2      4           A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H      I      J      K      L      M      N      O      P      Q      R      S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z  
No Kode Deskripsi 1 Deskripsi 2
1  C84.2  T-zone lymphoma  Limfoma T - zone
3  R00.0  Tachycardia  Takikardia , tidak spesifik
4  B68.1  Taenia saginata taeniasis  Taenia saginata taeniasis
5  B68.0  Taenia solium taeniasis  Taenia solium taeniasis
7  B68.9  Taeniasis, unspecified  Taeniasis , tidak spesifik
8  P02.4  tali pusat menimbung  Janin dan bayi baru lahir yang terkena kabel prolaps
9  Q66.4  Talipes calcaneovalgus  talipes kalkaneovalgus
10  Q66.1  Talipes calcaneovarus  talipes calcaneovarus
11  Z60.5  Target of perceived adverse discrimination and persecution  Target diskriminasi yang merugikan dirasakan dan penganiayaan
12  G57.5  Tarsal tunnel syndrome  Tarsal tunnel syndrome
13  S83.3  Tear of articular cartilage of knee, current  Air mata tulang rawan artikular lutut , saat
14  S83.2  Tear of meniscus, current  Air mata meniskus , saat
15  K00.7  Teething syndrome  Tumbuh gigi sindrom
16  W44.00  telinga kemasukan biji / menelan uang logam  
17  L65.0  Telogen effluvium  Telogen effluvium
18  K07.6  Temporomandibular joint disorders  Gangguan sendi temporomandibular
19  W74  TENGGELAM / TERBENAM  Tidak disebutkan tenggelam dan perendaman
20  W70.00  tenggelam di sungai / kali  
21  G44.2  Tension type head ache  Nyeri kepala tipe tegang
22  P10.4  Tentorial tear due to birth injury  Tentorium sobek karena cedera kelahiran
23  X09  TERDEDAH ASAP , API & UAP  Paparan asap tidak spesifik , kebakaran dan api sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
24  P96.4  Termination of pregnancy, fetus and newborn  Penghentian kehamilan , janin dan bayi baru lahir
26  E29.9  Testicular dysfunction, unspecified  Disfungsi testis , tidak spesifik
27  E29.0  Testicular hyperfunction  Hyperfunction testis
28  E29.1  Testicular hypofunction  Hipofungsi testis
30  A35  TETANUS / CEPHALIC  Tetanus lainnya
31  A33  TETANUS NEONATORUM  Tetanus neonatorum
32  Y58.4  Tetanus vaccine causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi vaksin tetanus
33  R29.0  Tetany  tetani
34  T53.3  Tetrachloroethylene  Efek toksik dari tetrachlorethylene
35  T36.4  Tetracyclines  Keracunan oleh tetrasiklin
36  Y40.4  Tetracyclines causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi tetrasiklin
37  Q21.3  Tetralogy Fallot  Tetralogi of Fallot
38  G82.5  Tetraplegia, unspecified  Tetraplegia , tidak spesifik
39  D56.9  Thalassaemia / talasemia  Thalassaemia , tidak spesifik
40  D56.3  Thalassaemia trait  Thalassaemia trait
42  Q77.1  Thanatophoric short stature  Thanatophoric perawakan pendek
43  T41.5  Therapeutic gases  Keracunan oleh gas terapeutik
44  Y48.5  Therapeutic gases causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi gas terapeutik
45  E51.9  Thiamine deficiency, unspecified  Defisiensi tiamin , tidak spesifik
46  O70.2  Third degree perineal laceration during delivery  Derajat ketiga laserasi perineum saat melahirkan
47  H49.0  Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy  Ketiga [ oculomotor ] kelumpuhan saraf
48  I71.1  Thoracic aortic aneurysm, ruptured  Aneurisma aorta toraks , pecah
49  I71.2  Thoracic aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture  Aneurisma aorta toraks , tanpa menyebutkan pecah
50  G54.3  Thoracic root disorders, not elsewhere classified  Gangguan akar Thoracic , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
51  Q05.1  Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus  Thoracic spina bifida dengan hidrosefalus
52  Q05.6  Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus  Thoracic spina bifida tanpa hidrosefalus
53  I71.5  Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured  Aneurisma aorta Thoracoabdominal , pecah
54  I71.6  Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture  Aneurisma aorta Thoracoabdominal , tanpa menyebutkan pecah
55  M41.32  Thoracogenic scoliosis, cervical region  
56  M41.33  Thoracogenic scoliosis, cervicothoracic region  
57  M41.36  Thoracogenic scoliosis, lumbar region  
58  M41.37  Thoracogenic scoliosis, lumbosacral region  
59  M41.30  Thoracogenic scoliosis, multiple sites in spine  
60  M41.31  Thoracogenic scoliosis, occipito-atlanto-axial region  
61  M41.38  Thoracogenic scoliosis, sacral and sacrococcygeal region  
62  M41.39  Thoracogenic scoliosis, site unspecified  
63  M41.34  Thoracogenic scoliosis, thoracic region  
64  M41.35  Thoracogenic scoliosis, thoracolumbar region  
65  Z56.2  Threat of job loss  Ancaman kehilangan pekerjaan
66  W77  THREAT TO BREATH.DUE CAVE-IN,F  Ancaman bagi pernapasan karena gua -in , jatuh bumi dan zat lain
67  W77.79  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, farm, during unspecified activity  
68  W77.71  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
69  W77.78  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
70  W77.73  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
71  W77.70  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
72  W77.74  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
73  W77.72  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, farm, while working for an income  
74  W77.09  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, home, during unspecified activity  
75  W77.01  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
76  W77.08  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
77  W77.03  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, home, while engaged in other types of work  
78  W77.00  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, home, while engaged in sports activity  
79  W77.04  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
80  W77.02  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, home, while working for an income  
81  W77.69  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
82  W77.61  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
83  W77.68  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
84  W77.63  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
85  W77.60  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
86  W77.64  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
87  W77.62  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
88  W77.89  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
89  W77.81  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
90  W77.88  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
91  W77.83  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
92  W77.80  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
93  W77.84  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
94  W77.82  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, other specified places, while working for an income  
95  W77.19  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
96  W77.11  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
97  W77.18  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
98  W77.13  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
99  W77.10  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
100  W77.14  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
101  W77.12  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, residential institution, while working for an income  
102  W77.29  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
103  W77.21  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
104  W77.28  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
105  W77.23  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
106  W77.20  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
107  W77.24  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
108  W77.22  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
109  W77.39  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
110  W77.31  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
111  W77.38  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
112  W77.33  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
113  W77.30  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
114  W77.34  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
115  W77.32  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
116  W77.49  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
117  W77.41  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
118  W77.48  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
119  W77.43  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
120  W77.40  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
121  W77.44  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
122  W77.42  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, street and highway, while working for an income  
123  W77.59  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
124  W77.51  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
125  W77.58  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
126  W77.53  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
127  W77.50  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
128  W77.54  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
129  W77.52  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, trade and service area, while working for an income  
130  W77.99  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
131  W77.91  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
132  W77.98  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
133  W77.93  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
134  W77.90  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
135  W77.94  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
136  W77.92  Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances, unspecified place, while working for an income  
137  D69.6  Thrombocytopenia, unspecified  Trombositopenia , tidak spesifik
138  Y44.5  Thrombolytic drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi obat trombolitik
139  I82.1  Thrombophlebitis migrans  tromboflebitis migrans
140  I23.6  Thrombosis of atrium, auricular appendage, and ventricle as current complications following acute myocardial infarction  Trombosis atrium , embel-embel auricular , dan ventrikel sebagai komplikasi saat setelah infark miokard akut
141  M31.1  Thrombotic microangiopathy  mikroangiopati trombotik
142  O89.2  thyroglosal persistent / Central nervous complications anaesthesia puerperium  Central komplikasi sistem saraf anestesi selama masa nifas
143  E05.5  Thyroid crisis or storm  Thyroid krisis atau badai
144  T38.1  Thyroid hormones and substitutes  Keracunan oleh hormon tiroid dan pengganti
145  Y42.1  Thyroid hormones and substitutes causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi hormon tiroid dan pengganti
147  E06.9  Thyroiditis, unspecified  Tiroiditis , tidak spesifik
148  E05.4  Thyrotoxicosis factitia  Tirotoksikosis factitia
149  E05.3  Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid tissue  Tirotoksikosis dari jaringan tiroid ektopik
150  M76.4  Tibial collateral bursitis [Pellegrini-Stieda]  Tibialis agunan bursitis [ Pellegrini - Stieda ]
151  F95.9  Tic disorder, unspecified  Gangguan tic , tidak spesifik
153  A68.1  Tick-borne relapsing fever  Demam kambuh tick-borne
155  A84.9  Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified  Tick ??-borne ensefalitis virus , tidak spesifik
156  N89.6  Tight hymenal ring  Cincin himen ketat
157  T56.6  Tin and its compounds  Efek toksik timah dan senyawanya
158  B35.0  Tinea barbae and tinea capitis  Tinea barbae dan tinea capitis
159  B35.4  Tinea corporis  Tinea corporis
160  B35.6  Tinea cruris  Tinea cruris
161  B35.5  Tinea imbricata  Tinea imbricata
162  B35.2  Tinea manuum  Tinea manuum
163  B36.1  Tinea nigra  Tinea nigra
164  B35.3  Tinea pedis  Tinea pedis
165  B35.1  Tinea unguium  Tinea unguium
166  H93.1  Tinnitus  Tinnitus
167  T65.2  Tobacco and nicotine  Efek toksik tembakau dan nikotin
168  Z72.0  Tobacco use, current  penggunaan tembakau
169  B44.2  Tonsillar aspergillosis  Aspergillosis tonsil
170  T49.9  Topical agent, unspecified  Keracunan oleh agen topikal , tidak spesifik
171  Y56.9  Topical agent, unspecified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi agen topikal , tidak spesifik
173  N83.5  Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle and fallopian tube  Torsi ovarium , tangkai ovarium dan tuba fallopi
174  N44  TORSION OF TESTIS  Torsi testis
175  M43.6  Torticollis  tortikolis
176  H49.3  Total (external) ophthalmoplegia  Jumlah ( eksternal ) oftalmoplegia
177  Q26.2  Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection  Jumlah koneksi vena paru anomali
179  T64  TOXIC EFFECT OF AFLATOXIN & O.  Efek toksik aflatoksin dan kontaminan makanan mikotoksin lainnya
181  T58  TOXIC EFFECT OF CARBON MONOXID  Efek toksik dari karbon monoksida
182  T63.5  Toxic effect of contact with fish  Efek toksik kontak dengan ikan
183  T63.6  Toxic effect of contact with other marine animals  Efek toksik dari kontak dengan hewan laut lainnya
184  T63.8  Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals  Efek toksik kontak dengan binatang berbisa lainnya
185  T63.9  Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal  Efek toksik dari kontak dengan hewan berbisa yang tidak spesifik
192  T61.8  Toxic effect of other seafoods  Efek toksik dari makanan laut lainnya
193  T65.8  Toxic effect of other specified substances  Efek toksik zat tertentu lainnya
195  T61.9  Toxic effect of unspecified seafood  Efek toksik dari seafood yang tidak spesifik
196  T65.9  Toxic effect of unspecified substance  Efek toksik zat yang tidak spesifik
197  G92  TOXIC ENCEPHALOPATHY  Ensefalopati toksik
198  L51.2  Toxic epidermal necrolysis [Lyell]  Nekrolisis epidermal toksik [ Lyell ]
199  L53.0  Toxic erythema  Eritema beracun
200  K52.1  Toxic gastroenteritis and colitis  Gastroenteritis beracun dan kolitis
201  K71.2  Toxic liver disease with acute hepatitis  Penyakit hati toksik dengan hepatitis akut
202  K71.0  Toxic liver disease with cholestasis  Penyakit hati beracun dengan kolestasis
203  K71.5  Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis  Penyakit hati beracun dengan hepatitis kronis aktif
204  K71.4  Toxic liver disease with chronic lobular hepatitis  Penyakit hati beracun dengan hepatitis lobular kronis
205  K71.3  Toxic liver disease with chronic persistent hepatitis  Penyakit hati beracun dengan hepatitis kronis persisten
206  K71.7  Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver  Penyakit hati beracun dengan fibrosis dan sirosis hati
207  K71.1  Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis  Penyakit hati beracun dengan nekrosis hati
208  K71.6  Toxic liver disease with hepatitis, not elsewhere classified  Penyakit hati beracun dengan hepatitis , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
209  K71.8  Toxic liver disease with other disorders of liver  Penyakit hati beracun dengan gangguan lain hati
210  K71.9  Toxic liver disease, unspecified  Penyakit hati beracun , tidak spesifik
211  G70.1  Toxic myoneural disorders  Gangguan myoneural Toxic
212  N14.4  Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified  Nefropati toksik , tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
213  O74.4  Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during labour and delivery  Reaksi beracun untuk anestesi lokal selama persalinan dan melahirkan
214  O29.3  Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during pregnancy  Reaksi beracun untuk anestesi lokal selama kehamilan
215  O89.3  Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during the puerperium  Reaksi beracun untuk anestesi lokal selama masa nifas
216  A48.3  Toxic shock syndrome  Toxic shock syndrome
217  B58.1  Toxoplasma hepatitis (K77.0*)  Toxoplasma hepatitis
218  B58.2  Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis (G05.2*)  Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis
219  B58.0  Toxoplasma oculopathy  Toxoplasma oculopathy
221  B58.8  Toxoplasmosis with other organ involvement  Toksoplasmosis dengan keterlibatan organ lain
222  B58.9  Toxoplasmosis, unspecified  Toksoplasmosis , tidak spesifik
223  P26.0  Tracheobronchial haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period  Tracheobronchial perdarahan yang berasal dari periode perinatal
224  J95.0  Tracheostomy malfunction  Trakeostomi kerusakan
225  Z93.0  Tracheostomy status  Status trakeostomi
226  A71  TRACHOMA  
227  A71.9  Trachoma / tacom  Trachoma , tidak spesifik
228  H33.4  Traction detachment of retina  Traction detasemen retina
230  F44.3  Trance and possession disorders  Gangguan Trance dan kepemilikan
231  D51.2  Transcobalamin II deficiency  Kekurangan Transcobalamin II
233  L87.9  Transepidermal elimination disorder, unspecified  Gangguan transepidermal eliminasi , tidak spesifik
234  L11.1  Transient acantholytic dermatosis [Grover]  Transient dermatosis acantholytic [ Grover ]
235  D60.1  Transient acquired pure red cell aplasia  Transient diperoleh murni aplasia sel darah merah
237  G45.9  Transient cerebral ischaemic attack, unspecified  Serangan iskemik transient serebral , tidak spesifik
238  G45.4  Transient global amnesia  Transient global amnesia
239  D80.7  Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy  Hipogamaglobulinemia Transient bayi
240  P29.4  Transient myocardial ischaemia of newborn  Iskemia miokard transien pada bayi baru lahir
241  P61.5  Transient neonatal neutropenia  Transient neutropenia neonatal
242  P61.0  Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia  Transient trombositopenia neonatal
243  H34.0  Transient retinal artery occlusion  Oklusi arteri retina Transient
244  M67.37  Transient synovitis, ankle and foot  
245  M67.33  Transient synovitis, forearm  
246  M67.34  Transient synovitis, hand  
247  M67.36  Transient synovitis, lower leg  
248  M67.30  Transient synovitis, multiple sites  
249  M67.38  Transient synovitis, other site  
250  M67.35  Transient synovitis, pelvic region and thigh  
251  M67.31  Transient synovitis, shoulder region  
252  M67.39  Transient synovitis, site unspecified  
253  M67.32  Transient synovitis, upper arm  
254  P22.1  Transient tachypnoea of newborn  Takipnea transien bayi baru lahir
255  F95.0  Transient tic disorder  Gangguan tic Transient
257  P70.9  Transitory disorder of carbohydrate metabolism of fetus and newborn, unspecified  Gangguan metabolisme karbohidrat sementara janin dan bayi baru lahir , tidak spesifik
258  P76.1  Transitory ileus of newborn  Ileus sementara bayi baru lahir
259  P74.9  Transitory metabolic disturbance of newborn, unspecified  Gangguan metabolik sementara bayi baru lahir , tidak spesifik
260  P71.9  Transitory neonatal disorder of calcium and magnesium metabolism, unspecified  Gangguan neonatal sementara kalsium dan magnesium metabolisme , tidak spesifik
262  P72.9  Transitory neonatal endocrine disorder, unspecified  Gangguan endokrin neonatal sementara, tidak spesifik
263  P72.1  Transitory neonatal hyperthyroidism  Sementara hipertiroidisme neonatal
264  P71.4  Transitory neonatal hypoparathyroidism  Sementara hipoparatiroidisme neonatal
265  P74.5  Transitory tyrosinaemia of newborn  Tyrosinaemia sementara bayi baru lahir
267  Z94.9  Transplanted organ and tissue status, unspecified  Organ transplantasi dan status jaringan , tidak spesifik
268  F64.0  Transsexualism  Transseksualisme
269  S06.5  Traumatic / hematoma subdural haemorrhage  Trauma perdarahan subdural
270  S58.0  Traumatic amputation at elbow joint  Amputasi traumatik pada tingkat siku
271  S78.0  Traumatic amputation at hip joint  Amputasi traumatik pada sendi pinggul
272  S88.0  Traumatic amputation at knee joint  Amputasi traumatik pada tingkat lutut
273  S58.1  Traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist  Amputasi traumatik pada tingkat antara siku dan pergelangan tangan
274  S78.1  Traumatic amputation at level between hip and knee  Amputasi traumatik pada tingkat antara pinggul dan lutut
275  S88.1  Traumatic amputation at level between knee and ankle  Amputasi traumatik pada tingkat antara lutut dan pergelangan kaki
276  S48.1  Traumatic amputation at level between shoulder and elbow  Amputasi traumatik pada tingkat antara bahu dan siku
277  S18  TRAUMATIC AMPUTATION AT NECK L  Amputasi traumatik pada tingkat leher
278  S48.0  Traumatic amputation at shoulder joint  Amputasi traumatik pada sendi bahu
280  T05.2  Traumatic amputation of both arms [any level]  Amputasi traumatik dari kedua lengan [ tingkat manapun ]
281  T05.3  Traumatic amputation of both feet  Amputasi traumatik dari kedua kaki
282  T05.0  Traumatic amputation of both hands  Amputasi traumatik kedua tangan
283  T05.5  Traumatic amputation of both legs [any level]  Amputasi traumatik dari kedua kaki [ tingkat manapun ]
284  S08.1  Traumatic amputation of ear  Amputasi Trauma telinga
285  S38.2  Traumatic amputation of external genital organs  Amputasi Trauma organ genital eksternal
286  S98.0  Traumatic amputation of foot at ankle level  Amputasi traumatik kaki pada tingkat pergelangan kaki
287  S98.4  Traumatic amputation of foot, level unspecified  Amputasi Traumatic kaki , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
289  S58.9  Traumatic amputation of forearm, level unspecified  Amputasi Traumatic lengan , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
290  S68.4  Traumatic amputation of hand at wrist level  Amputasi traumatik tangan pada tingkat pergelangan
292  S78.9  Traumatic amputation of hip and thigh, level unspecified  Amputasi Trauma pinggul dan paha , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
294  S88.9  Traumatic amputation of lower leg, level unspecified  Amputasi traumatik tungkai bawah , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
295  T13.6  Traumatic amputation of lower limb, level unspecified  Amputasi traumatik ekstremitas bawah , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
296  T05.4  Traumatic amputation of one foot and other leg [any level, except foot]  Amputasi traumatik dari satu kaki dan kaki lainnya [ tingkat manapun , kecuali kaki ]
297  T05.1  Traumatic amputation of one hand and other arm [any level, except hand]  Amputasi traumatik dari satu tangan dan lengan lain [ tingkat manapun , kecuali tangan ]
298  S38.3  Traumatic amputation of other and unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back and pelvis  Amputasi traumatis bagian lain dan tidak spesifik dari perut , punggung bawah dan panggul
299  S98.3  Traumatic amputation of other parts of foot  Amputasi traumatik bagian lain dari kaki
300  S68.8  Traumatic amputation of other parts of wrist and hand  Amputasi traumatik bagian lain dari pergelangan tangan dan tangan
301  S68.1  Traumatic amputation of other single finger (complete)(partial)  Amputasi traumatik jari tunggal lainnya (lengkap ) ( parsial )
303  S28.1  Traumatic amputation of part of thorax  Amputasi traumatis bagian thorax
305  S48.9  Traumatic amputation of shoulder and upper arm, level unspecified  Amputasi traumatis bahu dan lengan atas , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
306  S68.0  Traumatic amputation of thumb (complete)(partial)  Amputasi Traumatic praktis (lengkap ) ( parsial )
307  T09.6  Traumatic amputation of trunk, level unspecified  Amputasi Traumatic batang , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
308  S68.2  Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone (complete)(partial)  Amputasi traumatik dari dua atau lebih jari saja (lengkap ) ( parsial )
309  S98.2  Traumatic amputation of two or more toes  Amputasi traumatik dari dua atau lebih jari kaki
310  S08.9  Traumatic amputation of unspecified part of head  Amputasi traumatik yang tidak spesifik bagian kepala
311  T05.6  Traumatic amputation of upper and lower limbs, any combination [any level]  Amputasi traumatis tungkai atas dan bawah , kombinasi [ tingkat manapun ]
312  T11.6  Traumatic amputation of upper limb, level unspecified  Amputasi traumatik ekstremitas atas , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
314  S68.9  Traumatic amputation of wrist and hand, level unspecified  Amputasi Trauma pergelangan tangan dan tangan , tingkat yang tidak spesifik
316  T05.8  Traumatic amputations involving other combinations of body regions  Amputasi traumatik yang melibatkan kombinasi lain dari daerah tubuh
317  T79.5  Traumatic anuria  anuria trauma
318  M12.57  Traumatic arthropathy, ankle and foot  
319  M12.53  Traumatic arthropathy, forearm  
320  M12.54  Traumatic arthropathy, hand  
321  M12.56  Traumatic arthropathy, lower leg  
322  M12.50  Traumatic arthropathy, multiple sites  
323  M12.58  Traumatic arthropathy, other site  
324  M12.55  Traumatic arthropathy, pelvic region and thigh  
325  M12.51  Traumatic arthropathy, shoulder region  
326  M12.59  Traumatic arthropathy, site unspecified  
327  M12.52  Traumatic arthropathy, upper arm  
328  S06.1  Traumatic cerebral oedema  Trauma edema serebral
329  S26.0  Traumatic haemopericardium  Cedera hati dengan hemoperikardium
330  S27.2  Traumatic haemopneumothorax  haemopneumothorax trauma
331  T79.6  Traumatic ischaemia of muscle  Iskemia Trauma otot
332  S27.0  Traumatic pneumothorax  pneumotoraks traumatik
333  S13.0  Traumatic rupture of cervical intervertebral disc  Pecah traumatis disc intervertebralis serviks
334  S63.4  Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint(s)  Pecah traumatis ligamen jari di metacarpophalangeal dan interphalangeal sendi ( s )
335  S63.3  Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist and carpus  Pecah traumatis ligamen pergelangan tangan dan tulang pergelangan tangan
336  S33.0  Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc  Pecah traumatis lumbar disc intervertebralis
337  S53.2  Traumatic rupture of radial collateral ligament  Pecah traumatis radial ligamen kolateral
338  S33.4  Traumatic rupture of symphysis pubis  Pecah traumatis simfisis pubis
339  S23.0  Traumatic rupture of thoracic intervertebral disc  Pecah Traumatic disk intervertebralis toraks
340  S53.3  Traumatic rupture of ulnar collateral ligament  Pecah traumatis jaminan ulnaris ligamentum
341  T79.2  Traumatic secondary and recurrent haemorrhage  Trauma perdarahan sekunder dan berulang
342  T79.4  Traumatic shock hipovolamik  syok trauma
343  M48.32  Traumatic spondylopathy, cervical region  
344  M48.33  Traumatic spondylopathy, cervicothoracic region  
345  M48.36  Traumatic spondylopathy, lumbar region  
346  M48.37  Traumatic spondylopathy, lumbosacral region  
347  M48.30  Traumatic spondylopathy, multiple sites in spine  
348  M48.31  Traumatic spondylopathy, occipito-atlanto-axial region  
349  M48.38  Traumatic spondylopathy, sacral and sacrococcygeal region  
350  M48.39  Traumatic spondylopathy, site unspecified  
351  M48.34  Traumatic spondylopathy, thoracic region  
352  M48.35  Traumatic spondylopathy, thoracolumbar region  
353  S06.6  Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage  Trauma perdarahan subarachnoid
354  T79.7  Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema  Emfisema subkutan Trauma
355  H26.1  Traumatik catarac  katarak traumatik
356  X51  TRAVEL & MOTION  Travel dan gerak sebagai penyebab eksternal morbiditas dan mortalitas
357  X51.79  Travel and motion, farm, during unspecified activity  
358  X51.71  Travel and motion, farm, while engaged in leisure activity  
359  X51.78  Travel and motion, farm, while engaged in other specified activities  
360  X51.73  Travel and motion, farm, while engaged in other types of work  
361  X51.70  Travel and motion, farm, while engaged in sports activity  
362  X51.74  Travel and motion, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
363  X51.72  Travel and motion, farm, while working for an income  
364  X51.09  Travel and motion, home, during unspecified activity  
365  X51.01  Travel and motion, home, while engaged in leisure activity  
366  X51.08  Travel and motion, home, while engaged in other specified activities  
367  X51.03  Travel and motion, home, while engaged in other types of work  
368  X51.00  Travel and motion, home, while engaged in sports activity  
369  X51.04  Travel and motion, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
370  X51.02  Travel and motion, home, while working for an income  
371  X51.69  Travel and motion, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity  
372  X51.61  Travel and motion, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity  
373  X51.68  Travel and motion, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities  
374  X51.63  Travel and motion, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work  
375  X51.60  Travel and motion, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity  
376  X51.64  Travel and motion, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
377  X51.62  Travel and motion, industrial and construction area, while working for an income  
378  X51.89  Travel and motion, other specified places, during unspecified activity  
379  X51.81  Travel and motion, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity  
380  X51.88  Travel and motion, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities  
381  X51.83  Travel and motion, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work  
382  X51.80  Travel and motion, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity  
383  X51.84  Travel and motion, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
384  X51.82  Travel and motion, other specified places, while working for an income  
385  X51.19  Travel and motion, residential institution, during unspecified activity  
386  X51.11  Travel and motion, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity  
387  X51.18  Travel and motion, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities  
388  X51.13  Travel and motion, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work  
389  X51.10  Travel and motion, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity  
390  X51.14  Travel and motion, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
391  X51.12  Travel and motion, residential institution, while working for an income  
392  X51.29  Travel and motion, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity  
393  X51.21  Travel and motion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity  
394  X51.28  Travel and motion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities  
395  X51.23  Travel and motion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work  
396  X51.20  Travel and motion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity  
397  X51.24  Travel and motion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
398  X51.22  Travel and motion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income  
399  X51.39  Travel and motion, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity  
400  X51.31  Travel and motion, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity  
401  X51.38  Travel and motion, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities  
402  X51.33  Travel and motion, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work  
403  X51.30  Travel and motion, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity  
404  X51.34  Travel and motion, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
405  X51.32  Travel and motion, sports and athletics area, while working for an income  
406  X51.49  Travel and motion, street and highway, during unspecified activity  
407  X51.41  Travel and motion, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity  
408  X51.48  Travel and motion, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities  
409  X51.43  Travel and motion, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work  
410  X51.40  Travel and motion, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity  
411  X51.44  Travel and motion, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
412  X51.42  Travel and motion, street and highway, while working for an income  
413  X51.59  Travel and motion, trade and service area, during unspecified activity  
414  X51.51  Travel and motion, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity  
415  X51.58  Travel and motion, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities  
416  X51.53  Travel and motion, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work  
417  X51.50  Travel and motion, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity  
418  X51.54  Travel and motion, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
419  X51.52  Travel and motion, trade and service area, while working for an income  
420  X51.99  Travel and motion, unspecified place, during unspecified activity  
421  X51.91  Travel and motion, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity  
422  X51.98  Travel and motion, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities  
423  X51.93  Travel and motion, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work  
424  X51.90  Travel and motion, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity  
425  X51.94  Travel and motion, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities  
426  X51.92  Travel and motion, unspecified place, while working for an income  
427  R25.1  Tremor, unspecified  Tremor , tidak spesifik
428  A79.0  Trench fever  Demam parit
429  B75  TRICHINELLOSIS  Trichinellosis
430  T53.2  Trichloroethylene  Efek toksik dari trichloroethylene
432  A59.8  Trichomoniasis of other sites  Trikomoniasis situs lain
433  A59.9  Trichomoniasis, unspecified  Trikomoniasis , tidak spesifik
434  L67.0  Trichorrhexis nodosa  Trichorrhexis nodosa
435  B81.2  Trichostrongyliasis  Trichostrongyliasis
436  F63.3  Trichotillomania  Trikotilomania
437  B79  TRICHURIASIS  Trichuriasis
438  I07.1  Tricuspid insufficiency  Insufisiensi trikuspid
439  I07.0  Tricuspid stenosis  Stenosis trikuspid
440  I07.2  Tricuspid stenosis with insufficiency  Stenosis trikuspid dengan insufisiensi
441  I07.9  Tricuspid valve disease, unspecified  Penyakit katup trikuspid , tidak spesifik
442  I39.2  Tricuspid valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere  Gangguan katup trikuspid pada penyakit diklasifikasikan di tempat lain
443  T43.0  Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants  Keracunan oleh antidepresan trisiklik dan tetracyclic
444  Y49.0  Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi antidepresan trisiklik dan tetracyclic
445  I45.3  Trifascicular block  Blok Trifascicular
446  M65.3  Trigger finger  memicu jari
447  N30.3  Trigonitis  Trigonitis
448  O30.1  Triplet pregnancy  kehamilan triplet
449  Q92.7  Triploidy and polyploidy  Triploidi dan poliploidi
450  Q91.4  Trisomy 13, meiotic nondisjunction  Trisomi 13 , nondisjunction meiosis
451  Q91.5  Trisomy 13, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)  Trisomi 13 , mosaicism ( mitosis nondisjunction )
452  Q91.6  Trisomy 13, translocation  Trisomi 13 , translokasi
453  Q91.0  Trisomy 18, meiotic nondisjunction  Trisomi 18 , nondisjunction meiosis
454  Q91.1  Trisomy 18, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)  Trisomi 18 , mosaicism ( mitosis nondisjunction )
455  Q91.2  Trisomy 18, translocation  Trisomi 18 , translokasi
456  Q90.0  Trisomy 21, meiotic nondisjunction  Trisomi 21 , nondisjunction meiosis
457  Q90.1  Trisomy 21, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)  Trisomi 21 , mosaicism ( mitosis nondisjunction )
458  Q90.2  Trisomy 21, translocation  Trisomi 21 , translokasi
459  Q92.9  Trisomy and partial trisomy of autosomes, unspecified  Trisomi dan trisomi parsial autosom , tidak spesifik
460  M70.6  Trochanteric bursitis  bursitis trokanterika
461  G04.1  Tropical spastic paraplegia  Tropical paraplegia spastik
462  K90.1  Tropical sprue  Tropis sariawan
463  C96.3  True histiocytic lymphoma  Limfoma histiocytic Benar
464  O00.1  Tubal pregnancy / KET  kehamilan tuba
467  A30.1  Tuberculoid leprosy  Kusta tuberkuloid
468  O98.0  Tuberculosis complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium  Tuberkulosis komplikasi kehamilan , persalinan dan masa nifas
469  A18.7  Tuberculosis of adrenal glands (E35.1*)  Tuberkulosis kelenjar adrenal
470  M90.07  Tuberculosis of bone, ankle and foot (A18.0+)  
471  M90.03  Tuberculosis of bone, forearm (A18.0+)  
472  M90.04  Tuberculosis of bone, hand (A18.0+)  
473  M90.06  Tuberculosis of bone, lower leg (A18.0+)  
474  M90.00  Tuberculosis of bone, multiple sites (A18.0+)  
475  M90.08  Tuberculosis of bone, other site (A18.0+)  
476  M90.05  Tuberculosis of bone, pelvic region and thigh (A18.0+)  
477  M90.01  Tuberculosis of bone, shoulder region (A18.0+)  
478  M90.09  Tuberculosis of bone, site unspecified (A18.0+)  
479  M90.02  Tuberculosis of bone, upper arm (A18.0+)  
480  A18.0  Tuberculosis of bones and joints  Tuberkulosis tulang dan sendi
481  A18.6  Tuberculosis of ear  Tuberkulosis telinga
482  A18.5  Tuberculosis of eye  Tuberkulosis mata
483  A18.1  Tuberculosis of genitourinary system  Tuberkulosis sistem genitourinari
484  A18.3  Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands / prtonisis TBC  TBC usus , peritoneum dan kelenjar mesenterika
485  A15.4  Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically  Tuberkulosis kelenjar getah bening intrathoracic , dikonfirmasi bakteriologis dan histologis
486  A16.3  Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation  Tuberkulosis kelenjar getah bening intrathoracic , tanpa adanya konfirmasi bakteriologis atau histologis
487  A15.5  Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically  Tuberkulosis laring , trakea , dan bronkus , dikonfirmasi secara bakteriologis dan histologis
488  A16.4  Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation  Tuberkulosis laring , trakea , dan bronkus , tanpa adanya konfirmasi bakteriologis atau histologis
489  A16.1  Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriological and histological examination not done  TBC paru-paru , dengan pemeriksaan bakteriologis dan histologis yang tidak dilakukan
490  A16.0  Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriologically and histologically negative  TBC paru-paru , bakteriologis dan histologis negatif
491  A15.1  Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only  TBC paru-paru , yang hanya dikonfirmasi secara kultur
492  A15.0  Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by sputum microscopy with or without culture  TBC paru-paru , hasil konfirmasi mikroskop pada sputum dengan atau tanpa cultur
493  A15.3  Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by unspecified means  TBC paru-paru , yang dikonfirmasi dengan cara yang tidak spesifik
494  A15.2  Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically  TBC paru-paru , yang dikonfirmasi secara histologi
495  A17.9  Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified (G99.8*)  Tuberkulosis sistem saraf , tidak spesifik
496  A18.8  Tuberculosis of other specified organs  Tuberkulosis pada organ tertentu lainnya
497  M49.02  Tuberculosis of spine, cervical region (A18.0+)  
498  M49.03  Tuberculosis of spine, cervicothoracic region (A18.0+)  
499  M49.06  Tuberculosis of spine, lumbar region (A18.0+)  
500  M49.07  Tuberculosis of spine, lumbosacral region (A18.0+)  
501  M49.00  Tuberculosis of spine, multiple sites in spine (A18.0+)  
502  M49.01  Tuberculosis of spine, occipito-atlanto-axial region (A18.0+)  
503  M49.08  Tuberculosis of spine, sacral and sacrococcygeal region (A18.0+)  
504  M49.09  Tuberculosis of spine, site unspecified (A18.0+)  
505  M49.04  Tuberculosis of spine, thoracic region (A18.0+)  
506  M49.05  Tuberculosis of spine, thoracolumbar region (A18.0+)  
507  M01.17  Tuberculous arthritis, ankle and foot (A18.0+)  
508  M01.13  Tuberculous arthritis, forearm (A18.0+)  
509  M01.14  Tuberculous arthritis, hand (A18.0+)  
510  M01.16  Tuberculous arthritis, lower leg (A18.0+)  
511  M01.10  Tuberculous arthritis, multiple sites (A18.0+)  
512  M01.18  Tuberculous arthritis, other (A18.0+)  
513  M01.15  Tuberculous arthritis, pelvic region and thigh (A18.0+)  
514  M01.11  Tuberculous arthritis, shoulder region (A18.0+)  
515  M01.19  Tuberculous arthritis, site unspecified (A18.0+)  
516  M01.12  Tuberculous arthritis, upper arm (A18.0+)  
517  N33.0  Tuberculous cystitis (A18.1+)  cystitis TB
518  K93.0  Tuberculous disorders of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands (A18.3+)  Gangguan TB usus , peritoneum dan kelenjar mesenterika
519  N74.0  Tuberculous infection of cervix uteri (A18.1+)  Infeksi tuberkulosis dari serviks uteri
520  K23.0  Tuberculous oesophagitis (A18.8+)  Esofagitis TB
521  K67.3  Tuberculous peritonitis (A18.3+)  Peritonitis tuberkulosa
522  A15.6  Tuberculous pleurisy, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically  Pleuritis tuberkulosa , dikonfirmasi secara bakteriologis dan histologis
523  A16.5  Tuberculous pleurisy, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation  Pleuritis tuberkulosa , tanpa adanya konfirmasi bakteriologis atau histologis
524  Q85.1  Tuberous sclerosis  tuberous sclerosis
525  Z31.0  Tuboplasty or vasoplasty after previous sterilisation  Tuboplasty atau vasoplasty setelah sterilisasi sebelumnya
526  A21  TULARAEMIA  
527  A21.9  Tularaemia, unspecified  Tularaemia , tidak spesifik
528  B88.1  Tungiasis [sandflea infestation]  Tungiasis [ sandflea infestasi ]
529  Q96.9  Turners syndrome, unspecified  Sindrom Turner , tidak spesifik
531  O30.0  Twin preg / gemeli  Twin kehamilan
532  Z38.3  Twin, born in hospital  Twin , lahir di rumah sakit
533  Z38.4  Twin, born outside hospital  Twin , lahir di luar rumah sakit
534  Z38.5  Twin, unspecified as to place of birth  Twin , tidak spesifik untuk tempat lahir
535  Z37.2  Twins, both liveborn  Twins , baik lahir hidup
536  Z37.4  Twins, both stillborn  Twins , baik lahir mati
537  Z37.3  Twins, one liveborn and one stillborn  Twins , satu lahir hidup dan lahir mati satu
538  H74.0  Tympanosclerosis  Timpanosklerosis
539  A01  Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers  Demam tifoid dan paratifoid
540  Y58.1  Typhoid and paratyphoid vaccine causing adverse effects in therapeutic use  Efek samping dalam penggunaan terapi vaksin tifoid dan paratifoid
541  A01.0  Typhoid fever  Demam tifoid
542  A75.3  Typhus fever due to Rickettsia tsutsugamushi  Demam tipus karena tsutsugamushi Rickettsia
543  A75.2  Typhus fever due to Rickettsia typhi  Demam tipus karena typhi Rickettsia
544  A75.9  Typhus fever, unspecified  Demam Tifus , tidak spesifik