01  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3604  Y28.08  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3605  Y28.03  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3606  Y28.00  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3607  Y28.04  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3608  Y28.02  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
3609  Y28.69  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3610  Y28.61  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3611  Y28.68  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3612  Y28.63  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3613  Y28.60  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3614  Y28.64  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3615  Y28.62  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3616  Y28.89  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3617  Y28.81  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3618  Y28.88  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3619  Y28.83  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3620  Y28.80  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3621  Y28.84  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3622  Y28.82  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
3623  Y28.19  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3624  Y28.11  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3625  Y28.18  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3626  Y28.13  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3627  Y28.10  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3628  Y28.14  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3629  Y28.12  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
3630  Y28.29  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3631  Y28.21  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3632  Y28.28  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3633  Y28.23  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3634  Y28.20  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3635  Y28.24  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3636  Y28.22  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3637  Y28.39  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3638  Y28.31  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3639  Y28.38  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3640  Y28.33  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3641  Y28.30  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3642  Y28.34  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3643  Y28.32  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3644  Y28.49  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3645  Y28.41  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3646  Y28.48  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3647  Y28.43  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3648  Y28.40  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3649  Y28.44  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3650  Y28.42  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
3651  Y28.59  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3652  Y28.51  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3653  Y28.58  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3654  Y28.53  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3655  Y28.50  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3656  Y28.54  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3657  Y28.52  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3658  Y28.99  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3659  Y28.91  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3660  Y28.98  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3661  Y28.93  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3662  Y28.90  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3663  Y28.94  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3664  Y28.92  Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3665  Y28  CONTACT WITH SHARP OBJECT,UNDE  Kontak dengan benda tajam , niat belum spesifik menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
3666  X13.79  Contact with steam and hot vapours, farm, during unspecified activity  
3667  X13.71  Contact with steam and hot vapours, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3668  X13.78  Contact with steam and hot vapours, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3669  X13.73  Contact with steam and hot vapours, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3670  X13.70  Contact with steam and hot vapours, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3671  X13.74  Contact with steam and hot vapours, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3672  X13.72  Contact with steam and hot vapours, farm, while working for an income  
3673  X13.09  Contact with steam and hot vapours, home, during unspecified activity  
3674  X13.01  Contact with steam and hot vapours, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3675  X13.08  Contact with steam and hot vapours, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3676  X13.03  Contact with steam and hot vapours, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3677  X13.00  Contact with steam and hot vapours, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3678  X13.04  Contact with steam and hot vapours, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3679  X13.02  Contact with steam and hot vapours, home, while working for an income  
3680  X13.69  Contact with steam and hot vapours, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3681  X13.61  Contact with steam and hot vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3682  X13.68  Contact with steam and hot vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3683  X13.63  Contact with steam and hot vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3684  X13.60  Contact with steam and hot vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3685  X13.64  Contact with steam and hot vapours, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3686  X13.62  Contact with steam and hot vapours, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3687  X13.89  Contact with steam and hot vapours, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3688  X13.81  Contact with steam and hot vapours, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3689  X13.88  Contact with steam and hot vapours, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3690  X13.83  Contact with steam and hot vapours, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3691  X13.80  Contact with steam and hot vapours, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3692  X13.84  Contact with steam and hot vapours, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3693  X13.82  Contact with steam and hot vapours, other specified places, while working for an income  
3694  X13.19  Contact with steam and hot vapours, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3695  X13.11  Contact with steam and hot vapours, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3696  X13.18  Contact with steam and hot vapours, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3697  X13.13  Contact with steam and hot vapours, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3698  X13.10  Contact with steam and hot vapours, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3699  X13.14  Contact with steam and hot vapours, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3700  X13.12  Contact with steam and hot vapours, residential institution, while working for an income  
3701  X13.29  Contact with steam and hot vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3702  X13.21  Contact with steam and hot vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3703  X13.28  Contact with steam and hot vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3704  X13.23  Contact with steam and hot vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3705  X13.20  Contact with steam and hot vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3706  X13.24  Contact with steam and hot vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3707  X13.22  Contact with steam and hot vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3708  X13.39  Contact with steam and hot vapours, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3709  X13.31  Contact with steam and hot vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3710  X13.38  Contact with steam and hot vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3711  X13.33  Contact with steam and hot vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3712  X13.30  Contact with steam and hot vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3713  X13.34  Contact with steam and hot vapours, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3714  X13.32  Contact with steam and hot vapours, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3715  X13.49  Contact with steam and hot vapours, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3716  X13.41  Contact with steam and hot vapours, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3717  X13.48  Contact with steam and hot vapours, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3718  X13.43  Contact with steam and hot vapours, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3719  X13.40  Contact with steam and hot vapours, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3720  X13.44  Contact with steam and hot vapours, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3721  X13.42  Contact with steam and hot vapours, street and highway, while working for an income  
3722  X13.59  Contact with steam and hot vapours, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3723  X13.51  Contact with steam and hot vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3724  X13.58  Contact with steam and hot vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3725  X13.53  Contact with steam and hot vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3726  X13.50  Contact with steam and hot vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3727  X13.54  Contact with steam and hot vapours, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3728  X13.52  Contact with steam and hot vapours, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3729  X13.99  Contact with steam and hot vapours, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3730  X13.91  Contact with steam and hot vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3731  X13.98  Contact with steam and hot vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3732  X13.93  Contact with steam and hot vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3733  X13.90  Contact with steam and hot vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3734  X13.94  Contact with steam and hot vapours, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3735  X13.92  Contact with steam and hot vapours, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3736  Y27.79  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
3737  Y27.71  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3738  Y27.78  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3739  Y27.73  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3740  Y27.70  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3741  Y27.74  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3742  Y27.72  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
3743  Y27.09  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
3744  Y27.01  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3745  Y27.08  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3746  Y27.03  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3747  Y27.00  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3748  Y27.04  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3749  Y27.02  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
3750  Y27.69  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3751  Y27.61  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3752  Y27.68  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3753  Y27.63  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3754  Y27.60  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3755  Y27.64  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3756  Y27.62  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3757  Y27.89  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3758  Y27.81  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3759  Y27.88  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3760  Y27.83  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3761  Y27.80  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3762  Y27.84  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3763  Y27.82  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
3764  Y27.19  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3765  Y27.11  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3766  Y27.18  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3767  Y27.13  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3768  Y27.10  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3769  Y27.14  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3770  Y27.12  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
3771  Y27.29  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3772  Y27.21  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3773  Y27.28  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3774  Y27.23  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3775  Y27.20  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3776  Y27.24  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3777  Y27.22  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3778  Y27.39  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3779  Y27.31  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3780  Y27.38  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3781  Y27.33  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3782  Y27.30  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3783  Y27.34  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3784  Y27.32  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3785  Y27.49  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3786  Y27.41  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3787  Y27.48  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3788  Y27.43  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3789  Y27.40  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3790  Y27.44  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3791  Y27.42  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
3792  Y27.59  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3793  Y27.51  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3794  Y27.58  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3795  Y27.53  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3796  Y27.50  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3797  Y27.54  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3798  Y27.52  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3799  Y27.99  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3800  Y27.91  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3801  Y27.98  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3802  Y27.93  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3803  Y27.90  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3804  Y27.94  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3805  Y27.92  Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3806  Y27  CONTACT WITH STEAM,HOT VAPOURS  Kontak dengan uap , uap panas dan benda panas , niat belum spesifik menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
3807  X29.79  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, farm, during unspecified activity  
3808  X29.71  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3809  X29.78  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3810  X29.73  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3811  X29.70  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3812  X29.74  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3813  X29.72  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, farm, while working for an income  
3814  X29.09  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, home, during unspecified activity  
3815  X29.01  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3816  X29.08  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3817  X29.03  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3818  X29.00  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3819  X29.04  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3820  X29.02  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, home, while working for an income  
3821  X29.69  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3822  X29.61  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3823  X29.68  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3824  X29.63  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3825  X29.60  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3826  X29.64  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3827  X29.62  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3828  X29.89  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3829  X29.81  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3830  X29.88  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3831  X29.83  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3832  X29.80  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3833  X29.84  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3834  X29.82  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, other specified places, while working for an income  
3835  X29.19  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3836  X29.11  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3837  X29.18  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3838  X29.13  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3839  X29.10  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3840  X29.14  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3841  X29.12  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, residential institution, while working for an income  
3842  X29.29  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3843  X29.21  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3844  X29.28  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3845  X29.23  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3846  X29.20  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3847  X29.24  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3848  X29.22  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3849  X29.39  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3850  X29.31  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3851  X29.38  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3852  X29.33  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3853  X29.30  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3854  X29.34  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3855  X29.32  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3856  X29.49  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3857  X29.41  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3858  X29.48  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3859  X29.43  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3860  X29.40  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3861  X29.44  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3862  X29.42  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, street and highway, while working for an income  
3863  X29.59  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3864  X29.51  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3865  X29.58  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3866  X29.53  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3867  X29.50  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3868  X29.54  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3869  X29.52  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3870  X29.99  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3871  X29.91  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3872  X29.98  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3873  X29.93  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3874  X29.90  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3875  X29.94  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3876  X29.92  Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3877  X27  CONTACT WITH VENOMOUS ANIMALS  Kontak dengan binatang berbisa lainnya yang ditetapkan sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
3878  X26  CONTACT WITH VENOMOUS MARINE A  Kontak dengan hewan laut berbisa dan tanaman sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
3879  X26.79  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, farm, during unspecified activity  
3880  X26.71  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3881  X26.78  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3882  X26.73  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3883  X26.70  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3884  X26.74  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3885  X26.72  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, farm, while working for an income  
3886  X26.09  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, home, during unspecified activity  
3887  X26.01  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3888  X26.08  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3889  X26.03  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3890  X26.00  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3891  X26.04  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3892  X26.02  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, home, while working for an income  
3893  X26.69  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3894  X26.61  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3895  X26.68  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3896  X26.63  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3897  X26.60  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3898  X26.64  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3899  X26.62  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3900  X26.89  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3901  X26.81  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3902  X26.88  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3903  X26.83  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3904  X26.80  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3905  X26.84  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3906  X26.82  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, other specified places, while working for an income  
3907  X26.19  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3908  X26.11  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3909  X26.18  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3910  X26.13  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3911  X26.10  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3912  X26.14  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3913  X26.12  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, residential institution, while working for an income  
3914  X26.29  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3915  X26.21  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3916  X26.28  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3917  X26.23  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3918  X26.20  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3919  X26.24  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3920  X26.22  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3921  X26.39  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3922  X26.31  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3923  X26.38  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3924  X26.33  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3925  X26.30  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3926  X26.34  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3927  X26.32  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3928  X26.49  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
3929  X26.41  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
3930  X26.48  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
3931  X26.43  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
3932  X26.40  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
3933  X26.44  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3934  X26.42  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, street and highway, while working for an income  
3935  X26.59  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
3936  X26.51  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3937  X26.58  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3938  X26.53  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
3939  X26.50  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
3940  X26.54  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3941  X26.52  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, trade and service area, while working for an income  
3942  X26.99  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
3943  X26.91  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
3944  X26.98  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
3945  X26.93  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
3946  X26.90  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
3947  X26.94  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3948  X26.92  Contact with venomous marine animals and plants, unspecified place, while working for an income  
3949  X28  CONTACT WITH VENOMOUS PLANTS  Kontak dengan tanaman berbisa lainnya ditetapkan sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
3950  X20.79  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, farm, during unspecified activity  
3951  X20.71  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
3952  X20.78  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
3953  X20.73  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
3954  X20.70  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
3955  X20.74  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3956  X20.72  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, farm, while working for an income  
3957  X20.09  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, home, during unspecified activity  
3958  X20.01  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
3959  X20.08  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
3960  X20.03  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, home, while engaged in other types of work  
3961  X20.00  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, home, while engaged in sports activity  
3962  X20.04  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3963  X20.02  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, home, while working for an income  
3964  X20.69  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
3965  X20.61  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3966  X20.68  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3967  X20.63  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
3968  X20.60  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
3969  X20.64  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3970  X20.62  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
3971  X20.89  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
3972  X20.81  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
3973  X20.88  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
3974  X20.83  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
3975  X20.80  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
3976  X20.84  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3977  X20.82  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, other specified places, while working for an income  
3978  X20.19  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
3979  X20.11  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
3980  X20.18  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
3981  X20.13  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
3982  X20.10  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
3983  X20.14  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3984  X20.12  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, residential institution, while working for an income  
3985  X20.29  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
3986  X20.21  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3987  X20.28  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3988  X20.23  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
3989  X20.20  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
3990  X20.24  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3991  X20.22  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
3992  X20.39  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
3993  X20.31  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
3994  X20.38  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
3995  X20.33  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
3996  X20.30  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
3997  X20.34  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
3998  X20.32  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
3999  X20.49  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
4000  X20.41  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
4001  X20.48  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
4002  X20.43  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
4003  X20.40  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
4004  X20.44  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4005  X20.42  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, street and highway, while working for an income  
4006  X20.59  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
4007  X20.51  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4008  X20.58  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4009  X20.53  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
4010  X20.50  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
4011  X20.54  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4012  X20.52  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, trade and service area, while working for an income  
4013  X20.99  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
4014  X20.91  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
4015  X20.98  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
4016  X20.93  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
4017  X20.90  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
4018  X20.94  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4019  X20.92  Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, unspecified place, while working for an income  
4020  X21  CONTACT WITH VENOMOUS SPIDERS  Kontak dengan laba-laba berbisa sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
4021  X21.79  Contact with venomous spiders, farm, during unspecified activity  
4022  X21.71  Contact with venomous spiders, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
4023  X21.78  Contact with venomous spiders, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
4024  X21.73  Contact with venomous spiders, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
4025  X21.70  Contact with venomous spiders, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
4026  X21.74  Contact with venomous spiders, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4027  X21.72  Contact with venomous spiders, farm, while working for an income  
4028  X21.09  Contact with venomous spiders, home, during unspecified activity  
4029  X21.01  Contact with venomous spiders, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
4030  X21.08  Contact with venomous spiders, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
4031  X21.03  Contact with venomous spiders, home, while engaged in other types of work  
4032  X21.00  Contact with venomous spiders, home, while engaged in sports activity  
4033  X21.04  Contact with venomous spiders, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4034  X21.02  Contact with venomous spiders, home, while working for an income  
4035  X21.69  Contact with venomous spiders, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
4036  X21.61  Contact with venomous spiders, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4037  X21.68  Contact with venomous spiders, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4038  X21.63  Contact with venomous spiders, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
4039  X21.60  Contact with venomous spiders, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
4040  X21.64  Contact with venomous spiders, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4041  X21.62  Contact with venomous spiders, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
4042  X21.89  Contact with venomous spiders, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
4043  X21.81  Contact with venomous spiders, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
4044  X21.88  Contact with venomous spiders, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
4045  X21.83  Contact with venomous spiders, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
4046  X21.80  Contact with venomous spiders, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
4047  X21.84  Contact with venomous spiders, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4048  X21.82  Contact with venomous spiders, other specified places, while working for an income  
4049  X21.19  Contact with venomous spiders, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
4050  X21.11  Contact with venomous spiders, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
4051  X21.18  Contact with venomous spiders, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
4052  X21.13  Contact with venomous spiders, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
4053  X21.10  Contact with venomous spiders, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
4054  X21.14  Contact with venomous spiders, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4055  X21.12  Contact with venomous spiders, residential institution, while working for an income  
4056  X21.29  Contact with venomous spiders, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
4057  X21.21  Contact with venomous spiders, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4058  X21.28  Contact with venomous spiders, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4059  X21.23  Contact with venomous spiders, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
4060  X21.20  Contact with venomous spiders, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
4061  X21.24  Contact with venomous spiders, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4062  X21.22  Contact with venomous spiders, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
4063  X21.39  Contact with venomous spiders, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
4064  X21.31  Contact with venomous spiders, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4065  X21.38  Contact with venomous spiders, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4066  X21.33  Contact with venomous spiders, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
4067  X21.30  Contact with venomous spiders, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
4068  X21.34  Contact with venomous spiders, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4069  X21.32  Contact with venomous spiders, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
4070  X21.49  Contact with venomous spiders, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
4071  X21.41  Contact with venomous spiders, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
4072  X21.48  Contact with venomous spiders, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
4073  X21.43  Contact with venomous spiders, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
4074  X21.40  Contact with venomous spiders, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
4075  X21.44  Contact with venomous spiders, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4076  X21.42  Contact with venomous spiders, street and highway, while working for an income  
4077  X21.59  Contact with venomous spiders, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
4078  X21.51  Contact with venomous spiders, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4079  X21.58  Contact with venomous spiders, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4080  X21.53  Contact with venomous spiders, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
4081  X21.50  Contact with venomous spiders, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
4082  X21.54  Contact with venomous spiders, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4083  X21.52  Contact with venomous spiders, trade and service area, while working for an income  
4084  X21.99  Contact with venomous spiders, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
4085  X21.91  Contact with venomous spiders, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
4086  X21.98  Contact with venomous spiders, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
4087  X21.93  Contact with venomous spiders, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
4088  X21.90  Contact with venomous spiders, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
4089  X21.94  Contact with venomous spiders, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4090  X21.92  Contact with venomous spiders, unspecified place, while working for an income  
4092  Y64.8  Contaminated medical or biological substance administered by other means  Cedera akibat zat medis atau biologis yang terkontaminasi dikelola dengan cara lain
4093  Y64.9  Contaminated medical or biological substance administered by unspecified means  Cedera akibat zat medis atau biologis yang terkontaminasi dikelola dengan cara yang tidak spesifik
4094  Y64.1  Contaminated medical or biological substance, injected or used for immunisation  Cedera akibat zat medis atau biologis yang terkontaminasi , disuntikkan atau digunakan untuk imunisasi
4095  Y64.0  Contaminated medical or biological substance, transfused or infused  Cedera akibat zat medis atau biologis yang terkontaminasi , transfusi atau infus
4096  O31.1  Continuing pregnancy after abortion of one fetus or more  Melanjutkan kehamilan setelah aborsi dari satu janin atau lebih
4097  O31.2  Continuing pregnancy after intrauterine death of one fetus or more  Melanjutkan kehamilan setelah kematian intrauterine dari satu janin atau lebih
4098  M79.90  contractur akila  
4099  M24.57  Contracture of joint, ankle and foot  
4100  M24.53  Contracture of joint, forearm  
4101  M24.54  Contracture of joint, hand  
4102  M24.56  Contracture of joint, lower leg  
4103  M24.50  Contracture of joint, multiple sites  
4104  M24.58  Contracture of joint, other site  
4105  M24.55  Contracture of joint, pelvic region and thigh  
4106  M24.51  Contracture of joint, shoulder region  
4107  M24.59  Contracture of joint, site unspecified  
4108  M24.52  Contracture of joint, upper arm  
4109  M62.47  Contracture of muscle, ankle and foot  
4110  M62.43  Contracture of muscle, forearm  
4111  M62.44  Contracture of muscle, hand  
4112  M62.46  Contracture of muscle, lower leg  
4113  M62.48  Contracture of muscle, other site  
4114  M62.45  Contracture of muscle, pelvic region and thigh  
4115  M62.41  Contracture of muscle, shoulder region  
4116  M62.49  Contracture of muscle, site unspecified  
4117  M62.42  Contracture of muscle, upper arm  
4118  M24.40  contraktur alku kanan / elbow  
4119  M62.40  Contraktur musole  
4120  T14.6  contusio - ruftur muscolorum / otot leher / reptur tendon  Cedera otot dan tendon daerah tubuh yang tidak spesifik
4121  S06.2  contusio cerebri / CKB / ICH multiple / left heard failure / LHF  Cedera otak difus
4122  S05.8  contusio mata / reftur palpebra  Luka lain mata dan orbit
4123  S34.3  contusio modula spinalis  Cedera dari cauda equina
4124  S30.2  Contusio penis  Memar organ genital eksternal
4125  S37.00  contusio renis / rufture lenkideney / gijal  
4126  S20.2  Contusio thorax  Memar thorax
4127  S30.1  Contusion of abdominal wall  Memar dinding perut
4128  S90.0  Contusion of ankle  Memar pergelangan kaki
4129  S20.0  Contusion of breast  Memar payudara
4130  S50.0  Contusion of elbow  Memar siku
4131  S00.1  Contusion of eyelid and periocular area  Memar daerah kelopak mata dan periokular
4132  S60.1  Contusion of finger(s) with damage to nail  Memar jari ( s ) dengan kerusakan kuku
4133  S60.0  Contusion of finger(s) without damage to nail  Memar jari ( s ) tanpa merusak kuku
4134  S70.0  Contusion of hip  Memar pinggul
4135  S80.0  Contusion of knee  Memar lutut
4136  S30.0  Contusion of lower back and pelvis  Memar dari punggung bawah dan panggul
4137  S90.3  Contusion of other and unspecified parts of foot  Memar bagian lain dan tidak spesifik kaki
4138  S50.1  Contusion of other and unspecified parts of forearm  Memar bagian lain dan tidak spesifik lengan
4139  S80.1  Contusion of other and unspecified parts of lower leg  Memar bagian lain dan tidak spesifik dari tungkai bawah
4140  S60.2  Contusion of other parts of wrist and hand  Memar dari bagian lain dari pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4141  S40.0  Contusion of shoulder and upper arm  Memar bahu dan lengan atas
4142  S70.1  Contusion of thigh  Memar paha
4143  S10.0  Contusion of throat  Memar tenggorokan
4144  S90.2  Contusion of toe(s) with damage to nail  Memar jari kaki ( s ) dengan kerusakan kuku
4145  S90.1  Contusion of toe(s) without damage to nail  Memar jari kaki ( s ) tanpa merusak kuku
4146  Z54.2  Convalescence following chemotherapy  Kemoterapi setelah pemulihan
4147  Z54.7  Convalescence following combined treatment  Pemulihan setelah pengobatan gabungan
4148  Z54.8  Convalescence following other treatment  Pemulihan setelah pengobatan lain
4149  Z54.3  Convalescence following psychotherapy  Pemulihan berikut psikoterapi
4150  Z54.1  Convalescence following radiotherapy  Pemulihan radioterapi berikut
4151  Z54.0  Convalescence following surgery  Pemulihan setelah operasi
4152  Z54.4  Convalescence following treatment of fracture  Pemulihan setelah pengobatan fraktur
4153  Z54.9  Convalescence following unspecified treatment  Pemulihan setelah pengobatan yang tidak spesifik
4154  H51.1  Convergence insufficiency and excess  Insufisiensi konvergensi dan kelebihan
4155  Z65.0  Conviction in civil and criminal proceedings without imprisonment  Keyakinan dalam proses perdata dan pidana penjara tanpa
4156  R56.8  convulsi ( kejang )  Kejang lain dan tidak spesifik
4157  P90  CONVULSIONS OF NEWBORN  Kejang pada bayi baru lahir
4158  T56.4  Copper and its compounds  Efek toksik dari tembaga dan senyawanya
4159  E61.0  Copper deficiency  Defisiensi tembaga
4160  I27.9  cor Pulmunale cronic / CPC / PVC bigemini  Penyakit jantung paru , tidak spesifik
4161  Q24.2  Cor triatriatum  Kor triatriatum
4162  G95.2  Cord compression, unspecified  Kompresi tali pusat , tidak spesifik
4163  Z52.5  Cornea donor  kornea donor
4164  H18.4  Corneal degeneration  Degenerasi kornea
4165  H16.4  Corneal neovascularisation  Neovaskularisasi kornea
4166  H18.0  Corneal pigmentations and deposits  Pigmentations kornea dan deposito
4167  H17.9  Corneal scar and opacity, unspecified  Parut kornea dan opacity , tidak spesifik
4169  Z94.7  Corneal transplant status  Status transplantasi kornea
4170  H16.0  Corneal ulcer  Ulkus kornea
4171  L84  CORNS & CALLOSITIES  Jagung dan callosities
4172  I25.4  Coronary artery aneurysm  Aneurisma arteri koroner
4173  I24.0  Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction  Trombosis koroner tidak mengakibatkan infark miokard
4174  T46.3  Coronary vasodilators, not elsewhere classified  Keracunan oleh vasodilator koroner , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
4175  Y52.3  Coronary vasodilators, not elsewhere classified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi vasodilator koroner , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
4176  B97.2  Coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters  Coronavirus sebagai penyebab penyakit diklasifikasikan ke bab lain
4177  B34.2  Coronavirus infection, unspecified  Infeksi coronavirus , tidak spesifik
4178  T17.2  corpus alienum hipoparing  Benda asing di faring
4179  T17.5  corpus alineum broncus  Benda asing di bronkus
4180  S21.0  corpus alineum peluru  Luka terbuka payudara
4181  S29.9  corpus alineum thoacal ( punggung )  Tidak disebutkan cedera thorax
4182  N83.1  Corpus luteum cyst  Kista korpus luteum
4183  T27.5  Corrosion involving larynx and trachea with lung  Korosi melibatkan laring dan trakea dengan paru-paru
4184  T26.6  Corrosion of cornea and conjunctival sac  Korosi kornea dan konjungtiva kantung
4185  T26.9  Corrosion of eye and adnexa, part unspecified  Korosi mata dan adneksa , bagian yang tidak spesifik
4186  T26.5  Corrosion of eyelid and periocular area  Korosi daerah kelopak mata dan periokular
4187  T25.5  Corrosion of first degree of ankle and foot  Korosi gelar pertama dari pergelangan kaki dan kaki
4188  T20.5  Corrosion of first degree of head and neck  Korosi gelar pertama dari kepala dan leher
4189  T24.5  Corrosion of first degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot  Korosi gelar pertama dari pinggul dan ekstremitas bawah , kecuali pergelangan kaki dan kaki
4190  T22.5  Corrosion of first degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand  Korosi gelar pertama dari bahu dan ekstremitas atas , kecuali pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4191  T21.5  Corrosion of first degree of trunk  Korosi gelar pertama dari trunk
4192  T23.5  Corrosion of first degree of wrist and hand  Korosi gelar pertama dari pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4193  T30.5  Corrosion of first degree, body region unspecified  Korosi tingkat pertama , daerah tubuh yang tidak spesifik
4194  T28.8  Corrosion of internal genitourinary organs  Korosi organ genitourinari intern
4195  T27.4  Corrosion of larynx and trachea  Korosi laring dan trakea
4196  T28.5  Corrosion of mouth and pharynx  Korosi mulut dan faring
4197  T28.6  Corrosion of oesophagus  Korosi esofagus
4198  T28.9  Corrosion of other and unspecified internal organs  Korosi organ internal lainnya dan tidak spesifik
4199  T28.7  Corrosion of other parts of alimentary tract  Korosi bagian lain dari saluran pencernaan
4200  T26.8  Corrosion of other parts of eye and adnexa  Korosi bagian lain dari mata dan adneksa
4201  T27.6  Corrosion of other parts of respiratory tract  Korosi bagian lain dari saluran pernapasan
4202  T27.7  Corrosion of respiratory tract, part unspecified  Korosi saluran pernapasan , bagian yang tidak spesifik
4203  T25.6  Corrosion of second degree of ankle and foot  Korosi derajat kedua pergelangan kaki dan kaki
4204  T20.6  Corrosion of second degree of head and neck  Korosi derajat kedua kepala dan leher
4205  T24.6  Corrosion of second degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot  Korosi derajat kedua pinggul dan ekstremitas bawah , kecuali pergelangan kaki dan kaki
4206  T22.6  Corrosion of second degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand  Korosi derajat kedua bahu dan ekstremitas atas , kecuali pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4207  T21.6  Corrosion of second degree of trunk  Korosi derajat kedua trunk
4208  T23.6  Corrosion of second degree of wrist and hand  Korosi derajat kedua pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4209  T30.6  Corrosion of second degree, body region unspecified  Korosi derajat kedua , daerah tubuh yang tidak spesifik
4210  T25.7  Corrosion of third degree of ankle and foot  Korosi derajat ketiga dari pergelangan kaki dan kaki
4211  T20.7  Corrosion of third degree of head and neck  Korosi derajat ketiga dari kepala dan leher
4212  T24.7  Corrosion of third degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot  Korosi derajat ketiga dari pinggul dan ekstremitas bawah , kecuali pergelangan kaki dan kaki
4213  T22.7  Corrosion of third degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand  Korosi derajat ketiga dari bahu dan ekstremitas atas , kecuali pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4214  T21.7  Corrosion of third degree of trunk  Korosi derajat ketiga dari batang
4215  T23.7  Corrosion of third degree of wrist and hand  Korosi derajat ketiga dari pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4216  T30.7  Corrosion of thrid degree, body region unspecified  Korosi derajat ketiga , daerah tubuh yang tidak spesifik
4217  T30.4  Corrosion of unspecified body region, unspecified degree  Korosi daerah tubuh yang tidak spesifik , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
4218  T25.4  Corrosion of unspecified degree of ankle and foot  Korosi derajat tidak spesifik pergelangan kaki dan kaki
4219  T20.4  Corrosion of unspecified degree of head and neck  Korosi derajat tidak spesifik kepala dan leher
4220  T24.4  Corrosion of unspecified degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot  Korosi derajat tidak spesifik pinggul dan ekstremitas bawah , kecuali pergelangan kaki dan kaki
4221  T22.4  Corrosion of unspecified degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand  Korosi derajat tidak spesifik bahu dan ekstremitas atas , kecuali pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4222  T21.4  Corrosion of unspecified degree of trunk  Korosi derajat tidak spesifik trunk
4223  T23.4  Corrosion of unspecified degree of wrist and hand  Korosi derajat tidak spesifik pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4224  T26.7  Corrosion with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball  Korosi dengan pecah dan kerusakan bola mata yang dihasilkan
4225  T32.1  Corrosions involving 10-19% of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan 10-19 % dari permukaan tubuh
4226  T32.2  Corrosions involving 20-29% of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan 20-29 % dari permukaan tubuh
4227  T32.3  Corrosions involving 30-39% of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan 30-39 % dari permukaan tubuh
4228  T32.4  Corrosions involving 40-49% of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan 40-49 % dari permukaan tubuh
4229  T32.5  Corrosions involving 50-59% of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan 50-59 % dari permukaan tubuh
4230  T32.6  Corrosions involving 60-69% of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan 60-69 % dari permukaan tubuh
4231  T32.7  Corrosions involving 70-79% of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan 70-79 % dari permukaan tubuh
4232  T32.8  Corrosions involving 80-89% of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan 80-89 % dari permukaan tubuh
4233  T32.9  Corrosions involving 90% or more of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan 90 % atau lebih dari permukaan tubuh
4234  T32.0  Corrosions involving less than 10% of body surface  Corrosions melibatkan kurang dari 10 % dari permukaan tubuh
4235  T29.7  Corrosions of multiple regions, at least one burn of third degree mentioned  Corrosions dari beberapa daerah , setidaknya satu korosi derajat ketiga disebutkan
4236  T29.5  Corrosions of multiple regions, no more than first degree burns mentioned  Corrosions dari beberapa daerah , tidak lebih dari corrosions tingkat pertama disebutkan
4237  T29.6  Corrosions of multiple regions, no more than second degree burns mentioned  Corrosions dari beberapa daerah , tidak lebih dari corrosions tingkat dua yang disebutkan
4238  T29.4  Corrosions of multiple regions, unspecified degree  Corrosions dari beberapa daerah , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
4239  T54.2  Corrosive acids and acid-like substances  Efek toksik asam korosif dan zat asam seperti
4240  T54.3  Corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances  Efek toksik dari alkali korosif dan zat alkali - seperti
4241  T54.9  Corrosive substance, unspecified  Efek toksik zat korosif , tidak spesifik
4242  R05  COUGH  batuk
4243  Z71.4  Counselling and surveillance for alcohol use disorder  Penyalahgunaan alkohol konseling dan pengawasan
4244  Z71.5  Counselling and surveillance for drug use disorder  Penyalahgunaan narkoba konseling dan pengawasan
4245  Z71.6  Counselling for tobacco use disorder  Penyalahgunaan tembakau konseling
4247  Z70.3  Counselling related to combined concerns regarding sexual attitude, behaviour and orientation  Konseling yang berkaitan dengan keprihatinan gabungan mengenai sikap seksual , perilaku dan orientasi
4248  Z70.1  Counselling related to patients sexual behaviour and orientation  Konseling yang berkaitan dengan pasien perilaku seksual dan orientasi
4249  Z70.0  Counselling related to sexual attitude  Konseling yang berkaitan dengan sikap seksual
4250  Z70.2  Counselling related to sexual behaviour and orientation of third party  Konseling yang berkaitan dengan perilaku seksual dan orientasi pihak ketiga
4251  Z71.9  Counselling, unspecified  Konseling , tidak spesifik
4252  P71.0  Cows milk hypocalcaemia in newborn  Susu sapi hipokalsemia pada bayi baru lahir
4253  M91.2  Coxa plana  coxa plana
4255  M16.2  Coxarthrosis resulting from dysplasia, bilateral  Coxarthrosis akibat displasia , bilateral
4256  M16.9  Coxarthrosis, unspecified  Coxarthrosis , tidak spesifik
4257  M13.1  coxitis  Monoarthritis , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
4258  J81  CPA ( odema perut akut ) / EDEMA PARU AKUT / POLMUNARI CONGESTION  Edema paru
4259  Q33.9  CPD  Malformasi kongenital paru-paru , tidak spesifik
4260  M34.1  CR(E)ST syndrome  CR ( E ) sindrom ST
4261  O92.1  Cracked nipple associated with childbirth  Retak puting terkait dengan persalinan
4262  R25.2  Cramp and spasm  Kram dan kejang
4264  G52.9  Cranial nerve disorder, unspecified  Gangguan saraf kranial , tidak spesifik
4265  Q75.1  Craniofacial dysostosis  dysostosis Craniofacial
4266  Q00.1  Craniorachischisis  Craniorachischisis
4267  Q75.0  Craniosynostosis  craniosynostosis
4268  H34.2  CRAO  Oklusi arteri retina lainnya
4269  Y32.79  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
4270  Y32.71  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
4271  Y32.78  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
4272  Y32.73  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
4273  Y32.70  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
4274  Y32.74  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4275  Y32.72  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
4276  Y32.09  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
4277  Y32.01  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
4278  Y32.08  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
4279  Y32.03  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
4280  Y32.00  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
4281  Y32.04  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4282  Y32.02  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
4283  Y32.69  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
4284  Y32.61  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4285  Y32.68  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4286  Y32.63  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
4287  Y32.60  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
4288  Y32.64  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4289  Y32.62  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
4290  Y32.89  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
4291  Y32.81  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
4292  Y32.88  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
4293  Y32.83  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
4294  Y32.80  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
4295  Y32.84  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4296  Y32.82  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
4297  Y32.19  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
4298  Y32.11  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
4299  Y32.18  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
4300  Y32.13  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
4301  Y32.10  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
4302  Y32.14  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4303  Y32.12  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
4304  Y32.29  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
4305  Y32.21  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4306  Y32.28  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4307  Y32.23  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
4308  Y32.20  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
4309  Y32.24  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4310  Y32.22  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
4311  Y32.39  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
4312  Y32.31  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4313  Y32.38  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4314  Y32.33  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
4315  Y32.30  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
4316  Y32.34  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4317  Y32.32  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
4318  Y32.49  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
4319  Y32.41  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
4320  Y32.48  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
4321  Y32.43  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
4322  Y32.40  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
4323  Y32.44  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4324  Y32.42  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
4325  Y32.59  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
4326  Y32.51  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4327  Y32.58  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4328  Y32.53  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
4329  Y32.50  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
4330  Y32.54  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4331  Y32.52  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
4332  Y32.99  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
4333  Y32.91  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
4334  Y32.98  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
4335  Y32.93  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
4336  Y32.90  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
4337  Y32.94  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4338  Y32.92  Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
4339  Y32  CRASHING OF MOTOR VEHICLE,UNDE  Menerjang kendaraan bermotor , niat belum spesifik menyebabkan luka karena kecelakaan
4340  A81.0  Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease  Penyakit Creutzfeldt - Jakob
4341  N18.9  CRF / GGK / GNC / insufisiensi renal  Gagal ginjal kronis , tidak spesifik
4342  E80.5  Crigler-Najjar syndrome  Sindrom Crigler - Najjar
4343  A98.0  Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever  Demam berdarah Krimea - Kongo
4344  K50.1  Crohns disease of large intestine  Penyakit Crohns pada usus besar
4345  K50.0  Crohns disease of small intestine  Penyakit Crohns pada usus kecil
4346  K50.9  Crohns disease, unspecified  Penyakit Crohn , tidak spesifik
4347  K76.9  cronic liver disease / liver cronic  Penyakit hati , tidak spesifik
4348  J05.0  croup  Laringitis obstruktif akut [ croup ]
4349  M53.1  CRS / cervisal syndrome  cervicobrachial sindrom
4350  S97.8  Crush foot  Crushing cedera bagian lain dari pergelangan kaki dan kaki
4351  S95.9  crush injuri cruris  Cedera pembuluh darah yang tidak spesifik di pergelangan kaki dan kaki tingkat
4352  S28.0  Crushed chest  dada hancur
4353  W52.79  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, farm, during unspecified activity  
4354  W52.71  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
4355  W52.78  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
4356  W52.73  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
4357  W52.70  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
4358  W52.74  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4359  W52.72  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, farm, while working for an income  
4360  W52.09  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, home, during unspecified activity  
4361  W52.01  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
4362  W52.08  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
4363  W52.03  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, home, while engaged in other types of work  
4364  W52.00  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, home, while engaged in sports activity  
4365  W52.04  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4366  W52.02  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, home, while working for an income  
4367  W52.69  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
4368  W52.61  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4369  W52.68  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4370  W52.63  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
4371  W52.60  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
4372  W52.64  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4373  W52.62  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
4374  W52.89  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
4375  W52.81  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
4376  W52.88  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
4377  W52.83  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
4378  W52.80  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
4379  W52.84  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4380  W52.82  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, other specified places, while working for an income  
4381  W52.19  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
4382  W52.11  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
4383  W52.18  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
4384  W52.13  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
4385  W52.10  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
4386  W52.14  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4387  W52.12  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, residential institution, while working for an income  
4388  W52.29  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
4389  W52.21  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4390  W52.28  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4391  W52.23  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
4392  W52.20  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
4393  W52.24  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4394  W52.22  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
4395  W52.39  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
4396  W52.31  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4397  W52.38  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4398  W52.33  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
4399  W52.30  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
4400  W52.34  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4401  W52.32  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
4402  W52.49  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
4403  W52.41  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
4404  W52.48  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
4405  W52.43  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
4406  W52.40  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
4407  W52.44  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4408  W52.42  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, street and highway, while working for an income  
4409  W52.59  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
4410  W52.51  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
4411  W52.58  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
4412  W52.53  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
4413  W52.50  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
4414  W52.54  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4415  W52.52  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, trade and service area, while working for an income  
4416  W52.99  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
4417  W52.91  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
4418  W52.98  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
4419  W52.93  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
4420  W52.90  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
4421  W52.94  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
4422  W52.92  Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede, unspecified place, while working for an income  
4423  W52  CRUSHED,PUSHED & STEPPED ON BY  Hancur , mendorong atau menginjak injak oleh kerumunan atau manusia
4424  T04.0  Crushing injuries involving head with neck  Crushing cedera yang melibatkan kepala dengan leher
4426  T04.3  Crushing injuries involving multiple regions of lower limb(s)  Crushing cedera yang melibatkan beberapa daerah ekstremitas bawah ( s )
4427  T04.2  Crushing injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb(s)  Crushing cedera yang melibatkan beberapa daerah ekstremitas atas ( s )
4428  T04.4  Crushing injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) with lower limb(s)  Crushing cedera yang melibatkan beberapa daerah ekstremitas atas ( s ) dengan ekstremitas bawah ( s )
4429  T04.8  Crushing injuries involving other combinations of body regions  Crushing cedera yang melibatkan kombinasi lain dari daerah tubuh
4430  T04.1  Crushing injuries involving thorax with abdomen, lower back and pelvis  Crushing cedera yang melibatkan dada dengan perut , punggung bawah dan panggul
4431  T04.7  Crushing injuries of thorax with abdomen, lower back and pelvis with limb(s)  Crushing cedera thorax dengan perut , punggung bawah dan panggul dengan ekstremitas ( s )
4432  S97.0  Crushing injury of ankle  Crushing cedera pergelangan kaki
4433  S57.0  Crushing injury of elbow  Crushing cedera siku
4434  S38.0  Crushing injury of external genital organs  Crushing cedera organ genital eksternal
4435  S07.0  Crushing injury of face  Crushing cedera wajah
4436  S57.9  Crushing injury of forearm, part unspecified  Crushing cedera lengan , bagian yang tidak spesifik
4438  S07.9  Crushing injury of head, part unspecified  Crushing cedera kepala , bagian yang tidak spesifik
4439  S77.0  Crushing injury of hip  Crushing cedera pinggul
4440  S77.2  Crushing injury of hip with thigh  Crushing cedera pinggul dengan paha
4441  S87.0  Crushing injury of knee  Crushing cedera lutut
4442  S17.0  Crushing injury of larynx and trachea  Crushing cedera laring dan trakea
4444  S17.9  Crushing injury of neck, part unspecified  Crushing cedera leher , bagian yang tidak spesifik
4445  S38.1  Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back and pelvis  Crushing cedera bagian lain dan tidak spesifik dari perut , punggung bawah dan panggul
4446  S87.8  Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of lower leg  Crushing cedera bagian lain dan tidak spesifik dari tungkai bawah
4447  S67.8  Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand  Crushing cedera bagian lain dan tidak spesifik dari pergelangan tangan dan tangan
4448  S57.8  Crushing injury of other parts of forearm  Crushing cedera bagian lain dari lengan
4449  S07.8  Crushing injury of other parts of head  Crushing cedera bagian lain dari kepala
4450  S17.8  Crushing injury of other parts of neck  Crushing cedera bagian lain dari leher
4451  S07.1  Crushing injury of skull  Crushing cedera tengkorak
4452  S77.1  Crushing injury of thigh  Crushing cedera paha
4454  S67.0  Crushing injury of thumb and other finger(s)  Crushing cedera ibu jari dan jari lainnya ( s )
4455  S97.1  Crushing injury of toe(s)  Crushing cedera jari kaki ( s )
4456  D89.1  Cryoglobulinaemia  Krioglobulinemia
4458  B45.9  Cryptococcosis, unspecified  Kriptokokosis, tidak spesifik
4459  A07.2  Cryptosporidiosis  Cryptosporidiosis
4460  M14.1  Crystal arthropathy in other metabolic disorders  Kristal arthropathy pada gangguan metabolik lainnya
4461  M11.97  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, ankle and foot  
4462  M11.93  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, forearm  
4463  M11.94  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, hand  
4464  M11.96  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, lower leg  
4465  M11.90  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, multiple sites  
4466  M11.98  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, other site  
4467  M11.95  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh  
4468  M11.91  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, shoulder region  
4469  M11.99  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, site unspecified  
4470  M11.92  Crystal arthropathy, unspecified, upper arm  
4471  H43.2  Crystalline deposits in vitreous body  Deposito kristal dalam tubuh vitreous
4472  E24  Cushing Sindrome  
4473  E24.9  Cushings syndrome, unspecified  Sindrom Cushing , tidak spesifik
4475  A06.7  Cutaneous amoebiasis  Amoebiasis Cutaneous
4476  A44.1  Cutaneous and mucocutaneous bartonellosis  Cutaneous dan mukokutan bartonellosis
4477  L30.2  Cutaneous autosensitisation  Autosensitization Cutaneous
4478  B40.3  Cutaneous blastomycosis  Blastomycosis Cutaneous
4479  B43.0  Cutaneous chromomycosis  Chromomycosis Cutaneous
4480  B38.3  Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis  Coccidioidomycosis Cutaneous
4481  B45.2  Cutaneous cryptococcosis  Kriptokokosis Cutaneous
4482  A36.3  Cutaneous diphtheria  Difteri Cutaneous
4483  A26.0  Cutaneous erysipeloid  Erysipeloid Cutaneous
4484  B55.1  Cutaneous leishmaniasis  Leishmaniasis kulit
4485  A32.0  Cutaneous listeriosis  listeriosis Cutaneous
4486  B46.3  Cutaneous mucormycosis  Mucormycosis Cutaneous
4487  A31.1  Cutaneous mycobacterial infection  Infeksi mikobakteri Cutaneous
4488  B87.0  Cutaneous myiasis  Myiasis Cutaneous
4489  A43.1  Cutaneous nocardiosis  Nocardiosis Cutaneous
4490  B78.1  Cutaneous strongyloidiasis  Strongyloidiasis Cutaneous
4491  L57.4  Cutis laxa senilis  Cutis laxa senilis
4492  L57.2  Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae  Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae
4493  I64  CVA / NHS / SINDROM BATANG OTAK / STROK TAK PENDARAHAN / INFARK  Stroke , tidak ditetapkan sebagai perdarahan atau infark
4494  I61.9  CVA bleeding / hemorage / HS / SH / struke hemorage  Perdarahan intraserebral , tidak spesifik
4495  I63.9  CVA infak / SNH / struke non hemorage  Infark serebral , tidak spesifik
4496  I66.9  CVD Trombosit  Oklusi dan stenosis arteri serebral spesifik
4497  T65.0  Cyanides  Efek toksik dari sianida
4498  R23.0  Cyanosis  sianosis
4499  P28.2  Cyanotic attacks of newborn  Serangan sianosis pada bayi baru lahir
4500  N30.9  Cyatitis  Cystitis , tidak spesifik
4501  F34.0  Cyclothymia  cyclothymia
4502  Q24.9  Cynotic CHD  Malformasi kongenital jantung, tidak spesifik
4503  H21.3  Cyst of iris, ciliary body and anterior chamber  Kista dari iris , tubuh ciliary dan ruang anterior
4504  N28.1  Cyst of kidney, acquired  Kista ginjal , diperoleh
4505  K09.9  Cyst of oral region, unspecified  Kista daerah oral, tidak spesifik
4506  D73.4  Cyst of spleen  Kista limpa
4507  N75.0  cysta bartolini  Kista kelenjar Bartholins
4508  L72.1  cysta cebaceaus  Kista Trichilemmal
4509  N80.1  cysta coklat  Endometriosis ovarium
4510  H11.4  cysta conjunctiva  Gangguan pembuluh darah lainnya konjungtiva dan kista
4511  H04.8  cysta ductus laclimaris  Gangguan lain dari sistem lakrimal
4512  N85.8  cysta endometrium  spesifik gangguan PERADANGAN lainnya rahim
4513  I72.0  cysta epidermoid  Aneurisma arteri karotis
4514  H02.8  cysta eyeld / kelopak mata / edema eyelid mata  Gangguan tertentu lainnya kelopak mata
4515  K09.0  cysta folikuler  Kista odontogenik perkembangan
4516  N60.0  cysta mama  Kista Solitary payudara
4517  K09.2  cysta maxijja  Kista lainnya rahang
4518  J34.1  Cysta nasal / binus  Kista dan mukosel hidung dan sinus hidung
4519  K86.2  Cysta pancreas  Kista pankreas
4520  D46.6  cysta sarcoma  
4521  K11.6  cysta sub mandibula / ranala  Mukosel kelenjar ludah
4522  Q89.2  cysta thyrogiasus / lympadepaty coli  Malformasi kongenital kelenjar endokrin lain
4523  E04.1  cysta tiroid / struma uni nadular non toxic  Tidak beracun nodul tiroid tunggal
4524  M23.04  Cystic anterior horn of lateral meniscus  
4525  M23.01  Cystic anterior horn of medial meniscus  
4526  Q44.6  Cystic disease of liver  Penyakit Cystic hati
4527  Q11.0  Cystic eyeball  bola mata Cystic
4529  E84.1  Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations  Cystic fibrosis dengan manifestasi usus
4530  E84.8  Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations  Cystic fibrosis dengan manifestasi lain
4531  E84.0  Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations  Cystic fibrosis dengan manifestasi paru
4532  E84.9  Cystic fibrosis, unspecified  Cystic fibrosis , tidak spesifik
4534  Q61.9  Cystic kidney disease, unspecified  Penyakit ginjal kistik , tidak spesifik
4535  M23.06  Cystic lateral meniscus, other and unspecified sites  
4536  M23.03  Cystic medial meniscus, other and unspecified sites  
4537  M23.00  Cystic meniscus, multiple sites  
4538  M23.09  Cystic meniscus, unspecified sites  
4539  M23.05  Cystic posterior horn of lateral meniscus  
4540  M23.02  Cystic posterior horn of medial meniscus  
4542  B69.0  Cysticercosis of central nervous system  Cysticercosis sistem saraf pusat
4543  B69.1  Cysticercosis of eye  Sistiserkosis mata
4544  B69.8  Cysticercosis of other sites  Cysticercosis situs lain
4545  B69.9  Cysticercosis, unspecified  Cysticercosis , tidak spesifik
4546  N81.1  Cystocele ( female )  sistokel
4547  N32.8  cystocele ( male )  Gangguan tertentu lainnya dari kandung kemih
4548  N81.4  cystocele ( prolaps uteri ) / tunggal pagiana  Prolaps Uterovaginal , tidak spesifik
4549  Z93.5  Cystostomy status  Status Cystostomy
4552  B25.9  Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified  Penyakit Cytomegaloviral , tidak spesifik
4553  B25.1  Cytomegaloviral hepatitis (K77.0*)  Hepatitis Cytomegaloviral
4554  B27.1  Cytomegaloviral mononucleosis  Mononukleosis Cytomegaloviral
4555  B25.2  Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis (K87.1*)  Pankreatitis Cytomegaloviral
4556  B25.0  Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis (J17.1*)  Pneumonitis Cytomegaloviral