2      4           A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H      I      J      K      L      M      N      O      P      Q      R      S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z  
No Kode Deskripsi 1 Deskripsi 2
1  F65.4  Paedophilia  Pedofilia
2  M88.9  Pagets disease of bone, unspecified  Pagets penyakit tulang , tidak spesifik
3  M88.87  Pagets disease of other bones, ankle and foot  
4  M88.83  Pagets disease of other bones, forearm  
5  M88.84  Pagets disease of other bones, hand  
6  M88.86  Pagets disease of other bones, lower leg  
7  M88.80  Pagets disease of other bones, multiple sites  
8  M88.88  Pagets disease of other bones, other site  
9  M88.85  Pagets disease of other bones, pelvic region and thigh  
10  M88.81  Pagets disease of other bones, shoulder region  
11  M88.82  Pagets disease of other bones, upper arm  
12  M88.0  Pagets disease of skull  Pagets penyakit tengkorak
15  M25.57  Pain in a joint, ankle and foot  
16  M25.53  Pain in a joint, forearm  
17  M25.54  Pain in a joint, hand  
18  M25.56  Pain in a joint, lower leg  
19  M25.58  Pain in a joint, other site  
20  M25.55  Pain in a joint, pelvic region and thigh  
21  M25.51  Pain in a joint, shoulder region  
22  M25.59  Pain in a joint, site unspecified  
23  M25.52  Pain in a joint, upper arm  
24  M79.67  Pain in limb, ankle and foot  
25  M79.63  Pain in limb, forearm  
26  M79.64  Pain in limb, hand  
27  M79.66  Pain in limb, lower leg  
28  M79.60  Pain in limb, multiple sites  
29  M79.68  Pain in limb, other site  
30  M79.65  Pain in limb, pelvic region and thigh  
31  M79.61  Pain in limb, shoulder region  
32  M79.69  Pain in limb, site unspecified  
33  M79.62  Pain in limb, upper arm  
34  M54.6  Pain in thoracic spine  Nyeri pada tulang belakang dada
35  R07.0  Pain in throat  Nyeri di tenggorokan
36  R10.3  Pain localised to other parts of lower abdomen  Nyeri lokal ke bagian lain dari perut bagian bawah
38  R52.9  Pain, unspecified  Nyeri , tidak spesifik
39  R30.9  Painful micturition, unspecified  Berkemih menyakitkan , tidak spesifik
40  T65.6  Paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified  Efek toksik cat dan pewarna , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
41  M12.37  Palindromic rheumatism, ankle and foot  
42  M12.33  Palindromic rheumatism, forearm  
43  M12.34  Palindromic rheumatism, hand  
44  M12.36  Palindromic rheumatism, lower leg  
45  M12.30  Palindromic rheumatism, multiple sites  
46  M12.38  Palindromic rheumatism, other site  
47  M12.35  Palindromic rheumatism, pelvic region and thigh  
48  M12.31  Palindromic rheumatism, shoulder region  
49  M12.39  Palindromic rheumatism, site unspecified  
50  M12.32  Palindromic rheumatism, upper arm  
51  Z51.5  Palliative care  perawatan paliatif
52  R23.1  Pallor  kepucatan
53  M72.0  Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]  Palmar fibromatosis fasia [ Dupuytren ]
54  R00.2  Palpitasi  palpitasi
55  H51.0  Palsy of conjugate gaze  Palsy konjugasi
56  K86.8  pancreas anular  Penyakit tertentu lainnya pankreas
57  K90.3  Pancreatic steatorrhoea  Steatorea pankreas
59  F41.0  Panic disorder  Gangguan panik [ episodik paroxysmal kecemasan ]
60  J43.1  Panlobular emphysema  Emfisema panlobular
61  M54.02  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, cervical region  
62  M54.03  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, cervicothoracic region  
63  M54.06  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, lumbar region  
64  M54.07  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, lumbosacral region  
65  M54.00  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, multiple sites in spine  
66  M54.01  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, occipito-atlanto-axial region  
67  M54.08  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, sacral and sacrococcygeal region  
68  M54.09  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, site unspecified  
69  M54.04  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, thoracic region  
70  M54.05  Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back, thoracolumbar region  
71  M79.37  Panniculitis, unspecified, ankle and foot  
72  M79.33  Panniculitis, unspecified, forearm  
73  M79.34  Panniculitis, unspecified, hand  
74  M79.36  Panniculitis, unspecified, lower leg  
75  M79.30  Panniculitis, unspecified, multiple sites  
76  M79.38  Panniculitis, unspecified, other site  
77  M79.35  Panniculitis, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh  
78  M79.31  Panniculitis, unspecified, shoulder region  
79  M79.39  Panniculitis, unspecified, site unspecified  
80  M79.32  Panniculitis, unspecified, upper arm  
81  H47.1  Papil edema  Edema papil , tidak spesifik
82  B97.7  Papillomavirus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters  Papillomavirus sebagai penyebab penyakit diklasifikasikan ke bab lain
83  B34.4  Papovavirus infection, unspecified  Infeksi Papovavirus , tidak spesifik
84  L45  PAPULOSQUAMOS DISORDERS IN DIS  Gangguan papulosquamous dalam penyakit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
85  L44.9  Papulosquamous disorder, unspecified  Gangguan papulosquamous , tidak spesifik
86  O31.0  Papyraceous fetus  janin yg mirip kertas
87  V97.29  Parachutist injured in air transport accident, during unspecified activity  
88  V97.21  Parachutist injured in air transport accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
89  V97.28  Parachutist injured in air transport accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
90  V97.23  Parachutist injured in air transport accident, while engaged in other types of work  
91  V97.20  Parachutist injured in air transport accident, while engaged in sports activity  
92  V97.24  Parachutist injured in air transport accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
93  V97.22  Parachutist injured in air transport accident, while working for an income  
95  B41.9  Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified  Paracoccidioidomycosis , tidak spesifik
96  R20.2  Paraesthesia of skin  Parestesia kulit
97  R43.2  Parageusia  Parageusia
98  B66.4  Paragonimiasis  Paragonimiasis
99  J12.2  Parainfluenza virus pneumonia  Virus parainfluenza pneumonia
100  Y47.3  Paraldehyde causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi Paraldehid
101  G12.3  paraliasi pertodik  
102  M61.27  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, ankle and foot  
103  M61.23  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, forearm  
104  M61.24  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, hand  
105  M61.26  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, lower leg  
106  M61.20  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, multiple sites  
107  M61.28  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, other site  
108  M61.25  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, pelvic region and thigh  
109  M61.21  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, shoulder region  
110  M61.29  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, site unspecified  
111  M61.22  Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle, upper arm  
112  R26.1  Paralytic gait  kiprah paralitik
113  K56.0  Paralytic ileus  Ileus paralitik
115  G83.9  Paralytic syndrome, unspecified  Sindrom lumpuh , tidak spesifik
116  G13.0  Paraneoplastic neuromyopathy and neuropathy  Neuromyopathy Paraneoplastic dan neuropati
117  F60.0  Paranoid personality disorder  Gangguan kepribadian paranoid
118  F20.0  Paranoid schizophrenia  Skizofrenia paranoid
119  G82.2  Paraparesis  Paraplegia , tidak spesifik
122  L41.9  Parapsoriasis, unspecified  Parapsoriasis , tidak spesifik
123  H03.0  Parasitic infestation of eyelid in diseases classified elsewhere  Infestasi parasit kelopak mata pada penyakit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
124  H06.1  Parasitic infestation of orbit in diseases classified elsewhere  Infestasi parasit orbit pada penyakit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
125  A01.1  Paratyphoid fever A  Demam paratifoid tipe A
126  A01.2  Paratyphoid fever B  Demam Paratifoid Tipe B
127  A01.3  Paratyphoid fever C  Demam Paratifoid Tipe C
128  A01.4  Paratyphoid fever, unspecified  Demam paratifoid, tidak spesifik
129  Z62.1  Parental overprotection  Parental overprotection
130  Y48.1  Parenteral anaesthetics causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi anestesi parenteral
131  J02.9  paringitis  Faringitis akut , tidak spesifik
132  G20  PARKINSON  Penyakit Parkinson
134  G22  PARKINSONISM IN DISEASE CLASS.  Parkinsonisme penyakit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
135  R43.1  Parosmia  Parosmia
136  D59.5  Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria [Marchiafava-Micheli]  Hemoglobinuria nokturnal paroksismal [ Marchiafava - Micheli ]
138  I47.9  Paroxysmal tachycardia, unspecified  Takikardia paroksismal , tidak spesifik
139  Q26.3  Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection  Parsial anomali koneksi vena pulmonalis
140  O63.2  partus lama  Pengiriman tertunda kembar kedua , triplet , dll
141  B90.9  paru / lobus luluh akibat TB / sindrom obstruksi pasca TB  Sequelae tuberkulosis pernapasan dan tidak spesifik
142  B97.6  Parvovirus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters  Parvovirus sebagai penyebab penyakit diklasifikasikan ke bab lain
143  B34.3  Parvovirus infection, unspecified  Infeksi Parvovirus , tidak spesifik
144  Z30.1  pasang spiral  Penyisipan ( intrauterine ) alat kontrasepsi
145  Z90.7  pasca oferictomi  Adanya Acquired organ genital ( s )
146  V86.69  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
147  V86.61  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
148  V86.68  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
149  V86.63  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
150  V86.60  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
151  V86.64  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
152  V86.62  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
153  V86.19  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
154  V86.11  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
155  V86.18  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
156  V86.13  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
157  V86.10  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
158  V86.14  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
159  V86.12  Passenger of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while working for an income  
160  V84.69  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
161  V84.61  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
162  V84.68  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
163  V84.63  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
164  V84.60  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
165  V84.64  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
166  V84.62  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
167  V84.19  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
168  V84.11  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
169  V84.18  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
170  V84.13  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
171  V84.10  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
172  V84.14  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
173  V84.12  Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while working for an income  
174  V85.69  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
175  V85.61  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
176  V85.68  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
177  V85.63  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
178  V85.60  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
179  V85.64  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
180  V85.62  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
181  V85.19  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
182  V85.11  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
183  V85.18  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
184  V85.13  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
185  V85.10  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
186  V85.14  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
187  V85.12  Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while working for an income  
188  V83.69  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
189  V83.61  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
190  V83.68  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
191  V83.63  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
192  V83.60  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
193  V83.64  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
194  V83.62  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
195  V83.19  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
196  V83.11  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
197  V83.18  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
198  V83.13  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
199  V83.10  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
200  V83.14  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
201  V83.12  Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while working for an income  
202  A28.0  Pasteurellosis  Pasteurellosis
203  Q91.7  Pataus syndrome, unspecified  Sindrom Pataus , tidak spesifik
204  M76.5  Patellar tendinitis  tendinitis patella
205  M22.2  Patellofemoral disorders  gangguan patellofemoral
206  Q25.0  Patent ductus arteriosus  Patent ductus arteriosus
207  M24.37  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, ankle and foot  
208  M24.33  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, forearm  
209  M24.34  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, hand  
210  M24.36  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, lower leg  
211  M24.30  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, multiple sites  
212  M24.38  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, other site  
213  M24.35  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, pelvic region and thigh  
214  M24.31  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, shoulder region  
215  M24.39  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, site unspecified  
216  M24.32  Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified, upper arm  
217  F63.1  Pathological fire-setting [pyromania]  Patologis api - pengaturan [ pyromania ]
218  M84.47  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, ankle and foot  
219  M84.43  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, forearm  
220  M84.44  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, hand  
221  M84.46  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, lower leg  
222  M84.40  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, multiple sites  
223  M84.48  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, other site  
224  M84.45  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, pelvic region and thigh  
225  M84.41  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, shoulder region  
226  M84.49  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, site unspecified  
227  M84.42  Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, upper arm  
228  F63.0  Pathological gambling  judi patologis
229  K03.3  Pathological resorption of teeth  Resorpsi patologis gigi
230  F63.2  Pathological stealing [kleptomania]  Mencuri Patologis [ kleptomania ]
231  H69.0  Patulous Eustachian tube  Tabung Eustachio Patulous
232  M08.47  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, ankle and foot  
233  M08.43  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, forearm  
234  M08.44  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, hand  
235  M08.46  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, lower leg  
236  M08.40  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, multiple sites  
237  M08.48  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, other site  
238  M08.45  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, pelvic region and thigh  
239  M08.41  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, shoulder region  
240  M08.49  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, site unspecified  
241  M08.42  Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis, upper arm  
242  Q67.7  Pectus carinatum  pectus carinatum
243  Q67.6  Pectus excavatum  pectus excavatum
245  V13.09  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
246  V13.01  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
247  V13.08  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
248  V13.03  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
249  V13.00  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
250  V13.04  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
251  V13.02  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
252  V13.49  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
253  V13.41  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
254  V13.48  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
255  V13.43  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
256  V13.40  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
257  V13.44  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
258  V13.42  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
259  V13.19  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
260  V13.11  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
261  V13.18  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
262  V13.13  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
263  V13.10  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
264  V13.14  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
265  V13.12  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
266  V13.59  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
267  V13.51  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
268  V13.58  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
269  V13.53  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
270  V13.50  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
271  V13.54  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
272  V13.52  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
273  V13.29  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
274  V13.21  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
275  V13.28  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
276  V13.23  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
277  V13.20  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
278  V13.24  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
279  V13.22  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
280  V13.99  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
281  V13.91  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
282  V13.98  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
283  V13.93  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
284  V13.90  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
285  V13.94  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
286  V13.92  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while working for an income  
287  V13.39  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
288  V13.31  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
289  V13.38  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
290  V13.33  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
291  V13.30  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
292  V13.34  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
293  V13.32  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
294  V17.09  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
295  V17.01  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
296  V17.08  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
297  V17.03  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
298  V17.00  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
299  V17.04  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
300  V17.02  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
301  V17.49  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
302  V17.41  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
303  V17.48  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
304  V17.43  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
305  V17.40  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
306  V17.44  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
307  V17.42  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
308  V17.19  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
309  V17.11  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
310  V17.18  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
311  V17.13  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
312  V17.10  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
313  V17.14  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
314  V17.12  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
315  V17.59  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
316  V17.51  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
317  V17.58  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
318  V17.53  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
319  V17.50  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
320  V17.54  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
321  V17.52  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
322  V17.29  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
323  V17.21  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
324  V17.28  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
325  V17.23  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
326  V17.20  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
327  V17.24  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
328  V17.22  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
329  V17.99  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
330  V17.91  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
331  V17.98  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
332  V17.93  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
333  V17.90  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
334  V17.94  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
335  V17.92  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while working for an income  
336  V17.39  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
337  V17.31  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
338  V17.38  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
339  V17.33  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
340  V17.30  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
341  V17.34  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
342  V17.32  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
343  V14.09  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
344  V14.01  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
345  V14.08  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
346  V14.03  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
347  V14.00  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
348  V14.04  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
349  V14.02  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
350  V14.49  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
351  V14.41  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
352  V14.48  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
353  V14.43  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
354  V14.40  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
355  V14.44  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
356  V14.42  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
357  V14.19  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
358  V14.11  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
359  V14.18  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
360  V14.13  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
361  V14.10  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
362  V14.14  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
363  V14.12  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
364  V14.59  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
365  V14.51  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
366  V14.58  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
367  V14.53  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
368  V14.50  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
369  V14.54  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
370  V14.52  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
371  V14.29  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
372  V14.21  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
373  V14.28  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
374  V14.23  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
375  V14.20  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
376  V14.24  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
377  V14.22  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
378  V14.99  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
379  V14.91  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
380  V14.98  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
381  V14.93  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
382  V14.90  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
383  V14.94  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
384  V14.92  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while working for an income  
385  V14.39  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
386  V14.31  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
387  V14.38  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
388  V14.33  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
389  V14.30  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
390  V14.34  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
391  V14.32  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
392  V19.09  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
393  V19.01  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
394  V19.08  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
395  V19.03  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
396  V19.00  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
397  V19.04  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
398  V19.02  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
399  V19.49  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
400  V19.41  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
401  V19.48  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
402  V19.43  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
403  V19.40  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
404  V19.44  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
405  V19.42  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while working for an income  
406  V16.09  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
407  V16.01  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
408  V16.08  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
409  V16.03  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
410  V16.00  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
411  V16.04  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
412  V16.02  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
413  V16.49  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
414  V16.41  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
415  V16.48  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
416  V16.43  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
417  V16.40  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
418  V16.44  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
419  V16.42  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
420  V16.19  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
421  V16.11  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
422  V16.18  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
423  V16.13  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
424  V16.10  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
425  V16.14  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
426  V16.12  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
427  V16.59  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
428  V16.51  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
429  V16.58  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
430  V16.53  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
431  V16.50  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
432  V16.54  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
433  V16.52  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
434  V16.29  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
435  V16.21  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
436  V16.28  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
437  V16.23  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
438  V16.20  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
439  V16.24  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
440  V16.22  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
441  V16.99  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
442  V16.91  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
443  V16.98  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
444  V16.93  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
445  V16.90  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
446  V16.94  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
447  V16.92  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while working for an income  
448  V16.39  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
449  V16.31  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
450  V16.38  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
451  V16.33  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
452  V16.30  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
453  V16.34  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
454  V16.32  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
455  V11.09  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
456  V11.01  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
457  V11.08  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
458  V11.03  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
459  V11.00  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
460  V11.04  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
461  V11.02  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
462  V11.49  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
463  V11.41  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
464  V11.48  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
465  V11.43  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
466  V11.40  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
467  V11.44  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
468  V11.42  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
469  V11.19  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
470  V11.11  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
471  V11.18  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
472  V11.13  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
473  V11.10  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
474  V11.14  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
475  V11.12  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
476  V11.59  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
477  V11.51  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
478  V11.58  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
479  V11.53  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
480  V11.50  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
481  V11.54  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
482  V11.52  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
483  V11.29  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
484  V11.21  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
485  V11.28  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
486  V11.23  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
487  V11.20  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
488  V11.24  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
489  V11.22  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
490  V11.99  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
491  V11.91  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
492  V11.98  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
493  V11.93  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
494  V11.90  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
495  V11.94  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
496  V11.92  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while working for an income  
497  V11.39  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
498  V11.31  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
499  V11.38  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
500  V11.33  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
501  V11.30  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
502  V11.34  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
503  V11.32  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with other pedal cycle, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
504  V10.09  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
505  V10.01  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
506  V10.08  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
507  V10.03  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
508  V10.00  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
509  V10.04  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
510  V10.02  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
511  V10.49  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
512  V10.41  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
513  V10.48  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
514  V10.43  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
515  V10.40  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
516  V10.44  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
517  V10.42  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
518  V10.19  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
519  V10.11  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
520  V10.18  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
521  V10.13  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
522  V10.10  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
523  V10.14  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
524  V10.12  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
525  V10.59  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
526  V10.51  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
527  V10.58  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
528  V10.53  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
529  V10.50  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
530  V10.54  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
531  V10.52  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
532  V10.29  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
533  V10.21  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
534  V10.28  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
535  V10.23  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
536  V10.20  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
537  V10.24  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
538  V10.22  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
539  V10.99  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
540  V10.91  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
541  V10.98  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
542  V10.93  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
543  V10.90  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
544  V10.94  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
545  V10.92  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while working for an income  
546  V10.39  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
547  V10.31  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
548  V10.38  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
549  V10.33  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
550  V10.30  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
551  V10.34  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
552  V10.32  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
553  V15.09  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
554  V15.01  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
555  V15.08  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
556  V15.03  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
557  V15.00  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
558  V15.04  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
559  V15.02  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
560  V15.49  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
561  V15.41  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
562  V15.48  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
563  V15.43  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
564  V15.40  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
565  V15.44  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
566  V15.42  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
567  V15.19  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
568  V15.11  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
569  V15.18  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
570  V15.13  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
571  V15.10  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
572  V15.14  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
573  V15.12  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
574  V15.59  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
575  V15.51  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
576  V15.58  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
577  V15.53  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
578  V15.50  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
579  V15.54  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
580  V15.52  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
581  V15.29  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
582  V15.21  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
583  V15.28  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
584  V15.23  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
585  V15.20  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
586  V15.24  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
587  V15.22  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
588  V15.99  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
589  V15.91  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
590  V15.98  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
591  V15.93  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
592  V15.90  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
593  V15.94  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
594  V15.92  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while working for an income  
595  V15.39  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
596  V15.31  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
597  V15.38  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
598  V15.33  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
599  V15.30  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
600  V15.34  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
601  V15.32  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
602  V12.09  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
603  V12.01  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
604  V12.08  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
605  V12.03  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
606  V12.00  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
607  V12.04  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
608  V12.02  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
609  V12.49  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
610  V12.41  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
611  V12.48  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
612  V12.43  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
613  V12.40  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
614  V12.44  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
615  V12.42  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
616  V12.19  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
617  V12.11  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
618  V12.18  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
619  V12.13  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
620  V12.10  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
621  V12.14  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
622  V12.12  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
623  V12.59  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
624  V12.51  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
625  V12.58  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
626  V12.53  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
627  V12.50  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
628  V12.54  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
629  V12.52  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
630  V12.29  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
631  V12.21  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
632  V12.28  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
633  V12.23  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
634  V12.20  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
635  V12.24  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
636  V12.22  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
637  V12.99  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
638  V12.91  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
639  V12.98  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
640  V12.93  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
641  V12.90  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
642  V12.94  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
643  V12.92  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while working for an income  
644  V12.39  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
645  V12.31  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
646  V12.38  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
647  V12.33  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
648  V12.30  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
649  V12.34  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
650  V12.32  Pedal cyclist injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
651  V18.09  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
652  V18.01  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
653  V18.08  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
654  V18.03  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
655  V18.00  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
656  V18.04  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
657  V18.02  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
658  V18.49  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
659  V18.41  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
660  V18.48  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
661  V18.43  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
662  V18.40  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
663  V18.44  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
664  V18.42  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, driver, traffic accident, while working for an income  
665  V18.19  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
666  V18.11  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
667  V18.18  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
668  V18.13  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
669  V18.10  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
670  V18.14  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
671  V18.12  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
672  V18.59  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
673  V18.51  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
674  V18.58  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
675  V18.53  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
676  V18.50  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
677  V18.54  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
678  V18.52  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger, traffic accident, while working for an income  
679  V18.29  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
680  V18.21  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
681  V18.28  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
682  V18.23  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
683  V18.20  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
684  V18.24  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
685  V18.22  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
686  V18.99  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
687  V18.91  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
688  V18.98  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
689  V18.93  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
690  V18.94  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
691  V18.92  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, unspecified pedal cyclist, traffic accident, while working for an income  
692  V18.39  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, during unspecified activity  
693  V18.31  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in leisure activity  
694  V18.38  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other specified activities  
695  V18.33  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in other types of work  
696  V18.30  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while engaged in sports activity  
697  V18.34  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
698  V18.32  Pedal cyclist injured in noncollision transport accident, while boarding or alighting, while working for an income  
700  V19.19  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
701  V19.11  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
702  V19.18  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
703  V19.13  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
704  V19.10  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
705  V19.14  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
706  V19.12  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
707  V19.59  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
708  V19.51  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
709  V19.58  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
710  V19.53  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
711  V19.50  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
712  V19.54  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
713  V19.52  Pedal cyclist passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident, while working for an income  
722  V19.89  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, during unspecified activity  
723  V19.81  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while engaged in leisure activity  
724  V19.88  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while engaged in other specified activities  
725  V19.83  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while engaged in other types of work  
726  V19.80  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while engaged in sports activity  
727  V19.84  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
728  V19.82  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in other specified transport accidents, while working for an income  
729  V19.39  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
730  V19.31  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
731  V19.38  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
732  V19.33  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
733  V19.30  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
734  V19.34  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
735  V19.32  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
736  V19.99  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
737  V19.91  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
738  V19.98  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
739  V19.93  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
740  V19.90  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
741  V19.94  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
742  V19.92  Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident, while working for an income  
750  V09.21  Pedestrian injured in traffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while engaged in leisure activity  
751  V09.28  Pedestrian injured in traffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while engaged in other specified activities  
752  V09.23  Pedestrian injured in traffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while engaged in other types of work  
753  V09.24  Pedestrian injured in traffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
754  V09.22  Pedestrian injured in traffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while working for an income  
755  V03.09  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
756  V03.01  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
757  V03.08  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
758  V03.03  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
759  V03.00  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
760  V03.04  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
761  V03.02  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
762  V03.19  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
763  V03.11  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
764  V03.18  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
765  V03.13  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
766  V03.14  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
767  V03.12  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, traffic accident, while working for an income  
768  V03.91  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
769  V03.90  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
770  V03.92  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
771  V03.99  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
772  V03.98  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
773  V03.93  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
774  V03.94  Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
775  V04.09  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
776  V04.01  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
777  V04.08  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
778  V04.03  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
779  V04.04  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
780  V04.02  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
781  V04.00  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
782  V04.19  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
783  V04.11  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
784  V04.18  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
785  V04.13  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
786  V04.14  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
787  V04.12  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, traffic accident, while working for an income  
788  V04.10  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
789  V04.99  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
790  V04.91  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
791  V04.98  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
792  V04.93  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
793  V04.94  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
794  V04.92  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
795  V04.90  Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
796  V06.01  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
797  V06.08  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
798  V06.03  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
799  V06.04  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
800  V06.02  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
801  V06.09  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
802  V06.00  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
803  V06.11  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
804  V06.18  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
805  V06.13  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
806  V06.14  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
807  V06.12  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
808  V06.19  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
809  V06.10  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
810  V06.91  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
811  V06.98  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
812  V06.93  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
813  V06.94  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
814  V06.92  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
815  V06.99  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
816  V06.90  Pedestrian injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
817  V01.09  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
818  V01.01  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
819  V01.08  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
820  V01.03  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
821  V01.04  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
822  V01.02  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
823  V01.19  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
824  V01.11  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
825  V01.18  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
826  V01.13  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
827  V01.10  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
828  V01.14  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
829  V01.12  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
830  V01.99  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
831  V01.91  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
832  V01.98  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
833  V01.93  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
834  V01.90  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
835  V01.94  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
836  V01.92  Pedestrian injured in collision with pedal cycle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
837  V05.09  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
838  V05.01  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
839  V05.08  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
840  V05.03  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
841  V05.04  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
842  V05.02  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
843  V05.00  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
844  V05.19  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
845  V05.11  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
846  V05.18  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
847  V05.13  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
848  V05.14  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
849  V05.12  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
850  V05.10  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
851  V05.99  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
852  V05.91  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
853  V05.98  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
854  V05.93  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
855  V05.94  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
856  V05.92  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
857  V05.90  Pedestrian injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
858  V02.09  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
859  V02.01  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
860  V02.08  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
861  V02.03  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
862  V02.00  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
863  V02.04  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
864  V02.02  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
865  V02.19  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
866  V02.11  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
867  V02.18  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
868  V02.13  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
869  V02.10  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
870  V02.14  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
871  V02.12  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, traffic accident, while working for an income  
872  V02.99  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
873  V02.91  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
874  V02.98  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
875  V02.93  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
876  V02.90  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
877  V02.94  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
878  V02.92  Pedestrian injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, unspecified whether traffic or nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
879  V09.09  Pedestrian injured in nontraffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, during unspecified activity  
880  V09.01  Pedestrian injured in nontraffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while engaged in leisure activity  
881  V09.08  Pedestrian injured in nontraffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while engaged in other specified activities  
882  V09.03  Pedestrian injured in nontraffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while engaged in other types of work  
883  V09.00  Pedestrian injured in nontraffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while engaged in sports activity  
884  V09.04  Pedestrian injured in nontraffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
885  V09.02  Pedestrian injured in nontraffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while working for an income  
886  V09.29  Pedestrian injured in traffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, during unspecified activity  
887  V09.20  Pedestrian injured in traffic accident involving other and unspecified motor vehicles, while engaged in sports activity  
888  V09.19  Pedestrian injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
889  V09.11  Pedestrian injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
890  V09.18  Pedestrian injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
891  V09.13  Pedestrian injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
892  V09.10  Pedestrian injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
893  V09.14  Pedestrian injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
894  V09.12  Pedestrian injured in unspecified nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
895  V09.39  Pedestrian injured in unspecified traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
896  V09.31  Pedestrian injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
897  V09.38  Pedestrian injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
898  V09.33  Pedestrian injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
899  V09.30  Pedestrian injured in unspecified traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
900  V09.34  Pedestrian injured in unspecified traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
901  V09.32  Pedestrian injured in unspecified traffic accident, while working for an income  
902  V09.99  Pedestrian injured in unspecified transport accident, during unspecified activity  
903  V09.91  Pedestrian injured in unspecified transport accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
904  V09.98  Pedestrian injured in unspecified transport accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
905  V09.93  Pedestrian injured in unspecified transport accident, while engaged in other types of work  
906  V09.90  Pedestrian injured in unspecified transport accident, while engaged in sports activity  
907  V09.94  Pedestrian injured in unspecified transport accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
908  V09.92  Pedestrian injured in unspecified transport accident, while working for an income  
910  B85.0  Pediculosis due to Pediculus humanus capitis  Pediculosis karena Pediculus humanus capitis
911  B85.1  Pediculosis due to Pediculus humanus corporis  Pediculosis karena Pediculus humanus corporis
912  B85.2  Pediculosis, unspecified  Pediculosis , tidak spesifik
915  K76.4  Peliosis hepatis  Peliosis hepatis
916  R10.2  Pelvic and perineal pain  Nyeri panggul dan perineum
917  I86.2  Pelvic varices  Varises panggul
918  W42.00  pemaparan bising  
919  W43.00  pemaparan getaran  
920  W88.00  pemaparan radiasi pengion  
921  W90.00  pemaparan radiasi pengion lain  
922  W91.00  pemaparan radiasi YTT  
923  W89.00  pemaparan sinar ultra violet dan man mide visible  
924  Z46.3  pemasangan / penyesuaian gigi palsu  Fitting dan penyesuaian perangkat prostetik gigi
925  Z46.0  pemasangan / penyesuaian kacamata & lensa kontak  Fitting dan penyesuaian kacamata dan lensa kontak
926  Z00.0  pemeriksaan kesehatan umum  Pemeriksaan kesehatan umum
927  Z00.1  pemeriksaan rutin kesehatan bayi & anak  Rutin Pemeriksaan kesehatan anak
928  L10  PEMHIGUS  
929  L12  PEMPHIGOID  
930  L12.9  Pemphigoid, unspecified  Pemfigoid , tidak spesifik
931  L10.4  Pemphigus erythematosus  Pemfigus eritematosus
932  L10.2  Pemphigus foliaceus  Pemfigus foliaseus
933  L10.1  Pemphigus vegetans  Vegetans pemfigus
934  L10.0  Pemphigus vulgaris  Pemfigus vulgaris
935  L10.9  Pemphigus, unspecified  Pemphigus , tidak spesifik
936  R58  PENDARAHAN INTRA ABDOMEN  Perdarahan , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
938  K62.5  pendarahan anus  Perdarahan dari anus dan rektum
939  D75.9  pendarahan intra kranial PIK  Penyakit darah dan organ pembentuk darah , tidak spesifik
941  N95.0  pendarahan pasca menopouse  perdarahan postmenopause
943  I61.3  pendarahan pons  Perdarahan intraserebral di batang otak
944  T18.0  pendarahan post op  Benda asing di mulut
945  P51.9  pendarahan tali pusat bayi / umbilicoli  Perdarahan pusar bayi baru lahir , tidak spesifik
946  S05.5  Penetrating wound of eyeball with foreign body  Menembus luka bola mata dengan benda asing
947  S05.6  Penetrating wound of eyeball without foreign body  Menembus luka bola mata tanpa benda asing
948  S05.4  Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body  Menembus luka dari orbit dengan atau tanpa benda asing
952  T36.0  Penicillins  Keracunan oleh penisilin
953  Y40.0  Penicillins causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi penisilin
954  B48.4  Penicillosis  Penicillosis
963  M65.4  Penyakit de Quervain  Radial styloid tenosynovitis [ de Quervain ]
972  J30.0  penyakit hidung & sinus hidung lain  Vasomotor rhinitis
975  B99  PENYAKIT INFEKSI & PARASIT LAIN  Penyakit menular lainnya dan tidak spesifik
987  I73.1  penyakit pembuluh darah perifer  Thromboangiitis obliterans [ Buerger ]
989  N94.9  penyakit radang panggul PRP  Tidak disebutkan terkait dengan kondisi organ genital wanita dan siklus menstruasi
990  G09  PENYAKIT RADANG SUSUNAN SARAF PUSAT  Gejala sisa penyakit inflamasi sistem saraf pusat
993  I99  PENYAKIT SISITEM SIRKULASI / ISCHEMIK  Gangguan lain dan tidak spesifik dari sistem peredaran darah
1001  O01.9  penyakit tropobles ganas / PTG  Mola hidatidosa , tidak spesifik
1007  K27.9  Peptic / strees ulcer / ulcus  Ulkus peptikum , spesifik sebagai akut atau kronis , tanpa perdarahan atau perforasi
1008  K27.2  Peptic ulcer, acute with both haemorrhage and perforation  Ulkus peptikum , akut dengan kedua perdarahan dan perforasi
1009  K27.0  Peptic ulcer, acute with haemorrhage  Ulkus peptikum , akut dengan perdarahan
1010  K27.1  Peptic ulcer, acute with perforation  Ulkus peptikum , akut dengan perforasi
1011  K27.3  Peptic ulcer, acute without haemorrhage or perforation  Ulkus peptikum , akut tanpa perdarahan atau perforasi
1012  K27.6  Peptic ulcer, chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation  Ulkus peptikum, kronis atau tidak spesifik dengan kedua perdarahan dan perforasi
1013  K27.4  Peptic ulcer, chronic or unspecified with haemorrhage  Ulkus peptikum, kronis atau tidak spesifik dengan perdarahan
1014  K27.5  Peptic ulcer, chronic or unspecified with perforation  Ulkus peptikum, kronis atau tidak spesifik dengan perforasi
1015  K27.7  Peptic ulcer, chronic without haemorrhage or perforation  Ulkus peptikum , kronis tanpa perdarahan atau perforasi
1019  Z91.5  percobaan bunuh diri / gantung diri / resiko ifeksi  Sejarah pribadi merugikan diri
1020  D46.9  pereleukemia  Sindrom myelodysplastic , tidak spesifik
1021  G52.2  pereplegia  Gangguan saraf vagus
1022  K63.1  perforasi usus / ileum / jejunum / kolon sigmoid  Perforasi usus ( nontraumatic )
1023  K83.2  Perforation of bile duct  Perforasi saluran empedu
1024  K82.2  Perforation of gallbladder  Perforasi kandung empedu
1025  K22.3  Perforation of oesophagus  Perforasi esofagus
1026  H72.9  Perforation of tympanic membrane, unspecified  Perforasi membran timpani , tidak spesifik
1028  Y65.5  Performance of inappropriate operation  Cedera karena kinerja operasi yang tidak pantas
1029  K04.6  Periapical abscess with sinus  Abses periapikal dengan sinus
1030  K04.7  Periapical abscess without sinus / infeksi gigi  Abses periapikal tanpa sinus
1031  M77.2  Periarthritis of wrist  Periarthritis pergelangan tangan
1032  I31.3  pericardial effusi  Efusi perikardial ( PERADANGAN )
1033  I32.0  Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere  Pericarditis dalam penyakit bakteri diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1035  I32.8  Pericarditis in other diseases classified elsewhere  Pericarditis pada penyakit lain yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1036  I32.1  Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere  Pericarditis dalam penyakit infeksi dan parasit lainnya yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1037  H61.0  Perichondritis of external ear  Perichondritis telinga eksternal
1038  L66.3  Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens  Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens
1039  P78.9  Perinatal digestive system disorder, unspecified  Gangguan sistem pencernaan Perinatal , tidak spesifik
1040  P61.9  Perinatal haematological disorder, unspecified  Gangguan hematologis perinatal , tidak spesifik
1041  P78.0  Perinatal intestinal perforation  Perinatal perforasi usus
1043  O70.9  Perineum reptum / post partum  Laserasi perineum saat melahirkan , tidak spesifik
1044  R06.3  Periodic breathing  pernapasan periodik
1045  G72.3  Periodic paralysis  Paralisis periodik
1046  K05.6  Periodontal disease, unspecified  Penyakit periodontal , tidak spesifik
1047  K05.3  periodontitis kronis  Periodontitis kronis
1048  K05.4  Periodontosis  Periodontosis
1049  L71.0  Perioral dermatitis  Dermatitis perioral
1050  M90.17  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, ankle and foot  
1051  M90.13  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, forearm  
1052  M90.14  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, hand  
1053  M90.16  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, lower leg  
1054  M90.10  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites  
1055  M90.18  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, other site  
1056  M90.15  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, pelvic region and thigh  
1057  M90.11  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, shoulder region  
1058  M90.19  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, site unspecified  
1059  M90.12  Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere, upper arm  
1061  I79.2  Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere  Angiopati Peripheral pada penyakit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1062  Q27.3  Peripheral arteriovenous malformation  Peripheral arteriovenous malformation
1063  H35.4  Peripheral retinal degeneration  Degenerasi retina perifer
1064  C84.4  Peripheral T-cell lymphoma  Limfoma sel - T Peripheral
1065  I73.9  Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified  Penyakit pembuluh darah perifer , tidak spesifik
1066  T46.7  Peripheral vasodilators  Keracunan oleh vasodilator perifer
1067  Y52.7  Peripheral vasodilators causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi vasodilator perifer
1068  K66.0  Peritoneal adhesions  Adhesi peritoneal
1069  K65  PERITONITIS  
1070  K65.9  Peritonitis  Peritonitis , tidak spesifik
1071  M76.7  Peroneal tendinitis  tendinitis peroneal
1072  O68.0  persalinan dengan penyulit gawat janin  Buruh dan pengiriman rumit oleh anomali denyut jantung janin
1074  O60  PERSALINAN PREMATUR  kelahiran prematur
1076  K01.0  persistensi  gigi tertanam
1077  K00.6  persistensi gigi  Gangguan pada erupsi gigi
1078  Q43.7  Persistent cloaca  kloaka persisten
1080  F22.9  Persistent delusional disorder, unspecified  Gangguan delusi persisten , tidak spesifik
1081  P29.3  Persistent fetal circulation  Sirkulasi janin persisten
1082  R50.1  Persistent fever  demam persisten
1083  E32.0  Persistent hyperplasia of thymus  Hiperplasia Persistent timus
1084  Q26.1  Persistent left superior vena cava  Persistent kiri vena kava superior
1086  F34.9  Persistent mood [affective] disorder, unspecified  Suasana Persistent [ afektif ] gangguan , tidak spesifik
1087  N39.1  Persistent proteinuria, unspecified  Proteinuria persisten , tidak spesifik
1088  F45.4  Persistent somatoform pain disorder  Gangguan nyeri somatoform Persistent
1089  Z75.1  Person awaiting admission to adequate facility elsewhere  Orang menunggu masuk ke fasilitas yang memadai di tempat lain
1090  Z71.2  Person consulting for explanation of investigation findings  Orang konsultasi untuk penjelasan temuan investigasi
1091  Z71.0  Person consulting on behalf of another person  Konsultasi orang atas nama orang lain
1092  Z76.9  Person encountering health services in unspecified circumstances  Orang menghadapi pelayanan kesehatan dalam keadaan yang tidak spesifik
1093  V87.59  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1094  V87.51  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1095  V87.58  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1096  V87.53  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1097  V87.50  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1098  V87.54  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1099  V87.52  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus (traffic), while working for an income  
1100  V88.59  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1101  V88.51  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1102  V88.58  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1103  V88.53  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1104  V88.50  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1105  V88.54  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1106  V88.52  Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1107  V87.69  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1108  V87.61  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1109  V87.68  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1110  V87.63  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1111  V87.60  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1112  V87.64  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1113  V87.62  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car (traffic), while working for an income  
1114  V88.69  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1115  V88.61  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1116  V88.68  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1117  V88.63  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1118  V88.60  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1119  V88.64  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1120  V88.62  Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1121  V87.39  Person injured in collision between car and bus (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1122  V87.31  Person injured in collision between car and bus (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1123  V87.38  Person injured in collision between car and bus (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1124  V87.33  Person injured in collision between car and bus (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1125  V87.30  Person injured in collision between car and bus (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1126  V87.34  Person injured in collision between car and bus (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1127  V87.32  Person injured in collision between car and bus (traffic), while working for an income  
1128  V88.39  Person injured in collision between car and bus, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1129  V88.31  Person injured in collision between car and bus, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1130  V88.38  Person injured in collision between car and bus, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1131  V88.33  Person injured in collision between car and bus, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1132  V88.30  Person injured in collision between car and bus, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1133  V88.34  Person injured in collision between car and bus, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1134  V88.32  Person injured in collision between car and bus, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1135  V87.49  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1136  V87.41  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1137  V87.48  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1138  V87.43  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1139  V87.40  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1140  V87.44  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1141  V87.42  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle (traffic), while working for an income  
1142  V88.49  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1143  V88.41  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1144  V88.48  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1145  V88.43  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1146  V88.40  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1147  V88.44  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1148  V88.42  Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1149  V87.29  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1150  V87.21  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1151  V87.28  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1152  V87.23  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1153  V87.20  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1154  V87.24  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1155  V87.22  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van (traffic), while working for an income  
1156  V88.29  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1157  V88.21  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1158  V88.28  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1159  V88.23  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1160  V88.20  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1161  V88.24  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1162  V88.22  Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1163  V87.09  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1164  V87.01  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1165  V87.08  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1166  V87.03  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1167  V87.00  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1168  V87.04  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1169  V87.02  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while working for an income  
1170  V88.09  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1171  V88.01  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1172  V88.08  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1173  V88.03  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1174  V88.00  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1175  V88.04  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1176  V88.02  Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1177  V87.19  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1178  V87.11  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1179  V87.18  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1180  V87.13  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1181  V87.10  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1182  V87.14  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1183  V87.12  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic), while working for an income  
1184  V88.19  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1185  V88.11  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1186  V88.18  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1187  V88.13  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1188  V88.10  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1189  V88.14  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1190  V88.12  Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1191  V87.79  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1192  V87.71  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1193  V87.78  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1194  V87.73  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1195  V87.70  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1196  V87.74  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1197  V87.72  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles (traffic), while working for an income  
1198  V88.79  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1199  V88.71  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1200  V88.78  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1201  V88.73  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1202  V88.70  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1203  V88.74  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1204  V88.72  Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1205  V87.99  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1206  V87.91  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1207  V87.98  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1208  V87.93  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1209  V87.90  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1210  V87.94  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1211  V87.92  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle (traffic), while working for an income  
1212  V88.99  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1213  V88.91  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1214  V88.98  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1215  V88.93  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1216  V88.90  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1217  V88.94  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1218  V88.92  Person injured in other specified (collision)(noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1219  V87.89  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle (traffic), during unspecified activity  
1220  V87.81  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in leisure activity  
1221  V87.88  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other specified activities  
1222  V87.83  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in other types of work  
1223  V87.80  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle (traffic), while engaged in sports activity  
1224  V87.84  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle (traffic), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1225  V87.82  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle (traffic), while working for an income  
1226  V88.89  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1227  V88.81  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1228  V88.88  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1229  V88.83  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1230  V88.80  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1231  V88.84  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1232  V88.82  Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1233  V89.09  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1234  V89.01  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1235  V89.08  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1236  V89.03  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1237  V89.00  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1238  V89.04  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1239  V89.02  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1240  V89.29  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, traffic, during unspecified activity  
1241  V89.21  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, traffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1242  V89.28  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, traffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1243  V89.23  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, traffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1244  V89.20  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, traffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1245  V89.24  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, traffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1246  V89.22  Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, traffic, while working for an income  
1247  V89.1  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, nontraffic  Orang terluka dalam kecelakaan yang tidak spesifik nonmotor kendaraan , nontraffic
1248  V89.19  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, during unspecified activity  
1249  V89.11  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1250  V89.18  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1251  V89.13  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1252  V89.10  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1253  V89.14  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1254  V89.12  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, nontraffic, while working for an income  
1255  V89.39  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, traffic, during unspecified activity  
1256  V89.31  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, traffic, while engaged in leisure activity  
1257  V89.38  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, traffic, while engaged in other specified activities  
1258  V89.33  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, traffic, while engaged in other types of work  
1259  V89.30  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, traffic, while engaged in sports activity  
1260  V89.34  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, traffic, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1261  V89.32  Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, traffic, while working for an income  
1262  V89.99  Person injured in unspecified vehicle accident, during unspecified activity  
1263  V89.91  Person injured in unspecified vehicle accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1264  V89.98  Person injured in unspecified vehicle accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1265  V89.93  Person injured in unspecified vehicle accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1266  V89.90  Person injured in unspecified vehicle accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1267  V89.94  Person injured in unspecified vehicle accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1268  V89.92  Person injured in unspecified vehicle accident, while working for an income  
1269  V97.19  Person injured while boarding or alighting from aircraft, during unspecified activity  
1270  V97.11  Person injured while boarding or alighting from aircraft, while engaged in leisure activity  
1271  V97.18  Person injured while boarding or alighting from aircraft, while engaged in other specified activities  
1272  V97.13  Person injured while boarding or alighting from aircraft, while engaged in other types of work  
1273  V97.10  Person injured while boarding or alighting from aircraft, while engaged in sports activity  
1274  V97.14  Person injured while boarding or alighting from aircraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1275  V97.12  Person injured while boarding or alighting from aircraft, while working for an income  
1276  V86.49  Person injured while boarding or alighting from all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle, during unspecified activity  
1277  V86.41  Person injured while boarding or alighting from all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle, while engaged in leisure activity  
1278  V86.48  Person injured while boarding or alighting from all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle, while engaged in other specified activities  
1279  V86.43  Person injured while boarding or alighting from all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle, while engaged in other types of work  
1280  V86.40  Person injured while boarding or alighting from all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle, while engaged in sports activity  
1281  V86.44  Person injured while boarding or alighting from all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1282  V86.42  Person injured while boarding or alighting from all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle, while working for an income  
1283  V81.49  Person injured while boarding or alighting from railway train or railway vehicle, during unspecified activity  
1284  V81.41  Person injured while boarding or alighting from railway train or railway vehicle, while engaged in leisure activity  
1285  V81.48  Person injured while boarding or alighting from railway train or railway vehicle, while engaged in other specified activities  
1286  V81.43  Person injured while boarding or alighting from railway train or railway vehicle, while engaged in other types of work  
1287  V81.40  Person injured while boarding or alighting from railway train or railway vehicle, while engaged in sports activity  
1288  V81.44  Person injured while boarding or alighting from railway train or railway vehicle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1289  V81.42  Person injured while boarding or alighting from railway train or railway vehicle, while working for an income  
1290  V84.49  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special agricultural vehicle, during unspecified activity  
1291  V84.41  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special agricultural vehicle, while engaged in leisure activity  
1292  V84.48  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special agricultural vehicle, while engaged in other specified activities  
1293  V84.43  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special agricultural vehicle, while engaged in other types of work  
1294  V84.40  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special agricultural vehicle, while engaged in sports activity  
1295  V84.44  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special agricultural vehicle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1296  V84.42  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special agricultural vehicle, while working for an income  
1297  V85.49  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special construction vehicle, during unspecified activity  
1298  V85.41  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special construction vehicle, while engaged in leisure activity  
1299  V85.48  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special construction vehicle, while engaged in other specified activities  
1300  V85.43  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special construction vehicle, while engaged in other types of work  
1301  V85.40  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special construction vehicle, while engaged in sports activity  
1302  V85.44  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special construction vehicle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1303  V85.42  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special construction vehicle, while working for an income  
1304  V83.49  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special industrial vehicle, during unspecified activity  
1305  V83.41  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special industrial vehicle, while engaged in leisure activity  
1306  V83.48  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special industrial vehicle, while engaged in other specified activities  
1307  V83.43  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special industrial vehicle, while engaged in other types of work  
1308  V83.40  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special industrial vehicle, while engaged in sports activity  
1309  V83.44  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special industrial vehicle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1310  V83.42  Person injured while boarding or alighting from special industrial vehicle, while working for an income  
1311  V82.49  Person injured while boarding or alighting from streetcar, during unspecified activity  
1312  V82.41  Person injured while boarding or alighting from streetcar, while engaged in leisure activity  
1313  V82.48  Person injured while boarding or alighting from streetcar, while engaged in other specified activities  
1314  V82.43  Person injured while boarding or alighting from streetcar, while engaged in other types of work  
1315  V82.40  Person injured while boarding or alighting from streetcar, while engaged in sports activity  
1316  V82.44  Person injured while boarding or alighting from streetcar, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1317  V82.42  Person injured while boarding or alighting from streetcar, while working for an income  
1318  V97.39  Person on ground injured in air transport accident, during unspecified activity  
1319  V97.31  Person on ground injured in air transport accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1320  V97.38  Person on ground injured in air transport accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1321  V97.33  Person on ground injured in air transport accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1322  V97.30  Person on ground injured in air transport accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1323  V97.34  Person on ground injured in air transport accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1324  V97.32  Person on ground injured in air transport accident, while working for an income  
1325  V86.79  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
1326  V86.71  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1327  V86.78  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1328  V86.73  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1329  V86.70  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1330  V86.74  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1331  V86.72  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
1332  V86.29  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
1333  V86.21  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1334  V86.28  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1335  V86.23  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1336  V86.20  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1337  V86.24  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1338  V86.22  Person on outside of all-terrain or other off road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident, while working for an income  
1339  V84.79  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
1340  V84.71  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1341  V84.78  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1342  V84.73  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1343  V84.70  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1344  V84.74  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1345  V84.72  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
1346  V84.29  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
1347  V84.21  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1348  V84.28  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1349  V84.23  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1350  V84.20  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1351  V84.24  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1352  V84.22  Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident, while working for an income  
1353  V85.79  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
1354  V85.71  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1355  V85.78  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1356  V85.73  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1357  V85.70  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1358  V85.74  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1359  V85.72  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
1360  V85.29  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
1361  V85.21  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1362  V85.28  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1363  V85.23  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1364  V85.20  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1365  V85.24  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1366  V85.22  Person on outside of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident, while working for an income  
1367  V83.79  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, during unspecified activity  
1368  V83.71  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1369  V83.78  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1370  V83.73  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1371  V83.70  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1372  V83.74  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1373  V83.72  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident, while working for an income  
1374  V83.29  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, during unspecified activity  
1375  V83.21  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in leisure activity  
1376  V83.28  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other specified activities  
1377  V83.23  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in other types of work  
1378  V83.20  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while engaged in sports activity  
1379  V83.24  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1380  V83.22  Person on outside of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident, while working for an income  
1381  Z71.1  Person with feared complaint in whom no diagnosis is made  Orang dengan takut keluhan di antaranya tidak ada diagnosis dibuat
1385  Z61.7  Personal frightening experience in childhood  Pengalaman menakutkan pribadi di masa kecil
1387  Z88.4  Personal history of allergy to anaesthetic agent  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap agen anestesi
1388  Z88.6  Personal history of allergy to analgesic agent  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap agen analgesik
1389  Z88.5  Personal history of allergy to narcotic agent  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap agen narkotika
1390  Z88.3  Personal history of allergy to other anti-infective agents  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap agen anti - infeksi lainnya
1391  Z88.1  Personal history of allergy to other antibiotic agents  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap agen antibiotik lainnya
1392  Z88.8  Personal history of allergy to other drugs, medicaments and biological substances  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap obat lain , obat-obatan dan bahan biologi
1393  Z88.0  Personal history of allergy to penicillin  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap penisilin
1394  Z88.7  Personal history of allergy to serum and vaccine  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap serum dan vaksin
1395  Z88.2  Personal history of allergy to sulfonamides  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap sulfonamid
1396  Z88.9  Personal history of allergy to unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances  Sejarah pribadi alergi terhadap obat yang tidak spesifik , obat-obatan dan bahan biologi
1397  Z91.0  Personal history of allergy, other than to drugs and biological substances  Sejarah pribadi alergi , selain untuk obat-obatan dan bahan biologi
1398  Z87.6  Personal history of certain conditions arising in the perinatal period  Sejarah pribadi kondisi tertentu yang timbul pada periode perinatal
1399  Z87.5  Personal history of complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium  Sejarah pribadi komplikasi kehamilan , persalinan dan masa nifas
1400  Z87.7  Personal history of congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities  Sejarah pribadi malformasi kongenital , deformasi dan kelainan kromosom
1401  Z92.0  Personal history of contraception  Sejarah pribadi kontrasepsi
1402  Z86.2  Personal history of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism  Sejarah pribadi penyakit darah dan organ pembentuk darah dan gangguan tertentu yang melibatkan mekanisme kekebalan
1403  Z86.7  Personal history of diseases of the circulatory system  Sejarah pribadi penyakit pada sistem peredaran darah
1404  Z87.1  Personal history of diseases of the digestive system  Sejarah pribadi penyakit pada sistem pencernaan
1405  Z87.4  Personal history of diseases of the genitourinary system  Sejarah pribadi penyakit pada sistem genitourinary
1406  Z87.3  Personal history of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue  Sejarah pribadi penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal dan jaringan ikat
1407  Z86.6  Personal history of diseases of the nervous system and sense organs  Sejarah pribadi penyakit pada sistem saraf dan organ-organ indera
1408  Z87.0  Personal history of diseases of the respiratory system  Sejarah pribadi penyakit pada sistem pernapasan
1409  Z87.2  Personal history of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue  Sejarah pribadi penyakit pada kulit dan jaringan subkutan
1410  Z86.3  Personal history of endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases  Sejarah pribadi endokrin , penyakit nutrisi dan metabolik
1411  Z92.3  Personal history of irradiation  Sejarah pribadi iradiasi
1412  Z85.6  Personal history of leukaemia  Sejarah pribadi leukemia
1413  Z92.1  Personal history of long-term (current) use of anticoagulants  Sejarah pribadi jangka panjang digunakan ( saat ini ) antikoagulan
1414  Z92.2  Personal history of long-term (current) use of other medicaments  Sejarah pribadi jangka panjang digunakan ( saat ini ) dari obat-obatan lain
1415  Z92.4  Personal history of major surgery, not elsewhere classified  Sejarah pribadi operasi besar , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1416  Z85.3  Personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma ganas payudara
1417  Z85.0  Personal history of malignant neoplasm of digestive organs  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma ganas organ pencernaan
1418  Z85.4  Personal history of malignant neoplasm of genital organs  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma ganas organ genital
1419  Z85.2  Personal history of malignant neoplasm of other respiratory and intrathoracic organs  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma ganas organ pernapasan dan intrathoracic lainnya
1420  Z85.1  Personal history of malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma ganas trakea , bronkus dan paru-paru
1421  Z85.5  Personal history of malignant neoplasm of urinary tract  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma ganas dari saluran kemih
1422  Z85.9  Personal history of malignant neoplasm, unspecified  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma ganas , tidak spesifik
1423  Z85.8  Personal history of malignant neoplasms of other organs and systems  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma ganas organ dan sistem lainnya
1425  Z92.9  Personal history of medical treatment, unspecified  Sejarah pribadi perawatan medis , tidak spesifik
1426  Z91.1  Personal history of noncompliance with medical treatment and regimen  Sejarah pribadi ketidakpatuhan dengan pengobatan medis dan regimen
1427  Z86.1  Personal history of other infectious and parasitic disease  Sejarah pribadi penyakit infeksi dan parasit
1428  Z85.7  Personal history of other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissues  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma ganas lainnya limfoid , haematopoietic dan jaringan terkait
1429  Z92.8  Personal history of other medical treatment  Sejarah pribadi perawatan medis lainnya
1430  Z86.5  Personal history of other mental and behavioural disorders  Sejarah pribadi gangguan mental dan perilaku lainnya
1431  Z86.0  Personal history of other neoplasms  Sejarah pribadi neoplasma lainnya
1432  Z91.6  Personal history of other physical trauma  Sejarah pribadi trauma fisik lainnya
1433  Z87.8  Personal history of other specified conditions  Sejarah pribadi kondisi tertentu lainnya
1434  Z91.8  Personal history of other specified risk-factors, not elsewhere classified  Sejarah pribadi risiko - faktor tertentu lainnya , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1435  Z91.2  Personal history of poor personal hygiene  Sejarah pribadi kebersihan pribadi yang buruk
1436  Z86.4  Personal History of psychoactive substance abuse  Sejarah pribadi penyalahgunaan zat psikoaktif
1437  Z91.4  Personal history of psychological trauma, not elsewhere classified  Sejarah pribadi trauma psikologis , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1438  Z92.5  Personal history of rehabilitation measures  Sejarah pribadi langkah-langkah rehabilitasi
1439  Z91.3  Personal history of unhealthy sleep-wake schedule  Sejarah pribadi jadwal tidur-bangun yang tidak sehat
1442  F60.9  Personality disorder, unspecified  Gangguan kepribadian , tidak spesifik
1446  Z76.8  Persons encountering health services in other specified circumstances  Orang menghadapi pelayanan kesehatan dalam keadaan tertentu lainnya
1447  S72.11  Pertrochanteric fracture, open  
1450  Y58.6  Pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi vaksin pertusis , termasuk kombinasi dengan komponen pertusis
1452  F84.9  Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified  Gangguan perkembangan pervasif , tidak spesifik
1453  Q66.7  Pes cavus  pes cavus
1454  T60.9  Pesticide, unspecified  Efek toksik pestisida , tidak spesifik
1455  G41.1  Petit mal status epilepticus  Petit mal Status epileptikus
1456  G40.7  Petit mal, unspecified, without grand mal seizures  Petit mal , tidak spesifik , tanpa kejang grand mal
1457  T52.0  Petroleum products  Efek toksik dari produk minyak bumi
1458  H70.2  Petrositis  Petrositis
1459  B43.1  Phaeomycotic brain abscess  Abses otak Phaeomycotic
1461  Q85.9  Phakomatosis, unspecified  Phakomatosis , tidak spesifik
1462  G54.6  Phantom limb syndrome with pain  Sindroma tungkai hantu dengan nyeri
1463  G54.7  Phantom limb syndrome without pain  Sindroma tungkai hantu tanpa rasa sakit
1464  Y57.4  Pharmaceutical excipients causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi eksipien farmasi
1465  A36.0  Pharyngeal diphtheria  Difteri pada faring
1466  Q38.7  Pharyngeal pouch  kantung faring
1467  T54.0  Phenol and phenol homologues  Efek toksik fenol dan fenol homolog
1468  Y49.3  Phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi antipsikotik fenotiazin dan neuroleptik
1470  I80.1  Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of femoral vein  Flebitis dan tromboflebitis dari vena femoralis
1471  I80.3  Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of lower extremities, unspecified  Flebitis dan tromboflebitis dari ekstremitas bawah , tidak spesifik
1472  I80.2  Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of lower extremities  Flebitis dan tromboflebitis pembuluh mendalam lainnya dari ekstremitas bawah
1473  I80.8  Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other sites  Flebitis dan tromboflebitis situs lain
1474  I80.0  Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of superficial vessels of lower extremities  Flebitis dan tromboflebitis pembuluh superfisial ekstremitas bawah
1475  K75.1  Phlebitis of portal vein  Flebitis portal vena
1476  F93.1  Phobic anxiety disorder of childhood  Gangguan kecemasan fobia masa kanak-kanak
1477  F40.9  Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified  Gangguan kecemasan fobia , tidak spesifik
1479  Q73.1  Phocomelia, unspecified limb(s)  Phocomelia , ekstremitas tidak spesifik ( s )
1480  T57.1  Phosphorus and its compounds  Efek toksik fosfor dan senyawanya
1481  L56.2  Photocontact dermatitis [berloque dermatitis]  Dermatitis Photocontact [ dermatitis berloque ]
1482  P14.2  Phrenic nerve paralysis due to birth injury  Frenikus kelumpuhan saraf karena cedera kelahiran
1483  B85.3  Phthiriasis  Phthiriasis
1484  N47  PHYMOSIS / PREPUSIUM BERLEBIH, FIMOSIS & PARAFIMOSIS  Prepuce Redundant , phimosis dan paraphimosis
1485  T74.1  Physical abuse  kekerasan fisik
1487  Y80.2  Physical medicine devices associated with adverse incidents, prosthetic and other implants, materials and accessory devices  Perangkat kedokteran fisik yang terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , prostetik dan lainnya implan , bahan dan perangkat aksesori
1488  Y80.0  Physical medicine devices associated with misadventures, diagnostic and monitoring devices  Perangkat kedokteran fisik yang terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , perangkat diagnostik dan pemantauan
1489  Y80.8  Physical medicine devices associated with misadventures, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified  Perangkat kedokteran fisik yang terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , perangkat lain-lain , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1490  Y80.3  Physical medicine devices associated with misadventures, surgical instruments, materials and devices (including sutures)  Perangkat kedokteran fisik yang terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , instrumen bedah , bahan dan perangkat ( termasuk jahitan )
1491  Y80.1  Physical medicine devices associated with misadventures, therapeutic (nonsurgical) and rehabilitative devices  Perangkat kedokteran fisik yang terkait dengan insiden yang merugikan , terapi ( tanpa pembedahan ) dan perangkat rehabilitatif
1492  R45.6  Physical violence  kekerasan fisik
1493  F98.3  Pica of infancy and childhood  Pica dari masa bayi dan masa kanak-kanak
1494  L81.7  Pigmented purpuric dermatosis  Berpigmen purpura dermatosis
1496  L05.0  Pilonidal cyst with abscess  Kista pilonidal dengan abses
1497  L05.9  Pilonidal cyst without abscess  Kista pilonidal tanpa abses
1498  A67  PINTA (CARATE)  
1499  A67.9  Pinta, unspecified  Pinta , tidak spesifik
1500  F09  PISIKOSIS ORGANIK / SINDROM AMNESIK & GANGGUAN MENTAL ORGANIK  Gangguan mental organik yang tidak spesifik atau gejala
1501  E24.0  Pituitary-dependent Cushings disease  Penyakit Cushing hipofisis- dependent
1502  L30.5  Pityriasis alba  Pityriasis alba
1503  L41.1  Pityriasis lichenoides chronica  Pitiriasis lichenoides kronika
1504  L41.0  Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta  Pitiriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta
1505  L42  PITYRIASIS ROSEA  Pityriasis rosea
1506  L44.0  Pityriasis rubra pilaris  Pityriasis rubra pilaris
1507  B36.0  Pityriasis versicolor  Pityriasis versicolor
1508  P02.0  placenta praevia bayi  Janin dan bayi baru lahir dipengaruhi oleh plasenta previa
1509  O44.1  Placenta praevia with haemorrhage  Previa plasenta dengan perdarahan
1510  O44.0  placenta previa / jalan keluar bayi tertutup placenta  Plasenta previa ditetapkan sebagai tanpa perdarahan
1511  O43.9  Placental disorder, unspecified  Gangguan plasenta , tidak spesifik
1513  O43.0  Placental transfusion syndromes  Sindrom transfusi plasenta
1514  Q67.3  Plagiocephaly  plagiocephaly
1515  A20  PLAGUE / SAMPAR / PES  
1516  A20.3  Plague meningitis  Meningitis Plague
1517  Y58.3  Plague vaccine causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi vaksin wabah
1518  A20.9  Plague, unspecified  Wabah , tidak spesifik
1519  M72.2  Plantar fascial fibromatosis  Plantar fasia fibromatosis
1521  C90.1  Plasma cell leukaemia  Leukemia sel plasma
1522  Y44.7  Plasma substitutes causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi pengganti plasma
1523  C90.2  Plasmacytoma, extramedullary  Plasmacytoma , extramedullary
1526  B52.0  Plasmodium malariae malaria with nephropathy  Malaria plasmodium malariae dengan nefropati
1527  B52.8  Plasmodium malariae malaria with other complications  Malaria plasmodium malariae dengan komplikasi lain
1528  B53.0  Plasmodium ovale malaria  Malaria Plasmodium ovale
1530  B51.8  Plasmodium vivax malaria with other complications  Malaria plasmodium vivax dengan komplikasi lain
1531  B51.0  Plasmodium vivax malaria with rupture of spleen  Malaria plasmodium vivax dengan pecahnya limpa
1532  I80.9  Plebitis  Flebitis dan tromboflebitis situs yang tidak spesifik
1533  K10.2  plegmoa  Kondisi peradangan rahang
1534  J94.9  Pleural condition, unspecified  Kondisi pleura, tidak spesifik
1535  J91  PLEURAL EFFUSION IN CONDITIONS  Efusi pleura dalam kondisi diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1537  J92.0  Pleural plaque with presence of asbestos  Plak pleura dengan kehadiran asbes
1538  J92.9  Pleural plaque without asbestos  Plak pleura tanpa asbes
1539  R09.1  Pleurisy  radang selaput dada
1540  K14.5  Plicated tongue  Plicated lidah
1541  N11.8  PNC  Lain kronis nefritis tubulo - interstitial
1542  J69.0  Pnemunea aspirasi dewasa / sapirasi  Pneumonitis karena makanan dan muntahan
1543  M00.17  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, ankle and foot  
1544  M00.13  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, forearm  
1545  M00.14  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, hand  
1546  M00.16  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, lower leg  
1547  M00.10  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, multiple sites  
1548  M00.18  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, other site  
1549  M00.15  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, pelvic region and thigh  
1550  M00.11  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, shoulder region  
1551  M00.19  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, site unspecified  
1552  M00.12  Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, upper arm  
1553  G00.1  Pneumococcal meningitis  Meningitis Pneumokokus
1555  J61  PNEUMOCONIOSIS DUE TO ASBESTOS  Pneumoconiosis karena asbes dan serat mineral lainnya
1556  J62.8  Pneumoconiosis due to other dust containing silica  Pneumoconiosis akibat lain debu yang mengandung silika
1557  J63.8  Pneumoconiosis due to other specified inorganic dusts  Pneumoconiosis akibat debu anorganik lainnya yang spesifik
1558  J62.0  Pneumoconiosis due to talc dust  Pneumoconiosis akibat debu bedak
1560  B59  PNEUMOCYSTOSIS  Pneumocystosis
1561  J65  PNEUMOKONIOSIS  Pneumoconiosis berhubungan dengan tuberkulosis
1562  J18  Pneumonia  
1563  J15.7  Pneumonia antipical  Pneumonia disebabkan Mycoplasma pneumoniae
1564  J18.9  Pneumonia berat  Pneumonia , tidak spesifik
1565  J98.2  pneumonia disdtinum  Emfisema interstisial
1566  J15.5  Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli  Pneumonia disebabkan Escherichia coli
1567  J14  PNEUMONIA DUE TO HAEMOPHILUS  Pneumonia disebabkan Haemophilus influenzae
1568  J15.0  Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae  Pneumonia karena Klebsiella pneumoniae
1569  J15.6  Pneumonia due to other aerobic Gram-negative bacteria  Pneumonia karena bakteri Gram - negatif aerobik lainnya
1570  J16.8  Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms  Pneumonia karena organisme menular lainnya yang spesifik
1571  J15.4  Pneumonia due to other streptococci  Pneumonia karena streptokokus lainnya
1572  J15.1  Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas  Pneumonia disebabkan Pseudomonas
1573  J15.2  Pneumonia due to staphylococcus  Pneumonia akibat staphylococcus
1574  J13  PNEUMONIA DUE TO STREPTOCOCCUS  Pneumonia disebabkan Streptococcus pneumoniae
1575  J15.3  Pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B  Pneumonia karena streptococcus , kelompok B
1576  J17.0  Pneumonia in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere  Pneumonia pada penyakit bakteri diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1578  J17.2  Pneumonia in mycoses  Pneumonia pada mikosis
1579  J17.8  Pneumonia in other diseases classified elsewhere  Pneumonia pada penyakit lain yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1580  J17.3  Pneumonia in parasitic diseases  Pneumonia pada penyakit parasit
1581  J17.1  Pneumonia in viral diseases classified elsewhere  Pneumonia pada penyakit virus diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
1583  P25.2  Pneumonia mediastinum bayi  Pneumomediastinum berasal dari periode perinatal
1584  J18.8  pneumonia plaura  Pneumonia lainnya , organisme yang tidak spesifik
1585  A20.2  Pneumonic plague  Wabah pneumonia
1586  J69.1  Pneumonitis due to oils and essences  Pneumonitis karena minyak dan esens
1587  J69.8  Pneumonitis due to other solids and liquids  Pneumonitis karena padatan dan cairan lainnya
1589  P25.3  Pneumopericardium originating in the perinatal period  Pneumoperikardium yang berasal dari periode perinatal
1591  J93.9  Pneumothorax  Pneumotoraks , tidak spesifik
1592  J93.8  pneumothorax AKUT / THORAX  pneumothorax lainnya
1593  P25.1  Pneumothorax originating in the perinatal period  Pneumotoraks yang berasal dari periode perinatal
1594  L57.3  Poikiloderma of Civatte  Poikiloderma dari Civatte
1595  L94.5  Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans  Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans
1596  Y19  POISON.& UNSPEC CHEMICALS & N.  Keracunan oleh dan paparan bahan kimia lain dan tidak spesifik dan zat berbahaya , niat belum spesifik
1601  Y15  POISON.TO ALCOHOL,UNDETERMINED  Keracunan oleh dan paparan alkohol , niat belum spesifik
1602  Y11  POISON.TO ANTIEPILEPTIC,SEDAT.  Keracunan oleh dan paparan antiepilepsi , sedatif-hipnotik , antiparkinsonism dan psikotropika obat-obatan, tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain , niat belum spesifik
1603  Y12  POISON.TO NARCOTICS & PSYCHODY  Keracunan oleh dan paparan narkotika dan psychodysleptics [ halusinogen ] , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain , niat belum spesifik
1604  Y10  POISON.TO NONOPIOID ANALGESICS  Keracunan oleh dan paparan analgesik nonopioid , antipiretik dan antirheumatics , niat belum spesifik
1605  Y16  POISON.TO OGANIC SOLVENTS & H.  Keracunan oleh dan paparan pelarut organik dan hidrokarbon terhalogenasi dan uap mereka , niat belum spesifik
1606  Y14  POISON.TO OTHER & UNSPEC.DRUGS  Keracunan oleh dan paparan obat lain dan tidak spesifik , obat-obatan dan bahan biologi , niat belum spesifik
1607  Y13  POISON.TO OTHER DRUGS ACTING O  Keracunan oleh dan paparan obat lain yang bekerja pada sistem saraf otonom , niat belum spesifik
1608  Y17  POISON.TO OTHER GASES & VAPOUR  Keracunan oleh dan paparan gas lainnya dan uap , niat belum spesifik
1609  Y18  POISON.TO PESTICIDES,UNDETERM.  Keracunan oleh dan paparan pestisida , niat belum spesifik
1611  Y15.79  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
1612  Y15.71  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1613  Y15.78  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1614  Y15.73  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1615  Y15.70  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1616  Y15.74  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1617  Y15.72  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
1618  Y15.09  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
1619  Y15.01  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1620  Y15.08  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1621  Y15.03  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1622  Y15.00  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1623  Y15.04  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1624  Y15.02  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
1625  Y15.69  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1626  Y15.61  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1627  Y15.68  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1628  Y15.63  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1629  Y15.60  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1630  Y15.64  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1631  Y15.62  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1632  Y15.89  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1633  Y15.81  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1634  Y15.88  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1635  Y15.83  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1636  Y15.80  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1637  Y15.84  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1638  Y15.82  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
1639  Y15.19  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1640  Y15.11  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1641  Y15.18  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1642  Y15.13  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1643  Y15.10  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1644  Y15.14  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1645  Y15.12  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
1646  Y15.29  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1647  Y15.21  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1648  Y15.28  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1649  Y15.23  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1650  Y15.20  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1651  Y15.24  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1652  Y15.22  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1653  Y15.39  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1654  Y15.31  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1655  Y15.38  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1656  Y15.33  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1657  Y15.30  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1658  Y15.34  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1659  Y15.32  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1660  Y15.49  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1661  Y15.41  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1662  Y15.48  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1663  Y15.43  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1664  Y15.40  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1665  Y15.44  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1666  Y15.42  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
1667  Y15.59  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1668  Y15.51  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1669  Y15.58  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1670  Y15.53  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1671  Y15.50  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1672  Y15.54  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1673  Y15.52  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1674  Y15.99  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1675  Y15.91  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1676  Y15.98  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1677  Y15.93  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1678  Y15.90  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1679  Y15.94  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1680  Y15.92  Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1681  Y11.79  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
1682  Y11.71  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1683  Y11.78  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1684  Y11.73  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1685  Y11.70  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1686  Y11.74  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1687  Y11.72  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
1688  Y11.09  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
1689  Y11.01  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1690  Y11.08  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1691  Y11.03  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1692  Y11.00  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1693  Y11.04  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1694  Y11.02  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
1695  Y11.69  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1696  Y11.61  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1697  Y11.68  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1698  Y11.63  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1699  Y11.60  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1700  Y11.64  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1701  Y11.62  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1702  Y11.89  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1703  Y11.81  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1704  Y11.88  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1705  Y11.83  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1706  Y11.80  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1707  Y11.84  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1708  Y11.82  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
1709  Y11.19  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1710  Y11.11  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1711  Y11.18  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1712  Y11.13  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1713  Y11.10  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1714  Y11.14  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1715  Y11.12  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
1716  Y11.29  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1717  Y11.21  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1718  Y11.28  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1719  Y11.23  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1720  Y11.20  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1721  Y11.24  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in  
1722  Y11.22  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1723  Y11.39  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1724  Y11.31  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1725  Y11.38  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1726  Y11.33  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1727  Y11.30  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1728  Y11.34  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1729  Y11.32  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1730  Y11.49  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1731  Y11.41  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1732  Y11.48  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1733  Y11.43  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1734  Y11.40  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1735  Y11.44  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1736  Y11.42  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
1737  Y11.59  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1738  Y11.51  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1739  Y11.58  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1740  Y11.53  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1741  Y11.50  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1742  Y11.54  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1743  Y11.52  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1744  Y11.99  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1745  Y11.91  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1746  Y11.98  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1747  Y11.93  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1748  Y11.90  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1749  Y11.94  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1750  Y11.92  Poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1751  Y12.79  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
1752  Y12.71  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1753  Y12.78  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1754  Y12.73  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1755  Y12.70  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1756  Y12.74  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1757  Y12.72  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
1758  Y12.09  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
1759  Y12.01  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1760  Y12.08  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1761  Y12.03  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1762  Y12.00  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1763  Y12.04  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1764  Y12.02  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
1765  Y12.69  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1766  Y12.61  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1767  Y12.68  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1768  Y12.63  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1769  Y12.60  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1770  Y12.64  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1771  Y12.62  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1772  Y12.89  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1773  Y12.81  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1774  Y12.88  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1775  Y12.83  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1776  Y12.80  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1777  Y12.84  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1778  Y12.82  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
1779  Y12.19  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1780  Y12.11  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1781  Y12.18  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1782  Y12.13  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1783  Y12.10  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1784  Y12.14  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1785  Y12.12  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
1786  Y12.29  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1787  Y12.21  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1788  Y12.28  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1789  Y12.23  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1790  Y12.20  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1791  Y12.24  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1792  Y12.22  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1793  Y12.39  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1794  Y12.31  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1795  Y12.38  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1796  Y12.33  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1797  Y12.30  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1798  Y12.34  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1799  Y12.32  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1800  Y12.49  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1801  Y12.41  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1802  Y12.48  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1803  Y12.43  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1804  Y12.40  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1805  Y12.44  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1806  Y12.42  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
1807  Y12.59  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1808  Y12.51  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1809  Y12.58  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1810  Y12.53  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1811  Y12.50  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1812  Y12.54  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1813  Y12.52  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1814  Y12.99  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1815  Y12.91  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1816  Y12.98  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1817  Y12.93  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1818  Y12.90  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1819  Y12.94  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1820  Y12.92  Poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1821  Y10.79  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
1822  Y10.71  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1823  Y10.78  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1824  Y10.73  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1825  Y10.70  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1826  Y10.74  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1827  Y10.72  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
1828  Y10.09  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
1829  Y10.01  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1830  Y10.08  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1831  Y10.03  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1832  Y10.00  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1833  Y10.04  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1834  Y10.02  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
1835  Y10.69  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1836  Y10.61  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1837  Y10.68  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1838  Y10.63  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1839  Y10.60  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1840  Y10.64  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1841  Y10.62  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1842  Y10.89  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1843  Y10.81  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1844  Y10.88  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1845  Y10.83  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1846  Y10.80  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1847  Y10.84  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1848  Y10.82  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
1849  Y10.19  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1850  Y10.11  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1851  Y10.18  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1852  Y10.13  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1853  Y10.10  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1854  Y10.14  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1855  Y10.12  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
1856  Y10.29  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1857  Y10.21  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1858  Y10.28  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1859  Y10.23  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1860  Y10.20  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1861  Y10.24  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1862  Y10.22  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1863  Y10.39  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1864  Y10.31  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1865  Y10.38  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1866  Y10.33  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1867  Y10.30  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1868  Y10.34  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1869  Y10.32  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1870  Y10.49  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1871  Y10.41  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1872  Y10.48  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1873  Y10.43  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1874  Y10.40  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1875  Y10.44  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1876  Y10.42  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
1877  Y10.59  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1878  Y10.51  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1879  Y10.58  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1880  Y10.53  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1881  Y10.50  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1882  Y10.54  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1883  Y10.52  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1884  Y10.99  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1885  Y10.91  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1886  Y10.98  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1887  Y10.93  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1888  Y10.90  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1889  Y10.94  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1890  Y10.92  Poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1891  Y16.79  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
1892  Y16.71  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1893  Y16.78  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1894  Y16.73  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1895  Y16.70  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1896  Y16.74  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1897  Y16.72  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
1898  Y16.09  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
1899  Y16.01  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1900  Y16.08  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1901  Y16.03  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1902  Y16.00  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1903  Y16.04  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1904  Y16.02  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
1905  Y16.69  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1906  Y16.61  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1907  Y16.68  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1908  Y16.63  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1909  Y16.60  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1910  Y16.64  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1911  Y16.62  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1912  Y16.89  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1913  Y16.81  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1914  Y16.88  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1915  Y16.83  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1916  Y16.80  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1917  Y16.84  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1918  Y16.82  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
1919  Y16.19  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1920  Y16.11  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1921  Y16.18  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1922  Y16.13  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1923  Y16.10  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1924  Y16.14  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1925  Y16.12  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
1926  Y16.29  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1927  Y16.21  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1928  Y16.28  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1929  Y16.23  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
1930  Y16.20  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
1931  Y16.24  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1932  Y16.22  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
1933  Y16.39  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
1934  Y16.31  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1935  Y16.38  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1936  Y16.33  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
1937  Y16.30  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
1938  Y16.34  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1939  Y16.32  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
1940  Y16.49  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
1941  Y16.41  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
1942  Y16.48  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
1943  Y16.43  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
1944  Y16.40  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
1945  Y16.44  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1946  Y16.42  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
1947  Y16.59  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
1948  Y16.51  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1949  Y16.58  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1950  Y16.53  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
1951  Y16.50  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
1952  Y16.54  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1953  Y16.52  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
1954  Y16.99  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
1955  Y16.91  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
1956  Y16.98  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
1957  Y16.93  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
1958  Y16.90  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
1959  Y16.94  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1960  Y16.92  Poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
1961  Y19.79  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
1962  Y19.71  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
1963  Y19.78  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
1964  Y19.73  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
1965  Y19.70  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
1966  Y19.74  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1967  Y19.72  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
1968  Y19.09  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
1969  Y19.01  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
1970  Y19.08  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
1971  Y19.03  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
1972  Y19.00  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
1973  Y19.04  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1974  Y19.02  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
1975  Y19.69  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
1976  Y19.61  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1977  Y19.68  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1978  Y19.63  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
1979  Y19.60  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
1980  Y19.64  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1981  Y19.62  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
1982  Y19.89  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
1983  Y19.81  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
1984  Y19.88  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
1985  Y19.83  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
1986  Y19.80  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
1987  Y19.84  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1988  Y19.82  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
1989  Y19.19  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
1990  Y19.11  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
1991  Y19.18  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
1992  Y19.13  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
1993  Y19.10  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
1994  Y19.14  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
1995  Y19.12  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
1996  Y19.29  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
1997  Y19.21  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
1998  Y19.28  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
1999  Y19.23  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2000  Y19.20  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2001  Y19.24  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2002  Y19.22  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2003  Y19.39  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2004  Y19.31  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2005  Y19.38  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2006  Y19.33  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2007  Y19.30  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2008  Y19.34  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2009  Y19.32  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2010  Y19.49  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2011  Y19.41  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2012  Y19.48  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2013  Y19.43  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2014  Y19.40  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2015  Y19.44  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2016  Y19.42  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
2017  Y19.59  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2018  Y19.51  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2019  Y19.58  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2020  Y19.53  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2021  Y19.50  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2022  Y19.54  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2023  Y19.52  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2024  Y19.99  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2025  Y19.91  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2026  Y19.98  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2027  Y19.93  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2028  Y19.90  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2029  Y19.94  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2030  Y19.92  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2031  Y14.79  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
2032  Y14.71  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2033  Y14.78  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2034  Y14.73  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2035  Y14.70  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2036  Y14.74  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2037  Y14.72  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
2038  Y14.09  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
2039  Y14.01  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2040  Y14.08  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2041  Y14.03  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2042  Y14.00  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2043  Y14.04  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2044  Y14.02  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
2045  Y14.69  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2046  Y14.61  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2047  Y14.68  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2048  Y14.63  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2049  Y14.60  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2050  Y14.64  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2051  Y14.62  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2052  Y14.89  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2053  Y14.81  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2054  Y14.88  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2055  Y14.83  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2056  Y14.80  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2057  Y14.84  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2058  Y14.82  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
2059  Y14.19  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2060  Y14.11  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2061  Y14.18  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2062  Y14.13  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2063  Y14.10  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2064  Y14.14  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2065  Y14.12  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
2066  Y14.29  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2067  Y14.21  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2068  Y14.28  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2069  Y14.23  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2070  Y14.20  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2071  Y14.24  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2072  Y14.22  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2073  Y14.39  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2074  Y14.31  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2075  Y14.38  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2076  Y14.33  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2077  Y14.30  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2078  Y14.34  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2079  Y14.32  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2080  Y14.49  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2081  Y14.41  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2082  Y14.48  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2083  Y14.43  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2084  Y14.40  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2085  Y14.44  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2086  Y14.42  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
2087  Y14.59  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2088  Y14.51  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2089  Y14.58  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2090  Y14.53  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2091  Y14.50  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2092  Y14.54  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2093  Y14.52  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2094  Y14.99  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2095  Y14.91  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2096  Y14.98  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2097  Y14.93  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2098  Y14.90  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2099  Y14.94  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2100  Y14.92  Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2101  Y13.79  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
2102  Y13.71  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2103  Y13.78  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2104  Y13.73  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2105  Y13.70  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2106  Y13.74  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2107  Y13.72  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
2108  Y13.09  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
2109  Y13.01  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2110  Y13.08  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2111  Y13.03  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2112  Y13.00  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2113  Y13.04  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2114  Y13.02  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
2115  Y13.69  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2116  Y13.61  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2117  Y13.68  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2118  Y13.63  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2119  Y13.60  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2120  Y13.64  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2121  Y13.62  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2122  Y13.89  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2123  Y13.81  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2124  Y13.88  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2125  Y13.83  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2126  Y13.80  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2127  Y13.84  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2128  Y13.82  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
2129  Y13.19  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2130  Y13.11  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2131  Y13.18  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2132  Y13.13  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2133  Y13.10  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2134  Y13.14  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2135  Y13.12  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
2136  Y13.29  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2137  Y13.21  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2138  Y13.28  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2139  Y13.23  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2140  Y13.20  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2141  Y13.24  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2142  Y13.22  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2143  Y13.39  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2144  Y13.31  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2145  Y13.38  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2146  Y13.33  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2147  Y13.30  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2148  Y13.34  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2149  Y13.32  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2150  Y13.49  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2151  Y13.41  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2152  Y13.48  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2153  Y13.43  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2154  Y13.40  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2155  Y13.44  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2156  Y13.42  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
2157  Y13.59  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2158  Y13.51  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2159  Y13.58  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2160  Y13.53  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2161  Y13.50  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2162  Y13.54  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2163  Y13.52  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2164  Y13.99  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2165  Y13.91  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2166  Y13.98  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2167  Y13.93  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2168  Y13.90  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2169  Y13.94  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2170  Y13.92  Poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2171  Y17.79  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
2172  Y17.71  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2173  Y17.78  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2174  Y17.73  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2175  Y17.70  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2176  Y17.74  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2177  Y17.72  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
2178  Y17.09  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
2179  Y17.01  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2180  Y17.08  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2181  Y17.03  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2182  Y17.00  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2183  Y17.04  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2184  Y17.02  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
2185  Y17.69  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2186  Y17.61  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2187  Y17.68  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2188  Y17.63  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2189  Y17.60  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2190  Y17.64  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2191  Y17.62  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2192  Y17.89  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2193  Y17.81  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2194  Y17.88  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2195  Y17.83  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2196  Y17.80  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2197  Y17.84  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2198  Y17.82  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
2199  Y17.19  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2200  Y17.11  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2201  Y17.18  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2202  Y17.13  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2203  Y17.10  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2204  Y17.14  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2205  Y17.12  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
2206  Y17.29  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2207  Y17.21  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2208  Y17.28  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2209  Y17.23  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2210  Y17.20  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2211  Y17.24  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2212  Y17.22  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2213  Y17.39  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2214  Y17.31  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2215  Y17.38  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2216  Y17.33  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2217  Y17.30  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2218  Y17.34  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2219  Y17.32  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2220  Y17.49  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2221  Y17.41  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2222  Y17.48  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2223  Y17.43  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2224  Y17.40  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2225  Y17.44  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2226  Y17.42  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
2227  Y17.59  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2228  Y17.51  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2229  Y17.58  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2230  Y17.53  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2231  Y17.50  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2232  Y17.54  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2233  Y17.52  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2234  Y17.99  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2235  Y17.91  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2236  Y17.98  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2237  Y17.93  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2238  Y17.90  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2239  Y17.94  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2240  Y17.92  Poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2241  Y18.79  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity  
2242  Y18.71  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2243  Y18.78  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2244  Y18.73  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2245  Y18.70  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2246  Y18.74  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2247  Y18.72  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income  
2248  Y18.09  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity  
2249  Y18.01  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2250  Y18.08  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2251  Y18.03  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2252  Y18.00  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2253  Y18.04  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2254  Y18.02  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income  
2255  Y18.69  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2256  Y18.61  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2257  Y18.68  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2258  Y18.63  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2259  Y18.60  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2260  Y18.64  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2261  Y18.62  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2262  Y18.89  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2263  Y18.81  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2264  Y18.88  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2265  Y18.83  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2266  Y18.80  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2267  Y18.84  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2268  Y18.82  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income  
2269  Y18.19  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2270  Y18.11  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2271  Y18.18  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2272  Y18.13  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2273  Y18.10  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2274  Y18.14  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2275  Y18.12  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income  
2276  Y18.29  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2277  Y18.21  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2278  Y18.28  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2279  Y18.23  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2280  Y18.20  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2281  Y18.24  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2282  Y18.22  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2283  Y18.39  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2284  Y18.31  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2285  Y18.38  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2286  Y18.33  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2287  Y18.30  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2288  Y18.34  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2289  Y18.32  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2290  Y18.49  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2291  Y18.41  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2292  Y18.48  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2293  Y18.43  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2294  Y18.40  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2295  Y18.44  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2296  Y18.42  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income  
2297  Y18.59  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2298  Y18.51  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2299  Y18.58  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2300  Y18.53  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2301  Y18.50  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2302  Y18.54  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2303  Y18.52  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2304  Y18.99  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2305  Y18.91  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2306  Y18.98  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2307  Y18.93  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2308  Y18.90  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2309  Y18.94  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2310  Y18.92  Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2320  D13.1  polip gaster / stomach  Neoplasma jinak perut
2321  D12.6  polip gastrointestinal  Neoplasma jinak usus besar, tidak spesifik
2322  M13.0  Poly arthritis  Poliartritis , tidak spesifik
2323  M35.3  Poly myalgia rheumatica  polymyalgia rheumatica
2324  G62.9  Poly neuropathy  Polineuropati , tidak spesifik
2325  M30.0  Polyarteritis nodosa  poliarteritis nodosa
2327  M30.1  Polyarteritis with lung involvement [Churg-Strauss]  Polyarteritis dengan keterlibatan paru [ Churg - Strauss ]
2329  M15.9  Polyarthrosis, unspecified  Polyarthrosis , tidak spesifik
2330  D89.0  Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia  Hypergammaglobulinaemia poliklonal
2331  Q61.2  Polycystic kidney, adult type  Ginjal polikistik , jenis dewasa
2332  Q61.1  Polycystic kidney, infantile type  Ginjal polikistik , tipe infantil
2333  Q61.3  Polycystic kidney, unspecified  Ginjal polikistik , tidak spesifik
2334  E28.2  Polycystic ovarian syndrome  Sindrom ovarium polikistik
2335  P61.1  Polycythaemia neonatorum  polisitemia neonatorum
2336  D45  POLYCYTHAEMIA VERA  polisitemia vera
2337  Q69  POLYDACTYLY  
2338  Q69.9  Polydektily  Polydactyly , tidak spesifik
2339  R63.1  Polydipsia  polidipsia
2341  E31.9  Polyglandular dysfunction, unspecified  Disfungsi Polyglandular , tidak spesifik
2342  E31.1  Polyglandular hyperfunction  Hyperfunction Polyglandular
2343  L56.4  Polymorphous light eruption  Letusan cahaya polimorf
2344  M33.2  Polymyositis  polymyositis
2345  G62.2  Polyneuropathy due to other toxic agents  Polineuropati karena agen beracun lainnya
2347  G63.3  Polyneuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases (E00-E07+, E15-E16+, E20-E34+, E70-E89+)  Polineuropati pada penyakit endokrin dan metabolik lainnya
2348  G63.0  Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere  Polineuropati dalam penyakit infeksi dan parasit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2349  G63.1  Polyneuropathy in neoplastic disease (C00-D48+)  Polineuropati pada penyakit neoplastik
2350  G63.4  Polyneuropathy in nutritional deficiency (E40-E64+)  Polineuropati defisiensi gizi
2351  G63.8  Polyneuropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere  Polineuropati pada penyakit lain yang diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2352  G63.6  Polyneuropathy in other musculoskeletal disorders (M00-M25+, M40-M96+)  Polineuropati pada gangguan muskuloskeletal lainnya
2353  G63.5  Polyneuropathy in systemic connective tissue disorders (M30-M35+)  Polineuropati pada gangguan jaringan ikat sistemik
2354  Q78.1  Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia  Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
2355  N84.0  Polyp endumetrium  Polip korpus uteri
2356  N84.1  Polyp of cervix  Polip serviks uteri dari
2358  N84.9  Polyp of female genital tract, unspecified  Polip dari saluran kelamin perempuan , tidak spesifik
2359  H74.4  Polyp of middle ear  Polip dari telinga tengah
2360  N84.8  Polyp of other parts of female genital tract  Polip dari bagian lain dari saluran kelamin wanita
2361  N84.2  Polyp of vagina  Polip vagina
2362  J38.1  Polyp of vocal cord and larynx  Polip dari pita suara dan laring
2363  N84.3  Polyp of vulva  Polip dari vulva
2364  R63.2  Polyphagia  polifagia
2365  J33.1  Polypoid sinus degeneration  Degenerasi sinus polypoid
2366  Q70.4  Polysyndactyly  Polysyndactyly
2367  L68.3  Polytrichia  Polytrichia
2368  R35  POLYURIA  poliuria
2369  E80.1  Porphyria cutanea tarda  Porfiria kutanea tarda
2370  K76.6  Portal hipertensi  Hipertensi portal
2371  I81  PORTAL VEIN THROMBOSIS  Trombosis vena porta
2372  Q26.6  Portal vein-hepatic artery fistula  Portal vena - hepatik fistula arteri
2373  F07.2  Post concusional syndrome  sindrom postconcussional
2374  Z98.8  post op apendictomy / strumectomy  Negara pascaoperasi tertentu lainnya
2375  O34.8  post veginal repair  Perawatan ibu untuk kelainan lain organ panggul
2376  F20.4  Post-schizophrenic depression  Depresi pasca - skizofrenia
2377  P08.2  Post-term infant, not heavy for gestational age  Bayi jangka Post, tidak berat untuk usia kehamilan
2378  M18.2  Post-traumatic arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joints, bilateral  Arthrosis pasca -trauma sendi carpometacarpal pertama , bilateral
2379  M19.17  Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints, ankle and foot  
2380  M19.13  Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints, forearm  
2381  M19.14  Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints, hand  
2382  M19.18  Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints, other site  
2383  M19.11  Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints, shoulder region  
2384  M19.19  Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints, site unspecified  
2385  M19.12  Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints, upper arm  
2386  M16.4  Post-traumatic coxarthrosis, bilateral  Coxarthrosis pasca -trauma , bilateral
2387  M17.2  Post-traumatic gonarthrosis, bilateral  Gonarthrosis pasca -trauma , bilateral
2388  G91.3  Post-traumatic hydrocephalus, unspecified  Hidrosefalus pasca -trauma , tidak spesifik
2389  N35.0  Post-traumatic urethral stricture  Post-traumatic striktur uretra
2390  I97.0  Postcardiotomy syndrome  Sindrom Postcardiotomy
2391  K91.5  Postcholecystectomy syndrome  Sindrom Postcholecystectomy
2392  M02.17  Postdysenteric arthropathy, ankle and foot  
2393  M02.13  Postdysenteric arthropathy, forearm  
2394  M02.14  Postdysenteric arthropathy, hand  
2395  M02.16  Postdysenteric arthropathy, lower leg  
2396  M02.10  Postdysenteric arthropathy, multiple sites  
2397  M02.18  Postdysenteric arthropathy, other site  
2398  M02.15  Postdysenteric arthropathy, pelvic region and thigh  
2399  M02.11  Postdysenteric arthropathy, shoulder region  
2400  M02.19  Postdysenteric arthropathy, site unspecified  
2401  M02.12  Postdysenteric arthropathy, upper arm  
2402  G21.3  Postencephalitic parkinsonism  Parkinsonisme Postencephalitic
2403  F07.1  Postencephalitic syndrome  sindrom Postencephalitic
2404  G46.2  Posterior cerebral artery syndrome (I66.2+)  Posterior sindrom arteri serebral
2405  H30.2  Posterior cyclitis  Posterior cyclitis
2406  K03.7  Posteruptive colour changes of dental hard tissues  Perubahan warna pascaletusan jaringan keras gigi
2407  K91.1  Postgastric surgery syndromes  Sindrom operasi Postgastric
2408  M02.27  Postimmunisation arthropathy, ankle and foot  
2409  M02.23  Postimmunisation arthropathy, forearm  
2410  M02.24  Postimmunisation arthropathy, hand  
2411  M02.26  Postimmunisation arthropathy, lower leg  
2412  M02.20  Postimmunisation arthropathy, multiple sites  
2413  M02.28  Postimmunisation arthropathy, other site  
2414  M02.25  Postimmunisation arthropathy, pelvic region and thigh  
2415  M02.21  Postimmunisation arthropathy, shoulder region  
2416  M02.29  Postimmunisation arthropathy, site unspecified  
2417  M02.22  Postimmunisation arthropathy, upper arm  
2419  E03.3  Postinfectious hypothyroidism  Hipotiroidisme postinfectious
2420  M03.17  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, ankle and foot  
2421  M03.13  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, forearm  
2422  M03.14  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, hand  
2423  M03.16  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, lower leg  
2424  M03.10  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, multiple sites  
2425  M03.18  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, other site  
2426  M03.15  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, pelvic region and thigh  
2427  M03.11  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, shoulder region  
2428  M03.19  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, site unspecified  
2429  M03.12  Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis, upper arm  
2430  N35.1  Postinfective urethral stricture, not elsewhere classified  Postinfective striktur uretra , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2431  L81.0  Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation  Hiperpigmentasi pasca
2432  M96.3  Postlaminectomy kyphosis  kyphosis Postlaminectomy
2433  M96.1  Postlaminectomy syndrome, not elsewhere classified  Sindrom Postlaminectomy , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2434  I97.2  Postmastectomy lymphoedema syndrome  Sindrom pascamastektomi lymphoedema
2435  M03.07  Postmeningococcal arthritis, ankle and foot (A39.8+)  
2436  M03.03  Postmeningococcal arthritis, forearm (A39.8+)  
2437  M03.04  Postmeningococcal arthritis, hand (A39.8+)  
2438  M03.06  Postmeningococcal arthritis, lower leg (A39.8+)  
2439  M03.00  Postmeningococcal arthritis, multiple sites (A39.8+)  
2440  M03.08  Postmeningococcal arthritis, other site (A39.8+)  
2441  M03.05  Postmeningococcal arthritis, pelvic region and thigh (A39.8+)  
2442  M03.01  Postmeningococcal arthritis, shoulder region (A39.8+)  
2443  M03.09  Postmeningococcal arthritis, site unspecified (A39.8+)  
2444  M03.02  Postmeningococcal arthritis, upper arm (A39.8+)  
2445  N95.2  Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis  Pascamenopause vaginitis atrofi
2446  M80.07  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, ankle and foot  
2447  M80.03  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, forearm  
2448  M80.04  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, hand  
2449  M80.06  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, lower leg  
2450  M80.00  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, multiple sites  
2451  M80.08  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, other site  
2452  M80.05  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, pelvic region and thigh  
2453  M80.01  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, shoulder region  
2454  M80.09  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, site unspecified  
2455  M80.02  Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture, upper arm  
2456  M81.07  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, ankle and foot  
2457  M81.03  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, forearm  
2458  M81.04  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, hand  
2459  M81.06  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, lower leg  
2460  M81.00  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, multiple sites  
2461  M81.08  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, other site  
2462  M81.05  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, pelvic region and thigh  
2463  M81.01  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, shoulder region  
2464  M81.09  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, site unspecified  
2465  M81.02  Postmenopausal osteoporosis, upper arm  
2466  M80.17  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, ankle and foot  
2467  M80.13  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, forearm  
2468  M80.14  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, hand  
2469  M80.16  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, lower leg  
2470  M80.10  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, multiple sites  
2471  M80.18  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, other site  
2472  M80.15  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, pelvic region and thigh  
2473  M80.11  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, shoulder region  
2474  M80.19  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, site unspecified  
2475  M80.12  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture, upper arm  
2476  M81.17  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, ankle and foot  
2477  M81.13  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, forearm  
2478  M81.14  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, hand  
2479  M81.16  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, lower leg  
2480  M81.10  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, multiple sites  
2481  M81.18  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, other site  
2482  M81.15  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, pelvic region and thigh  
2483  M81.11  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, shoulder region  
2484  M81.19  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, site unspecified  
2485  M81.12  Postoophorectomy osteoporosis, upper arm  
2486  O90.4  Postpartum acute renal failure  Postpartum gagal ginjal akut
2487  O72.3  Postpartum coagulation defects  Postpartum cacat koagulasi
2488  O90.5  Postpartum thyroiditis  postpartum tiroiditis
2489  I87.0  Postphlebitic syndrome  Sindrom pascaflebitis
2490  N99.2  Postprocedural adhesions of vagina  Adhesi pascaoperasi vagina
2491  E89.6  Postprocedural adrenocortical(-medullary) hypofunction  Adrenocortical postprocedural ( medula ) hypofunction
2495  I97.9  Postprocedural disorder of circulatory system, unspecified  Gangguan postprocedural sistem peredaran darah , tidak spesifik
2496  K91.9  Postprocedural disorder of digestive system, unspecified  Gangguan postprocedural sistem pencernaan , tidak spesifik
2497  H95.9  Postprocedural disorder of ear and mastoid process, unspecified  Gangguan postprocedural telinga dan proses mastoid , tidak spesifik
2498  H59.9  Postprocedural disorder of eye and adnexa, unspecified  Gangguan postprocedural mata dan adneksa , tidak spesifik
2499  N99.9  Postprocedural disorder of genitourinary system, unspecified  Gangguan postprocedural sistem genitourinari , tidak spesifik
2500  G97.9  Postprocedural disorder of nervous system, unspecified  Gangguan postprocedural dari sistem saraf , tidak spesifik
2503  E89.9  Postprocedural endocrine and metabolic disorder, unspecified  Endokrin postprocedural dan gangguan metabolisme , tidak spesifik
2504  E89.1  Postprocedural hypoinsulinaemia  Hipoinsulinaemia postprocedural
2505  E89.2  Postprocedural hypoparathyroidism  Hipoparatiroidisme postprocedural
2506  E89.3  Postprocedural hypopituitarism  Hipopituitarisme postprocedural
2507  E89.0  Postprocedural hypothyroidism  Hipotiroidisme postprocedural
2508  K91.3  Postprocedural intestinal obstruction  Obstruksi usus pascaoperasi
2509  M96.4  Postprocedural lordosis  lordosis pascaoperasi
2510  K91.2  Postprocedural malabsorption, not elsewhere classified  Malabsorpsi pascaoperasi , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2512  M96.9  Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorder, unspecified  Gangguan muskuloskeletal postprocedural , tidak spesifik
2513  E89.4  Postprocedural ovarian failure  Kegagalan ovarium postprocedural
2514  N99.4  Postprocedural pelvic peritoneal adhesions  Postprocedural adhesi peritoneal panggul
2515  N99.0  Postprocedural renal failure  Gagal ginjal postprocedural
2517  J95.9  Postprocedural respiratory disorder, unspecified  Gangguan pernapasan postprocedural , tidak spesifik
2518  J95.5  Postprocedural subglottic stenosis  Postprocedural stenosis subglotis
2519  E89.5  Postprocedural testicular hypofunction  Postprocedural hipofungsi testis
2520  N99.1  Postprocedural urethral stricture  Postprocedural striktur uretra
2521  M96.2  Postradiation kyphosis  kyphosis postradiasi
2522  M96.5  Postradiation scoliosis  postradiasi scoliosis
2523  M80.37  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, ankle and foot  
2524  M80.33  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, forearm  
2525  M80.34  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, hand  
2526  M80.36  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, lower leg  
2527  M80.30  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, multiple sites  
2528  M80.38  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, other site  
2529  M80.35  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, pelvic region and thigh  
2530  M80.31  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, shoulder region  
2531  M80.39  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, site unspecified  
2532  M80.32  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture, upper arm  
2533  M81.37  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, ankle and foot  
2534  M81.33  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, forearm  
2535  M81.34  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, hand  
2536  M81.36  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, lower leg  
2537  M81.30  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, multiple sites  
2538  M81.38  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, other site  
2539  M81.35  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, pelvic region and thigh  
2540  M81.31  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, shoulder region  
2541  M81.39  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, site unspecified  
2542  M81.32  Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis, upper arm  
2543  M40.02  Postural kyphosis, cervical region  
2544  M40.03  Postural kyphosis, cervicothoracic region  
2545  M40.06  Postural kyphosis, lumbar region  
2546  M40.07  Postural kyphosis, lumbosacral region  
2547  M40.00  Postural kyphosis, multiple sites in spine  
2548  M40.01  Postural kyphosis, occipito-atlanto-axial region  
2549  M40.08  Postural kyphosis, sacral and sacrococcygeal region  
2550  M40.09  Postural kyphosis, site unspecified  
2551  M40.04  Postural kyphosis, thoracic region  
2552  M40.05  Postural kyphosis, thoracolumbar region  
2553  G93.3  Postviral fatigue syndrome  Sindrom kelelahan postviral
2554  G53.0  Postzoster neuralgia (B02.2+)  Postzoster neuralgia
2555  Q60.6  Potters syndrome  sindrom Potters
2556  O14.1  pre eklamsia berat  Parah pre - eklampsia
2557  O14.9  pre eklamsia ringan  Pre - eklampsia , tidak spesifik
2558  Z02.1  Pre-employment examination  Pemeriksaan pra-kerja
2559  I45.6  Pre-excitation syndrome  Sindrom pra - eksitasi
2560  O24.2  Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, other specified type, in pregnancy  Diabetes mellitus - malnutrisi terkait yang sudah ada
2561  O24.0  Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, Type 1, in pregnancy  Diabetes mellitus yang sudah ada , insulin - dependent
2562  O24.1  Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, Type 2, in pregnancy  Diabetes mellitus yang sudah ada , non - insulin -dependent
2563  O24.3  Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified, in pregnancy  Diabetes mellitus yang sudah ada , tidak spesifik
2564  O10.0  Pre-existing essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium  Pra- ada kehamilan penting hipertensi komplikasi, persalinan dan masa nifas
2565  O11  PRE-EXISTING HYPERTENSIVE DIS  Gangguan hipertensi yang sudah ada dengan proteinuria melapis
2566  O10.3  Pre-existing hypertensive heart and renal disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium  Jantung hipertensi yang sudah ada sebelumnya dan penyakit ginjal komplikasi kehamilan , persalinan dan masa nifas
2567  O10.1  Pre-existing hypertensive heart disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium  Pra- ada penyakit jantung hipertensi komplikasi kehamilan , persalinan dan masa nifas
2568  O10.2  Pre-existing hypertensive renal disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium  Penyakit ginjal hipertensi yang sudah ada komplikasi kehamilan , persalinan dan masa nifas
2569  O10.4  Pre-existing secondary hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium  Hipertensi sekunder yang sudah ada komplikasi kehamilan , persalinan dan masa nifas
2570  O62.3  Precipitate labour / partus kobrojal  memicu persalinan
2571  E30.1  Precocious puberty  Pubertas prekoks
2572  R07.2  Precordial pain  nyeri prekordial
2573  Y51.4  Predominantly a-adrenoreceptor agonists, not elsewhere classified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi agonis terutama alpha- adrenoreseptor , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2574  T44.4  Predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, not elsewhere classified  Keracunan oleh agonis terutama alpha- adrenoreseptor , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2575  Y51.5  Predominantly ¯-adrenoreceptor agonists, not elsewhere classified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi agonis beta - adrenoreseptor dominan , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2576  T44.5  Predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, not elsewhere classified  Keracunan oleh agonis beta - adrenoreseptor dominan , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2577  F42.1  Predominantly compulsive acts [obsessional rituals]  Terutama tindakan kompulsif [ ritual obsesif ]
2578  F42.0  Predominantly obsessional thoughts or ruminations  Terutama pikiran obsesif atau perenungan
2579  O26.2  Pregnancy care of habitual aborter  Perawatan kehamilan aborter kebiasaan
2580  Z32.1  Pregnancy confirmed  kehamilan dikonfirmasi
2582  Z32.0  Pregnancy, not (yet) confirmed  Kehamilan , tidak (belum ) dikonfirmasi
2583  P07.3  prematur bayi  Bayi prematur lainnya
2584  F52.4  Premature ejaculation  Ejakulasi dini
2585  O42.2  Premature rupture of membranes, labour delayed by therapy  Ketuban pecah dini , persalinan tertunda oleh terapi
2586  O42.1  Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labour after 24 hours  Ketuban pecah dini , awal persalinan setelah 24 jam
2587  O42.0  Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labour within 24 hours  Ketuban pecah dini , awal persalinan dalam waktu 24 jam
2588  O45.0  Premature separation of placenta with coagulation defect  Pemisahan prematur plasenta dengan cacat koagulasi
2589  O45.9  Premature separation of placenta, unspecified  Pemisahan prematur plasenta , tidak spesifik
2590  N94.3  Premenstrual tension syndrome  Sindrom Premenstrual tension
2591  Z49.0  Preparatory care for dialysis  Perawatan Persiapan dialisis
2592  Z51.4  Preparatory care for subsequent treatment, not elsewhere classified  Perawatan persiapan untuk pengobatan selanjutnya , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2593  M70.4  Prepatellar bursitis  bursitis Prepatellar
2594  H91.1  Presbycusis  Presbikusis
2595  H52.4  Presbyopia  Presbiopia
2596  Z97.5  Presence of (intrauterine) contraceptive device  Kehadiran ( intrauterine ) alat kontrasepsi
2597  Y90.9  Presence of alcohol in blood, level not specified  Kehadiran alkohol dalam darah , tingkat tidak spesifik
2598  Z95.1  Presence of aortocoronary bypass graft  Kehadiran aortocoronary graft bypass
2599  Z97.0  Presence of artificial eye  Kehadiran mata buatan
2600  Z96.3  Presence of artificial larynx  Kehadiran laring buatan
2601  Z97.1  Presence of artificial limb (complete)(partial)  Kehadiran anggota badan buatan (lengkap ) ( parsial )
2603  Z95.9  Presence of cardiac and vascular implant and graft, unspecified  Kehadiran implan jantung dan pembuluh darah dan korupsi , tidak spesifik
2604  Z95.0  Presence of cardiac device  Kehadiran alat pacu jantung
2605  Z98.2  Presence of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device  Kehadiran perangkat drainase cairan serebrospinal
2606  Z95.5  Presence of coronary angioplasty implant and graft  Kehadiran implan angioplasti koroner dan graft
2607  Z97.2  Presence of dental prosthetic device (complete)(partial)  Kehadiran perangkat prostetik gigi (lengkap ) ( parsial )
2608  Z96.4  Presence of endocrine implants  Kehadiran endokrin implan
2609  Z97.4  Presence of external hearing-aid  Kehadiran alat bantu dengar eksternal
2610  Z96.9  Presence of functional implant, unspecified  Kehadiran implan fungsional , tidak spesifik
2611  Z96.1  Presence of intraocular lens  Kehadiran lensa intraokular
2612  Z96.6  Presence of orthopaedic joint implant  Kehadiran implan ortopedi bersama
2613  Z96.7  Presence of other bone and tendon implants  Kehadiran tulang dan tendon lainnya implan
2614  Z95.8  Presence of other cardiac and vascular implants and grafts  Kehadiran implan jantung dan pembuluh darah lainnya dan cangkok
2617  Z95.4  Presence of other heart-valve replacement  Kehadiran pengganti jantung - katup lainnya
2618  Z97.8  Presence of other specified devices  Kehadiran perangkat tertentu lainnya
2619  Z96.8  Presence of other specified functional implants  Kehadiran implan fungsional lainnya yang spesifik
2620  Z96.2  Presence of otological and audiological implants  Kehadiran implan otological dan audiologi
2621  Z95.2  Presence of prosthetic heart valve  Kehadiran katup jantung prostetik
2622  Z97.3  Presence of spectacles and contact lenses  Kehadiran kacamata dan lensa kontak
2623  Z96.5  Presence of tooth-root and mandibular implants  Kehadiran gigi - akar dan mandibular implan
2624  Z96.0  Presence of urogenital implants  Kehadiran implan urogenital
2625  Z95.3  Presence of xenogenic heart valve  Kehadiran katup jantung xenogenic
2626  N48.3  Priapism  priapisme
2627  Y43.9  Primarily systemic agent, unspecified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi agen terutama sistemik , tidak spesifik
2629  T45.9  Primarily systemic and haematological agent, unspecified  Keracunan oleh terutama sistemik dan agen hematologis , tidak spesifik
2630  E27.1  Primary adrenocortical insufficiency  Insufisiensi adrenocortical primer
2631  A51.1  Primary anal syphilis  Sifilis anal Primer
2632  M18.0  Primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joints, bilateral  Arthrosis utama dari sendi carpometacarpal pertama , bilateral
2633  M19.07  Primary arthrosis of other joints, ankle and foot  
2634  M19.03  Primary arthrosis of other joints, forearm  
2635  M19.04  Primary arthrosis of other joints, hand  
2636  M19.08  Primary arthrosis of other joints, other site  
2637  M19.01  Primary arthrosis of other joints, shoulder region  
2638  M19.09  Primary arthrosis of other joints, site unspecified  
2639  M19.02  Primary arthrosis of other joints, upper arm  
2640  P28.0  Primary atelectasis of newborn  Atelektasis utama bayi baru lahir
2641  K74.3  Primary biliary cirrhosis  Primary biliary cirrhosis
2642  M16.0  Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral  Coxarthrosis primer , bilateral
2643  G71.9  Primary disorder of muscle, unspecified  Gangguan primer otot , tidak spesifik
2645  N94.4  Primary dysmenorrhoea  dismenorea primer
2646  A51.0  Primary genital syphilis  Sifilis genital primer
2647  M17.0  Primary gonarthrosis, bilateral  Gonarthrosis primer , bilateral
2648  E26.0  Primary hyperaldosteronism  hiperaldosteronisme primer
2649  E21.0  Primary hyperparathyroidism  Hiperparatiroidisme primer
2650  O62.0  Primary inadequate contractions  Kontraksi tidak memadai Primer
2651  A67.0  Primary lesions of pinta  Lesi primer pinta
2652  E28.3  Primary ovarian failure  Kegagalan ovarium primer
2653  I27.0  Primary pulmonary hypertension  Hipertensi pulmonal primer
2654  A16.7  Primary respiratory tuberculosis without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation  TBC pernafasan primer tanpa adanya konfirmasi bakteriologis atau histologis
2655  A15.7  Primary respiratory tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically  TBC pernafasan primer , dikonfirmasi secara bakteriologis dan histologis
2656  P28.3  Primary sleep apnoea of newborn  Apnea tidur primer pada bayi baru lahir
2657  A51.2  Primary syphilis of other sites  Sifilis primer dari situs lain
2658  Z74.9  Problem related to care-provider dependency, unspecified  Masalah yang berkaitan ketergantungan peduli - provider , tidak spesifik
2659  Z55.9  Problem related to education and literacy, unspecified  Masalah yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan dan melek huruf , tidak spesifik
2660  Z59.9  Problem related to housing and economic circumstances, unspecified  Masalah yang berkaitan dengan perumahan dan keadaan ekonomi , tidak spesifik
2661  Z73.9  Problem related to life-management difficulty, unspecified  Masalah yang berkaitan dengan kesulitan hidup - manajemen , tidak spesifik
2662  Z72.9  Problem related to lifestyle, unspecified  Masalah yang berkaitan dengan gaya hidup , tidak spesifik
2663  Z58.9  Problem related to physical environment, unspecified  Masalah yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan fisik , tidak spesifik
2664  Z63.9  Problem related to primary support group, unspecified  Masalah yang berkaitan dengan kelompok pendukung utama , tidak spesifik
2665  Z60.9  Problem related to social environment, unspecified  Masalah yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sosial , tidak spesifik
2666  Z65.9  Problem related to unspecified psychosocial circumstances  Masalah yang berkaitan dengan situasi psikososial yang tidak spesifik
2667  Z62.9  Problem related to upbringing, unspecified  Masalah yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan , tidak spesifik
2668  Z63.1  Problems in relationship with parents and in-laws  Masalah dalam hubungan dengan orang tua dan mertua
2669  Z63.0  Problems in relationship with spouse or partner  Masalah dalam hubungan dengan pasangan atau pasangan
2670  Z60.0  Problems of adjustment to life-cycle transitions  Masalah penyesuaian transisi siklus hidup
2675  Z61.6  Problems related to alleged physical abuse of child  Masalah yang terkait dengan dugaan penganiayaan fisik anak
2676  Z61.5  Problems related to alleged sexual abuse of child by person outside primary support group  Masalah yang terkait dengan dugaan pelecehan seksual terhadap anak yang dilakukan oleh orang di luar kelompok pendukung utama
2677  Z61.4  Problems related to alleged sexual abuse of child by person within primary support group  Masalah yang terkait dengan dugaan pelecehan seksual terhadap anak yang dilakukan oleh orang dalam kelompok dukungan utama
2681  Z58.0  Problems related to exposure to noise  Paparan kebisingan
2685  Z59.3  Problems related to living in residential institution  Masalah yang terkait dengan hidup di lembaga perumahan
2687  Z65.3  Problems related to other legal circumstances  Masalah yang terkait dengan keadaan hukum lainnya
2688  Z65.2  Problems related to release from prison  Masalah yang terkait untuk melepaskan dari penjara
2690  Z64.0  Problems related to unwanted pregnancy  Masalah yang terkait dengan kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan
2691  Z41.9  Procedure for purposes other than remedying health state, unspecified  Prosedur untuk tujuan selain menanggulangi keadaan kesehatan , tidak spesifik
2692  Z53.0  Procedure not carried out because of contraindication  Prosedur tidak dilakukan karena kontraindikasi
2693  Z53.2  Procedure not carried out because of patients decision for other and unspecified reasons  Prosedur tidak dilakukan karena pasien keputusan untuk alasan lain dan tidak spesifik
2694  Z53.1  Procedure not carried out because of patients decision for reasons of belief and group pressure  Prosedur tidak dilakukan karena pasien keputusan untuk alasan keyakinan dan tekanan kelompok
2695  Z53.8  Procedure not carried out for other reasons  Prosedur tidak dilakukan karena alasan lain
2696  Z53.9  Procedure not carried out, unspecified reason  Prosedur tidak dilakukan , alasan yang tidak spesifik
2698  Z31.4  Procreative investigation and testing  Investigasi prokreasi dan pengujian
2700  Z31.9  Procreative management, unspecified  Manajemen prokreasi , tidak spesifik
2702  F73.0  Profound mental retardation with the statement of no, or minimal, impairment of behaviour  Keterbelakangan mental yang mendalam dengan pernyataan tidak, atau minimal, gangguan perilaku
2703  F73.9  Profound mental retardation without mention of impairment of behaviour  Keterbelakangan mental yang mendalam tanpa menyebutkan gangguan perilaku
2704  F73.8  Profound mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour  Keterbelakangan mental yang mendalam , gangguan perilaku lainnya
2705  F73.1  Profound mental retardation, significant impairment of behaviour requiring attention or treatment  Keterbelakangan mental yang mendalam , penurunan yang signifikan dari perilaku yang membutuhkan perhatian atau pengobatan
2706  Q78.3  Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia  Diaphyseal displasia progresif
2707  H49.4  Progressive external ophthalmoplegia  Oftalmoplegia eksternal progresif
2708  A81.2  Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy  Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
2709  G23.1  Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia [Steele-Richardson-Olszewski]  Supranuclear progresif ophthalmoplegia [ Steele - Richardson - Olszewski ]
2710  M34.0  Progressive systemic sclerosis  Sclerosis sistemik progresif
2711  I67.3  Progressive vascular leukoencephalopathy  Leukoencephalopathy vaskular progresif
2712  K62.8  proktitis  Penyakit tertentu lainnya dari anus dan rektum
2714  K62.9  prolaps anus  Penyakit anus dan rektum , tidak spesifik
2715  T85.3  prolaps mata  Komplikasi mekanik lainnya okular perangkat palsu , implan dan cangkok
2716  O34.5  prolaps tali pusat  Perawatan ibu untuk kelainan lain dari uterus gravid
2717  N83.4  Prolapse and hernia of ovary and fallopian tube  Prolaps dan hernia tabung ovarium dan tuba
2718  N99.3  Prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy  Prolaps kubah vagina setelah histerektomi
2719  N36.3  Prolapsed urethral mucosa  Prolaps uretra mukosa
2720  X52  PROLONGED STAY IN WEIGHTLESS  Lama tinggal di lingkungan tanpa bobot sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
2721  X52.79  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, farm, during unspecified activity  
2722  X52.71  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
2723  X52.78  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
2724  X52.73  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
2725  X52.70  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
2726  X52.74  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2727  X52.72  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, farm, while working for an income  
2728  X52.09  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, home, during unspecified activity  
2729  X52.01  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
2730  X52.08  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
2731  X52.03  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, home, while engaged in other types of work  
2732  X52.00  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, home, while engaged in sports activity  
2733  X52.04  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2734  X52.02  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, home, while working for an income  
2735  X52.69  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
2736  X52.61  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2737  X52.68  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2738  X52.63  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
2739  X52.60  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
2740  X52.64  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2741  X52.62  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
2742  X52.89  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
2743  X52.81  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
2744  X52.88  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
2745  X52.83  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
2746  X52.80  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
2747  X52.84  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2748  X52.82  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, other specified places, while working for an income  
2749  X52.19  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
2750  X52.11  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
2751  X52.18  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
2752  X52.13  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
2753  X52.10  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
2754  X52.14  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2755  X52.12  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, residential institution, while working for an income  
2756  X52.29  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
2757  X52.21  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2758  X52.28  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2759  X52.23  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
2760  X52.20  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
2761  X52.24  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2762  X52.22  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
2763  X52.39  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
2764  X52.31  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2765  X52.38  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2766  X52.33  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
2767  X52.30  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
2768  X52.34  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2769  X52.32  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
2770  X52.49  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
2771  X52.41  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
2772  X52.48  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
2773  X52.43  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
2774  X52.40  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
2775  X52.44  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2776  X52.42  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, street and highway, while working for an income  
2777  X52.59  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
2778  X52.51  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
2779  X52.58  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
2780  X52.53  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
2781  X52.50  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
2782  X52.54  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2783  X52.52  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, trade and service area, while working for an income  
2784  X52.99  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
2785  X52.91  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
2786  X52.98  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
2787  X52.93  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
2788  X52.90  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
2789  X52.94  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
2790  X52.92  Prolonged stay in weightless environment, unspecified place, while working for an income  
2791  C91.3  Prolymphocytic leukaemia  Leukemia Prolymphocytic
2792  Q17.5  Prominent ear  telinga menonjol
2793  Z29.1  Prophylactic immunotherapy  immunotherapy profilaksis
2794  Z29.9  Prophylactic measure, unspecified  Tindakan pencegahan , tidak spesifik
2796  Z40.0  Prophylactic surgery for risk-factors related to malignant neoplasms  Operasi profilaksis untuk risiko - faktor yang berhubungan dengan neoplasma ganas
2797  Z40.8  Prophylactic surgery for risk-factors related to malignant neoplasms, Other prophylactic surgery  Operasi profilaksis lainnya
2798  Z40.9  Prophylactic surgery, unspecified  Operasi profilaksis , tidak spesifik
2799  Y45.2  Propionic acid derivatives causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi turunan asam propionat
2800  N41.3  Prostatocystitis  Prostatocystitis
2801  N41.9  protatitis / prostatitis  Penyakit radang prostat , tidak spesifik
2802  D53.0  Protein deficiency anaemia  Anemia defisiensi Protein
2804  B96.4  Proteus (mirabilis)(morganii) as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters  Proteus ( mirabilis ) ( morganii ) sebagai penyebab penyakit diklasifikasikan ke bab lain
2805  O98.6  Protozoal diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium  Penyakit protozoa komplikasi kehamilan , persalinan dan masa nifas
2806  A07.9  Protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified  Penyakit usus oleh protozoa , tidak spesifik
2807  Y59.2  Protozoal vaccines causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi vaksin protozoa
2808  M24.7  Protrusio acetabuli  Protrusio acetabuli
2809  Q79.4  Prune belly syndrome  Pangkas sindrom perut
2810  L28.1  Prurigo nodularis  Prurigo nodularis
2811  L29  PRURITUS  
2812  L29.0  Pruritus ani  Pruritus ani
2813  L29.1  Pruritus scroti  Pruritus scroti
2814  L29.2  Pruritus vulvae  Pruritus vulva
2815  L29.9  Pruritus, unspecified  Pruritus , tidak spesifik
2816  M96.0  Pseudarthrosis after fusion or arthrodesis  Pseudarthrosis setelah fusi atau arthrodesis
2817  M91.3  Pseudocoxalgia  Pseudocoxalgia
2818  K86.3  Pseudocyst of pancreas  Pseudokista pankreas
2819  L73.1  Pseudofolliculitis barbae  Pseudofolliculitis barbae
2820  Q56.3  Pseudohermaphroditism, unspecified  Pseudohermafroditisme , tidak spesifik
2821  E20.1  Pseudohypoparathyroidism  Pseudohipoparatiroidisme
2822  B96.5  Pseudomonas (aeruginosa)(Burkholderia pseudomallei) (mallei) as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters  Pseudomonas ( aeruginosa ) ( mallei ) ( pseudomallei ) sebagai penyebab penyakit diklasifikasikan ke bab lain
2823  L66.0  Pseudopelade  Pseudopelade
2824  K51.4  Pseudopolyposis of colon  Pseudopolyposis usus
2825  M72.47  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, ankle and foot  
2826  M72.43  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, forearm  
2827  M72.44  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, hand  
2828  M72.46  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, lower leg  
2829  M72.40  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, multiple sites  
2830  M72.48  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, other site  
2831  M72.45  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, pelvic region and thigh  
2832  M72.41  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, shoulder region  
2833  M72.49  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, site unspecified  
2834  M72.42  Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis, upper arm  
2835  M76.1  Psoas tendinitis  psoas tendinitis
2836  L40  PSORIASIS  
2839  L40.0  Psoriasis vulgaris / vulgenis  Psoriasis vulgaris
2840  L40.9  Psoriasis, unspecified  Psoriasis , tidak spesifik
2841  M07.2  Psoriatic spondylitis (L40.5+)  Spondylitis Psoriatic
2842  H11.8  psudo pteregium  Gangguan tertentu lainnya konjungtiva
2844  Y49.6  Psychodysleptics [hallucinogens] causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi psychodysleptics [ halusinogen ]
2845  T74.3  Psychological abuse  pelecehan psikologis
2846  F54  PSYCHOLOGICAL&BEHAVI.FACTORS.  Faktor psikologis dan perilaku yang berhubungan dengan gangguan atau penyakit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2847  F66.9  Psychosexual development disorder, unspecified  Gangguan perkembangan psikoseksual , tidak spesifik
2848  T43.6  Psychostimulants with potential for use disorder  Keracunan oleh psikostimulan dengan potensi penyalahgunaan
2849  Y49.7  Psychostimulants with potential for use disorder causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi psikostimulan dengan potensi penyalahgunaan
2850  Z50.4  Psychotherapy, not elsewhere classified  Psikoterapi , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2851  T43.9  Psychotropic drug, unspecified  Keracunan oleh obat psikotropika , tidak spesifik
2852  Y49.9  Psychotropic drug, unspecified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi obat psikotropika , tidak spesifik
2854  H11.0  Pterygium / pteregium  Pterigium
2855  H02.4  Ptosis of eyelid / bulbi  Ptosis kelopak mata
2856  F53.9  Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified  Gangguan mental nifas, tidak spesifik
2857  M83.07  Puerperal osteomalacia, ankle and foot  
2858  M83.03  Puerperal osteomalacia, forearm  
2859  M83.04  Puerperal osteomalacia, hand  
2860  M83.06  Puerperal osteomalacia, lower leg  
2861  M83.00  Puerperal osteomalacia, multiple sites  
2862  M83.08  Puerperal osteomalacia, other site  
2863  M83.05  Puerperal osteomalacia, pelvic region and thigh  
2864  M83.01  Puerperal osteomalacia, shoulder region  
2865  M83.09  Puerperal osteomalacia, site unspecified  
2866  M83.02  Puerperal osteomalacia, upper arm  
2867  A42.0  Pulmonary actinomycosis  Actinomycosis paru
2868  A22.1  Pulmonary anthrax  Anthrax pada paru
2869  B40.2  Pulmonary blastomycosis, unspecified  Blastomycosis paru , tidak spesifik
2870  B37.1  Pulmonary candidiasis  Kandidiasis paru
2871  B38.2  Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspecified  Coccidioidomycosis paru , tidak spesifik
2872  O29.0  Pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy  Komplikasi paru anestesi selama kehamilan
2873  O89.0  Pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium  Komplikasi paru anestesi selama masa nifas
2874  B45.0  Pulmonary cryptococcosis  Kriptokokosis paru
2875  I26.0  Pulmonary embolism with mention of acute cor pulmonale  Emboli paru dengan menyebutkan cor pulmonale akut
2876  I26.9  Pulmonary embolism without mention of acute cor pulmonale  Emboli paru tanpa menyebutkan cor pulmonale akut
2877  J82  PULMONARY EOSINOPHILIA,NOT EL.  Eosinofilia paru , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2879  B39.2  Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified  Capsulati histoplasmosis paru , tidak spesifik
2880  Q24.3  Pulmonary infundibular stenosis  Pulmonary stenosis infundibular
2881  B46.0  Pulmonary mucormycosis  Mucormycosis paru
2882  A31.0  Pulmonary mycobacterial infection  Infeksi mikobakteri paru
2883  A43.0  Pulmonary nocardiosis  Nocardiosis paru
2884  B41.0  Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis  Paracoccidioidomycosis paru
2885  B42.0  Pulmonary sporotrichosis (J99.8*)  Sporotrichosis paru
2886  B58.3  Pulmonary toxoplasmosis (J17.3*)  Toksoplasmosis paru
2887  A21.2  Pulmonary tularaemia  Tularaemia paru
2888  Q22.0  Pulmonary valve atresia  Pulmonary valve atresia
2889  I37.9  Pulmonary valve disorder, unspecified  Gangguan katup pulmonal , tidak spesifik
2891  I39.3  Pulmonary valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere  Gangguan katup paru pada penyakit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2892  I37.1  Pulmonary valve insufficiency  Insufisiensi katup pulmonal
2893  I37.0  Pulmonary valve stenosis  Stenosis katup pulmonal
2894  I37.2  Pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency  Stenosis katup pulmonal dengan insufisiensi
2895  K04.2  Pulp degeneration  Pulp degenerasi
2896  K04.0  Pulpitis / hiperaemy pulpa / HP  Pulpitis
2897  H21.4  Pupillary membranes / secclusio  Gangguan lain dari membran pupil
2898  E78.1  Pure hyperglyceridaemia  Hyperglyceridaemia murni
2899  G46.5  Pure motor lacunar syndrome (I60-I67+)  Sindrom murni lacunar bermotor
2900  G46.6  Pure sensory lacunar syndrome (I60-I67+)  Pure sindrom lakunar sensorik
2901  D81.5  Purine nucleoside phosphorylase [PNP] deficiency  Purin nukleosida fosforilase [ PNP ] defisiensi
2903  L40.1  pustular psoriasis  Pustular psoriasis
2904  L40.3  Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris  Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris
2905  K31.3  Pylorospasm, not elsewhere classified  Pylorospasm , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2906  L08.0  Pyoderma  Pioderma
2907  L88  PYODERMA GANGRENOSUM  Pioderma gangrenosum
2909  M00.97  Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, ankle and foot  
2910  M00.93  Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, forearm  
2911  M00.94  Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, hand  
2912  M00.96  Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, lower leg  
2913  M00.98  Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, other site  
2914  M00.95  Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh  
2915  M00.91  Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, shoulder region  
2916  M00.99  Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, site unspecified  
2917  M00.92  Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, upper arm  
2918  L98.0  Pyogenic granuloma  Granuloma piogenik
2919  N13.6  Pyonephrosis / pyoneprosus  pionefrosis
2921  T39.2  Pyrazolone derivatives  Keracunan oleh turunan pirazolon
2922  O75.2  Pyrexia during labour, not elsewhere classified  Pireksia selama persalinan , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
2923  E53.1  Pyridoxine deficiency  Defisiensi pyridoxine